Tina Robinson is an expert when it comes to creating the perfect work-life balance. Overcoming many adversaries, aged 14, she suffered the tragic loss of her best friend. She consequently developed bulimia; life became unimaginable, but her strong innate resolve and passion for the subconscious mind guided Tina on the right path.

I know the importance of ‘letting go’ because it is something I have practiced for many years, although I have to be honest, there have been times that I have held onto a painful memory for too long and have allowed it to become insidious. Fortunately, I can recognise when this happens and start the process of releasing its power over me. By releasing and letting go, you can free yourself from the pain of holding onto stuff for far too long, which, if left, can manifest into chronic daily setbacks on all levels, including physical. Remember, everything has a source, good and bad.

The concept of "letting go" might seem a little off in our fast-living world of reaching for bigger things. We are conditioned to believe that success is a direct result of relentless control and constant effort. On the contrary, the true power lies in the ability to let go. Embracing this practice can transform your life, bringing peace, clarity, and growth that you never thought possible.
Understanding letting go
Letting go is the thing that gives you the freedom to choose not to continue living the same life every day. It's not that we are giving up or being passive. It is the process of loosening our grip on those things that no longer bring us joy, like bad attitudes, limited thoughts, or a toxic relationship. It's about trusting the process of life and having faith in your journey.
The emotional freedom
Suppressing anger, resentment, or fear only gives our body unnecessary pressure. These feelings that have been pushed down into the depths of our being will weigh on us and cloud our intelligence. Letting go of them allows us to live more freely. This emotional freedom lets us feel more joyful and grateful, giving us inner peace.
Enhancing mental clarity
We become victims of tunnel vision when we restrict ourselves to specific outcomes or inflexible plans. Letting go paves the way for new possibilities and different ways of looking at things. The state of mental clarity gives us a perspective that attracts problem-solving solutions that otherwise would seem unimaginable. A mind free from any interference is the basis for smoother and more astute decisions.
Fostering personal growth
Often we as human beings have to conquer our fears and live through the unknown to realise true personal growth, which is often extremely hard. One of the keys to personal development is letting go of the urge to control. We can then dare to take risks and go for opportunities that provoke development. It encourages us to become stronger as we develop the ability to adapt to change and we start to see our lives thrive.
Improving relationships
The practice of ‘letting go’ can serve a purpose in our human connections or bonds. Not forcing expectations and judgments gives enough space for true empathy and understanding. It allows people to see others as they are instead of trying to shape them into their ideals. This change allows one to be more accepting in their close relationships and thus more vivid.
Practical steps to letting go
Mindfulness meditation
Constant mindfulness training guarantees that you will start to notice your ideas and feelings without analysing them. It shows you how to watch and let go of the bad life cycle.
Gratitude journaling
Thinking about the great things you have in your life instead of mourning over what you don't have is an amazing way to train yourself in gratitude. This exercise is the first step in developing a positive attitude in life. I like to buy a special journal just for this, which helps me to develop the habit by acknowledging its purpose.
Acknowledge that change is a normal part of life. Be comfortable with the unknown and have faith that things will happen as they are supposed to.
Get rid of anger and forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness is a way to free oneself from chains that connect us to the source of the anger. A lovely prayer to use is ‘I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you, and it is the ho’oponopono prayer. To discover more. I discovered this wonderful little prayer and book over 10 years ago and have used it many times, and it’s great to have.
Remove extra thoughts, stuff, and commitments from your life that no longer bring value to you, and you want to be rid of these things to be Stress and Burden-Free. By doing this, you will de-clutter the clutter from your mind and create space for the things you need in life. De-cluttering can be so cathartic. I have always lived by the ‘tidy house, tidy mind’, ‘tidy car, tidy mind’, ‘tidy paperwork, tidy mind’, I think you get the idea, it helps life to flow; you should try it. It feels good!
Letting go scored highest and is considered the most powerful self-care and empowerment you can do for yourself, the beauty of it, is that you have full control. It enables us to live more fully in the present moment, exercise our inner power, and discover our innate abilities. By getting rid of the old and creating space for the new, we not only open up new opportunities, experiences, and peace, but we also have a stronger connection and a more peaceful life. By releasing these, you will get to enjoy the life-changing benefits of letting go. If you struggle with this and need help with letting go, get in touch and let me help you!
Tina Robinson, Peak Performance Hypnotherapist & Entrepreneur
Tina Robinson is an expert when it comes to creating the perfect work-life balance. Overcoming many adversaries, aged 14 suffering the tragic loss of her best friend she consequently developed bulimia, life became unimaginable but her strong innate resolve and passion for the subconscious mind guided Tina on the right path. She has spent over 20 years as an entrepreneur working with her subconscious mind, creating the perfect balanced life. A Certified Hypnotherapist specialising in 'Peak Performance' Tina offers globally, a one of a kind service to fellow entrepreneurs, who are on a quest for harmony, using her unique method in 'Mind-Artistry'. Her mission is to transform lives from the inside out.