Gina Gayle Gray is a Freedom Coach, Counselor & Oracle who guides others to heal emotional wounds. Her grief experience after losing her son, Spencer, set her on the path to becoming a wounded healer in service to others. She now uses her connection to Spencer in the Spirit realm to support others who want to heal grief and all emotional wounds.

Emotional Health Coach, Counselor, and Oracle Gina Gayle Gray explores the transformative power of hope – an emotion that exists on a spectrum from hopelessness to hopefulness. In a world where emotional well-being is in crisis, Gina reveals how hope can serve as a guiding force for healing emotional wounds. Through her holistic approach, blending NLP, biofield tuning, and emotion code energy work, she helps individuals clear emotional blockages, reconnect with their inner wisdom, and cultivate a more vibrant life. Discover the role of hope in restoring balance and embracing emotional health.

HOPE, a tiny word with unlimited potential
Hope is a powerful emotion, and like all emotions, it is expressed within our energetic field on a sliding scale or spectrum. At each end of this spectrum, we find two extreme or opposite points. For the emotion of hope, which lies in the center of this spectrum, the two extremes are hopelessness and hopefulness. Hopelessness feels denser, heavier, and sluggish because its vibrational frequency is at the lowest point. Hopefulness, on the other hand, feels lighter, brighter, and lifts you into the realm of unlimited potential and possibilities.
Within this broad range, there are multiple messages to be received from the emotional messenger called hope in its many forms.
All emotions are messengers, and when they are listened to and heard, they become your own best “specialist,” speaking to you from a place of deep inner wisdom. The old paradigm of the conventional medical system, which has been offered to people for many years, is crumbling because it does not heal, and many are realizing this now. Numbing the human body with man-made prescription medicines has resulted in a population that is now "dumbed down" due to the numbing effects of drugs, which are not medicine.
Drugs such as antidepressants, pain relievers, sedatives, opiates, and antibiotics have disempowered people, leading to an epidemic of mind, body, and soul illness and dis-ease. This is especially true in countries where they are pushed upon the population as a simple solution to highly complex problems that are mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual in nature. The widespread emotion of hopelessness that humanity is experiencing is directly related to this unhealthy addiction to prescription drugs.
Now is the time to remember how to listen to our own bodies and learn the language they speak when they do so in a whisper, rather than waiting for them to scream out in physical pain, illness, discomfort, or dis-ease. The key to using the language of emotions to achieve complete mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health is reconnecting with our deep, innate ability to listen to the subtle messages offered by every emotion that arises. Seeking the emotion of hopefulness is the best way to begin healing.
Most people have heard about the inconceivable number of thoughts that enter our energetic field every day. However, the knowledge that an equal number of emotions exist is not discussed as often. Every emotion has its own frequency, and these energetic messages travel in waves. They are meant to flow into our field, be felt (processed), and then freely move through us in an expressive form, whether through words or actions.
This is step one on the path to emotional health.
Emotional health and the higher mind of mental health
Emotional health is a specialty, and understanding all there is to know about emotions requires that we reconnect with and open our hearts, the interior of the magnetic field and the processing center for emotions. Mental health is also a specialty, and understanding all there is to know about thoughts requires that we reconnect with and open our higher mind, the exterior of our magnetic field, where all information is received.
It begins with giving careful attention to what frequency our higher mind is tuned into so we can intentionally seek information from the higher vibratory zones that are in alignment with it. When we take back our power of mental choice, we remember to be diligent about what we expose ourselves to and to be mindful of what we choose to feed our mental and emotional bodies. This is just as important to the energetic aspects of self as the food we feed our physical bodies.
Clearing the emotional field of core wound debris while on the journey to emotional health
Clearing and cleaning the energetic field of emotional and mental debris is step two on the path to healing emotional wounds. It is a necessary step to restore flow, which naturally opens the pathways that connect the mental and emotional aspects of self.
Many people are familiar with the names of several emotions, where they get trapped in the body, and the fact that emotions are energetic and must remain in flow so they do not become toxic. Blocked emotions create illness, injury, and dis-ease. However, very few people have learned or remembered that everyone has a core wound that is wired into them upon coming into physical form. This core wound is the root of all emotional wounds and must be acknowledged so it can be healed.
If you want to gain deep wisdom and inner knowing about what emotions truly are and how to heal emotional wounds, it is recommended that you seek guidance from a specialist in the field of emotional health. You can learn how to create a life of mind, body, and spirit soul health by working with an emotional health coach, counselor, and oracle, Gina Gayle Gray.
The journey to emotional health includes a deep dive into the magnetic field of your body
Energy residue and discord within your field will either be cleaned and removed using the Emotion Code or cleared, transformed, and returned to your energetic central channel to be recycled into the field using Biofield Tuning. Gina uses two different tools to clear and clean the emotional and mental body fields of all the debris left behind when life experiences were painful or unpleasant and the emotions were not felt. As a result, emotional residue became trapped in the memory field and the physical body.
She uses Biofield Tuning to clear the energetic field, then returns the bio photons to the client’s central channel and energy centers, allowing them to enjoy increased voltage for energy and a calmed central nervous system that activates peace of mind, body, and spirit soul. She also uses the Emotion Code energy-clearing modality to liberate emotions from the mind, body, and soul, restoring flow. This ensures that thoughts come in from the higher mind, flow through the emotional body, and enter the brain and heart for processing, so the resulting action is of the highest integrity and essence of truth.
Filling the emotional field with what you would rather feel while on the journey to emotional health
Once the heavy emotions are cleared and cleaned out, an important step three is to bring in emotions that you would rather feel. This is when new habits are practiced, and choices are made with intention and commitment to living a more vibrant and healthy life moving forward. The new emotions must be felt to be fully integrated. New thought streams paired with new emotional streams will be chosen and programmed into your upgraded mindset, helping you make new lifestyle choices and habits.
This is the core medicine and nurturing required to heal core wounds. A core medicine like the emotion of hope is available even in the darkest depths of hopelessness.
Closing message
The Journey Back to Me is a worthwhile investment in yourself. The cost for the online program is only $444. The cost for a full six-day, five-night all-inclusive retreat in Mexico with Gina to start the 40-day journey is only $1,800.
We all know that we have answers within us; we have just forgotten how to find them. They are like buried treasure, and these soul-u-tions are unique to each individual expression of Source, which is what every human being is. I am here to help you remember where these answers are hidden and to rediscover who you are as your true highest self.
Your journey can begin any day you are ready. Services are also offered separately from the Journey Back to Me and in combination packages.
Contact Gina at +1 940 231 0370 or
Visit my website for more info!
Read more from Gina Gayle Gray
Gina Gayle Gray, Freedom Coach, Counselor & Oracle
Gina Gayle Gray is a Freedom Coach, Counselor and Oracle who has been helping others find mental clarity since earning a Degree in Psychology in 1984. She later studied Counseling Psychology and then became a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a Certified Life Coach. She also earned her Certification to practice Biofield Tuning, Became an Emotion Code Practitioner and earned her David Wolfe Wholistic Nutrition Coach Certification. As a support professional, she now utilizes NLP Coaching for the Mind; Natural Health & Wholistic Nutrition Coaching for the Body; and Biofield Tuning & Emotion Code Energy clearing for the Spirit Soul. These are the services she offers through her business Anywhere Mind Body & Soul.