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The Power Of Personal Responsibility - Part 2

Written by: Phillip Golding, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What are you creating? There is one ability that human beings have that sets us apart from every other creature on this planet, and that is the dynamic ability to create as an independent, self-driven consciousness. We are all creators, but we don’t necessarily know or understand what we are creating.

William Shatner, of Star Treck fame, recently wrote about his experience of actually entering space, for real, in Jeff Bezos’ "Blue Origin" spacecraft. Looking out into the dark, infinite expanse of space, Shatner described how he found himself not thinking about the adventure of "boldly going where no man has gone before", but instead, how cold, unforgiving and deadly space looked. When he looked back at earth, he described a profound feeling of how much Earth represented a sanctuary of safety and of life. He could see how fragile this sanctuary was, protected from space only by a thin layer of the atmosphere, which is kept in place by all the natural factors of Earth working in harmony together. He also reflected on the one factor within that perfectly balanced ecosystem that is threatening this vitally important balance, and that is humanity. Humanity, made up of human beings such as you and I, is out of balance with nature to the point of being in direct conflict with nature, each other, and ultimately ourselves, when in reality, we are all in this together. We are creators, but we are out of control and out of balance with creation itself.

The First Law of Consciousness

It doesn't have to be that way, however. As human beings, we also have the power to consciously create in harmony with ourselves, each other, and this gigantic spaceship that we live on. There are two fundamental principles, or Law of Consciousness, that guide our ability to create in harmony with all that we depend on. In fact, these laws were identified in the earliest known wisdom texts written five thousand years ago. These laws have remained a constant right up to now and continue to guide those who pay attention.

In my first article for Brainz magazine, I wrote about the importance of Acceptance, and particularly Unconditional Self-Acceptance ‒ the essential factor that enables us to look squarely at ourselves without being pushed back by our own, often unconscious, self-rejection. This is the first of the two Laws of Consciousness. Being able to look squarely at ourselves means that we are learning to be consciously aware of ourselves. This implies that even though, as human beings, we may have the power of a dynamic consciousness, we have not necessarily activated the full potential of that power. With Unconditional Self-Acceptance, our power of consciousness is being activated to the next level of awareness. Here we are learning to observe ourselves from a higher, more enlightened perspective. I described this fundamental acceptance as an essential factor that enables us to heal our minds, learn, grow and evolve. I also pointed out that acceptance is a quality of Unconditional Love, which is how we perceive/feel Oneness. That might sound a bit mystical, but when William Shatner looked back at mother Earth from the cold, unforgiving expanse of space, he not only saw, but experienced that Oneness that he felt so much a part of.

The Second Law of Consciousness

From that state of wonder and connection, Shatner then felt something very different, and that was despair at the pointless disharmony and conflict that humanity engages in. This brings us to the second Law of Consciousness, which is Personal Responsibility. Personal Responsibility is the path of wisdom, integrity and genuine empowerment ‒ an empowerment that not only empowers ourselves, but motivates and enables us to empower others. Unconditional Acceptance/Love and Personal Responsibility, to be a force for good, must be combined, like the two wings of a bird. Without Personal Responsibility, Unconditional Self-Acceptance can become self-indulgent and can fall into the temptation of taking from others and the world, such as with thoughtless materialism. Without Unconditional Self-Acceptance, Personal Responsibility can become harsh and unforgiving, and can seek to dominate others to fulfil an underlying emptiness. We must combine these two Laws of Consciousness and live them as the foundation for our own relationship with ourselves and our approach to creating our lives. When we do, we enter the path of accepting full responsibility to love ourselves unconditionally. This means our self-worth no longer depends on things external to us. We no longer have to control, manipulate and exploit those around us to feel whole and secure. It also implies that Love does not come from outside us. Just like the empowered realisation that no one owns our worth, in the same way, no one owns our Love. In reality, genuine self-worth and self-love are the same thing.

This takes a lot of thinking about, and can be a very confronting perspective for the ego to comprehend. In my experience, all that is in our minds that are confronted by this perspective is what creates disharmony, conflict and suffering. This perspective (accepting full responsibility to love ourselves unconditionally) is fundamentally important for empowerment and resilience. It is fundamental for creating relationship harmony. Sustainability in business also depends on these Laws of Consciousness. The most important factor in Personal Responsibility is taking full ownership of your own mind. You see the world through the lens of your own mind, which colours everything you perceive. In other words, you are accepting full responsibility for everything you think, feel, say and do.

Taking Charge of Your Mind

As adults, no one makes us think or feel. We have all grown through our childhood years to where we are thoroughly conditioned with beliefs and programmed life-strategies. What we think and feel in response or reaction to what is occurring in the moment is our choice, whether that choice is conscious or unconscious and depends directly on the meanings we project onto that moment. As adults, having the power of awareness, we are in charge of our own minds, just like we are in charge of the car that we are driving on the road. If we deny the road rules and impulsively do whatever we want on the road, regardless of the other drivers and also our own highest good, we are going to create chaos. In the same way, if we deny Self-Acceptance and Personal Responsibility, the laws of Conscious-Awareness, we will create some form of chaos in our lives, and within our own minds. Unlike adults, children have limited access to awareness. That’s why they need parents ‒ to mentor them into their growing potential of awareness. When parents deny responsibility for their own minds, the consequences are obvious.

