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The Power Of Gratitude

Written by: Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery.

But while we may acknowledge gratitude’s many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. So many of us are trained to notice what is broken, undone, or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential in our lives, it needs to become more than just a word. We must learn a new way of looking at things, a new habit. And that can take some time.

That’s why practicing gratitude makes so much sense. When we practice giving thanks for all we have, instead of complaining about what we lack, we give ourselves the chance to see all of life as an opportunity and a blessing.

Remember that gratitude isn’t a blindly optimistic approach in which the bad things in life are whitewashed or ignored. It’s more a matter of where we put our focus and attention. Pain and injustice exist in this world, but when we focus on the gifts of life, we gain a feeling of well-being. Gratitude balances us and gives us hope.

There are many things to be grateful for: colorful leaves, legs that work, friends who listen and really hear, chocolate, fresh veggies, clothing, the ability to read, roses, our health, butterflies. What’s on your list?

Some Ways to Practice Gratitude

  • Keep a gratitude journal in which you list things for which you are thankful. You can make daily, weekly, or monthly lists. Greater frequency may be better for creating a new habit, but just keeping that journal where you can see it will remind you to think in a grateful way.

  • Make a game of finding the hidden blessing in a challenging situation.

  • When you feel like complaining, make a gratitude list instead. You may be amazed by how much better you feel.

  • Notice how gratitude is impacting your life. Write about it, sing about it, express thanks for gratitude.

  • Thank someone for the positive influence they have in your life. Send them a card (old-fashioned, I know, but I still LOVE to receive them) or give them a call

  • Meditation

  • Be thankful for your health

As you practice, an inner shift begins to occur, and you may be delighted to discover how content and hopeful you are feeling. That sense of fulfillment is gratitude at work.

The practice of gratitude has a positive effect on both physical and psychological wellbeing, potentially.

You may experience

  • More energy

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Stronger and more meaningful relationships

  • Decreased stress

  • Stronger immune system

  • Better sleep

  • Higher self-esteem and pride

  • Being more present

Make gratitude a healthy habit without feeling obliged to do so as this may create, yes, you may guess it, more stress.

Just pick a few and apply them daily. Be surprised on the effect on your lifestyle. It’s worth to give it a go!

For those who want to fast-track your journey to a more fulfilling life by design, a life on your own terms, reach out to Renate at or go to her website.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and visit my website.


Renate Prandl, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Renate Prandl is Asia's Premier Sustainable Life Mastery Strategist, Certified Feldenkrais® Expert, sports coach, mentor, and Certified High Performance(™) coach. With over 40 years of combined experience as a Professor in a business school and entrepreneur, Renate uses a variety of proven techniques and applications to help you reach your highest potential, get to the Next Level, and potentially live your Life by Design in a holistic, doable and sustainable way. Her "Power of 3" systems help you turn obstacles into stepping stones and build Physical, Emotional, Financial Resilience. Renate is the CEO of Body & Brain, Founder of Body And Brain Mastery, International Bestselling Author of 3 books, and has lived on 3 continents. Her mission: Anything is possible.

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