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The Power Of Love

Written by: Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It could take me days at times, to get over myself, knowing that I had gone too far, knowing that I had been losing myself again in a chain of ‘Reacting’. It has happened many times before and every time I had felt guilty that I hadn’t been able to control myself. Knowing that the guilt wouldn’t help me in any way to solve my own pattern.

The anger, frustration or irritation would just burst out, so explosively, I having no space in me to be one step ahead and able to turn around to face myself. All this due to being overloaded in my mind, my emotions, and my body, just hanging on to the stories I believed were true.

In the beginning, it would take me months to realise how my reactions were shaped by my own thoughts. Then it would take me weeks, days and eventually just a few hours to slowly learn how to be in ‘The Moment’, already in its realisation a chain of past experiences.

I questioned, where I could find the space to close the lid of my own adrenaline bucket. I questioned how I could sit back and give myself the space to realise that all this ‘Reacting’ was locking me up into a very limited ‘Self’. Wouldn’t it be the first step to realise that ‘Every Thought is just a Thought’? And wouldn’t it be the second step to realise that these thoughts may not be ‘The Truth’? And wouldn’t I then reach the conclusion that my thoughts may feel ‘Real’ but are not the ‘Reality’?

The moment I was able to place this doubt in between my own thoughts, the ‘Realisation’ came to me that ‘I am not my Thoughts’. It was a huge ‘Revelation’, leading me in that moment onto the path of Meditation. The path of listening and observing myself, in the patterns I had shaped by the chain of momentary life experiences. The patterns that were drained in the incredible complex network of my own thoughts, linked with my emotions and physical actions, and loaded with the vibration of my own unique energy.

I learned to come to a ‘Stand Still’, to sit and listen to my own ‘Life Story’, the story of this unique ‘Being’. I became aware of how rusted I was in my ‘Mind’, in the thoughts and expectations I had for myself and how the world around me had to align with them. I realised how this inner world was holding me back from seeing ‘What Is’. I knew that penetrating these layers, which are covering up the Truth, would take me years, if not a lifetime or even lifetimes. At least I felt that I had entered a space of ‘Being’, which would pull me eventually out of my limited ‘Self’ and out of my ‘Self-created’ ‘Reaction’ chain.

I started to observe the fastness and repetitiveness of the world that would operate in the background of my mind. I started to see how I would defend myself and justify my views, so I wouldn’t have to give in and take responsibility. I started to see how I would use my surroundings to support my story, drifting away from my own essence. I started to see how I would lose myself in giving myself away to ‘Be Loved’, crossing severely the boundaries of myself and others.

Within the pain and the turmoil of this ‘Life Challenge’, inflicted upon ourselves by each one of us, I started to realise that we all are hidden from the ‘Ultimate Truth’ and that we all are meant to make our way through the veils back to the ‘Source’; I started to realise that within each one of us there is a ‘Seed’ that in the end wants to ‘Love’ and ‘Be Loved’. A ‘Seed’ in the image of ‘Source’, pure ‘Love’. And so, I realised that ‘Love’ is the ‘Key’ for every conflict in me and with the other; conflicts, created by my reasoning ‘Mind’, overruling my feeling ‘Heart’.

I learned that only my ‘Heart’ can speak the ‘Truth’. And so, I sent ‘Love’ first to myself in everything I had done, was doing and would do to let go of the unloving patterns rooted in me causing the ‘Reacting’ chain. I knew that I had to detach from my thoughts and attached emotions first to come to inner forgiveness and acceptance before I would be able to send ‘Love’ to anyone else in forgiveness and acceptance. I knew I could only open-up space for the others if I would open-up space for myself.

And so, I learned that ‘Love’ is the ‘Key’, the absolute ‘Universal Key’ in everyone’s journey. I learned that we all can create space within, that brings us to the present moment. I learned how that space can lead us to awareness and so to a life of ‘Responding’ rather than ‘Reacting’; no matter how challenging the circumstances. I learned how this ‘Key of Love’ leads to Unity and Freedom within me and within others. I know now that I only have to remember that ‘Thoughts are just Thoughts’ and that ‘I am not my Thoughts’. I know now that I can come to a ‘Stand Still’, a pause and become present in the moment. And I know now that I can send ‘Love’ to myself and the other in that moment.

Join me in this Life’s Work! The Joy and Freedom are tremendous!

Brisbane, Australia

Follow Frida on Facebook, Linkedin and visit her website for more information.


Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Frida Joosting is a Life Traveler, lead by curiosity into experiences of seeking depth and truth in Existence. Guidance from many spiritual souls like Krishnamurti, Yogananda, Osho, Eghart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Rumi has enriched her Life and moved her into diverse directions. She is an Artist at heart, living a life of service, using intuition and intention for Creation, and allowing Reality to unfold wherever the river flows. From Dancer, Choreographer and Educator transitioning into Writer, Speaker and Business Facilitator, is the never-ending exciting adventure she brings to her audience. Potential Freedom, her inspirational business in Personal Development Programs and Events, offers like-minded travelers to join her in a unique Work / Life Balance experience. And so she says: Live Life Truly, Fully and in Abundance!

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