As I also pointed out in my first article, living these Laws of Consciousness does not mean that we are going to get it right. It means that we are going to have a go, while accepting our humanness as well as the outcomes of our efforts and decisions and do our best to learn something constructive from that experience.

Living the Power of Personal Responsibility

Let us see how these Laws of Consciousness work in a relationship that is harmonious, loving and highly functional. Such a relationship does not occur by accident. Each person in that relationship already knows how to love and accept themselves without depending on the other person to do this for them. They are not so much taking love from one another, but instead inflowing love into the relationship from the fountain of their own relationship with themselves. They are standing on their internal self-worth, self-love foundation. The more we depend on the other to be the source of our love and worth, the more we trap each other in expectations that we can’t live up to, resulting in conflict. In this harmonious relationship, each person takes ownership of their own worth, which also means they each accept their own humanness. They don’t blame/judge the other when their fears and insecurities are triggered. They instead recognise that their sudden vulnerability is revealing to their awareness where they have become confused, usually due to unhelpful conditioning from their childhood, that has led to unrealistic expectations. They don’t blame/judge themselves either. As a result of their own self-awareness and self-compassion, they, instead, see the opportunity to adjust their thinking for their own highest good, which also benefits the relationship. To the degree that we blame and judge the other or ourselves, is the degree that we won’t learn from our own mistakes. Also, to the degree that we blame and judge ourselves is the degree that we allow ourselves to be mistreated, or inversely, the more we try to prop up our self-worth with pride, denial and self-righteousness.

When we run a business with this aware perspective, we are not depending on the business to prop up our ego. We are not running on empty, expecting business outcomes to fill us up. This existential emptiness, that drives all business practices that engage in exploitation of people and unsustainable use of natural resources, is driven by self-rejection. I suspect it also drives the boom and bust of the stock market. This self-rejection may be denied and buried deep within our unconscious, but it is revealed when enough is never enough. An important lesson I learned in business is to be able to let it go, to even have it fail, without my self-worth being reduced. I learned to not build my self-worth and identity around my business, which is a center for professionals in the field of mental health and personal development. Being in charge of my own worth and accepting my own humanness took the fear and stress out of building, managing and maintaining my business. It helped me be more patient and enabled me to see and operate from a bigger picture. My center is a stable home for a number of independent practitioners, who are there because they want to be there. It is like a home to them. There are no contracts locking them in. What there is is good will and cooperation, nurtured by Acceptance and Personal Responsibility.

There was a time when my lease was under threat. This was a challenge, because the building we are in and its location is quite unique. During the meeting with the other practitioners to discuss the matter, they unanimously decided that, if need be, we would all move together and share resources to make that happen. That is what relationship means, business or personal. That is the harmony, the Oneness, that is created by having Acceptance and Personal Responsibility as the foundation of our lives.

Being a Student of Life

I also mentioned in my first article that through the power of Acceptance and Personal Responsibility, you are no longer a victim of Life, but become a student of Life. You cannot be consciously aware and be a victim at the same time. Every moment is an opportunity to look at how your own mind is reacting or responding to the moment, revealing how you are accepting yourself or rejecting yourself. Self-rejection is revealed by your vulnerable emotions of pain and suffering. Your mind is calling out to you to parent yourself with compassion, love and the power of Personal Responsibility. Through these Laws of Consciousness, you come to experience how Life is partnering you in your own evolution ‒ evolving you into your own potential. When observing life from this perspective, you will become aware of how life’s circumstances and conditions mirror so effectively what you need to learn.

Knowing What Works and Why

Look at the world around you and observe it from this empowered perspective. Where there is self-rejection, there is pride, denial and self-righteousness trying to compensate for it, or people allowing themselves to be mistreated and therefore conflict. Self-rejection creates internal conflict with our own selves. As a result, that inner-conflict is projected onto others, depending on our own conditioning and personality. These projections, driven by self-rejection, create fear, prejudice, dishonesty, division and inequality in the community. Out of their own self-created fear, people seek to reject, dominate or exploit others. In contrast, where the Laws of Consciousness are being lived, there is tolerance, inclusiveness, kindness, mutual respect, integrity, equality/equity and harmony, because people are in harmony with themselves.

Perhaps, with our growing collective awareness, more than at any other time, we can see the consequences of the absence of these Laws of Consciousness and also when they are actually being lived. It is not always black and white. There is always a lot of grey. However, observing from this perspective will help you see what works and why it works. Have a look for yourself. Perhaps you may want to explore these laws of consciousness for yourself in your own life. What’s the risk? All you will loose is inner-conflict and suffering. What you will gain is inner-harmony, loving relationships, empowerment, sustainability and awareness.

Live your life from the power of Self-Acceptance and Personal Responsibility and create a life that matches your potential.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Phillip Golding, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Phil has been on his own personal development journey since 1984. He overcame chronic depression and PTSD, which motivated him to continue to learn about emotional healing, psychology, and self-awareness. Phil’s qualifications and experience cover general psychology, existential/spiritual/transpersonal psychology and mindfulness and a post-graduate degree in psychology. With his personal and professional experience, Phil developed the powerful and effective mindfulness-based “Five Step Process,” which has been the foundation of his psychotherapy practice and mindfulness/self-awareness teaching. Phil is also an author and is in the process of completing the second edition of his book, “Five Steps to Freedom.”

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