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The Power Of Editing

Written by: Dawn Bates, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


"How much?!" Words I have heard from prospective and some existing clients when it comes to editing their work.

Along with "That's more than I am prepared to invest".

And then they wonder why the sales, distribution deals and awards don't come.

You see, to want to be a great author, or any kind of writer for that matter, it is essential to invest in an editor.

With editing fees of a manuscript averaging US $10,000 for 50 ‒ 70,000 words, many of the authors we see appearing on the market today choose not to invest in this vital service.

They are not wanting to be a great writer, they are just writing a book for the vanity purposes of being able to call themselves an author, and to have a lead magnet for their email sign up page.

And that's all well and good, but for people who are wanting the coveted titles, awards, distribution deals and the million copies sold of their books, it's going to take some serious investment ‒ in time, effort and money.

Last year alone I fired 3 clients, one because he was just not interested in dealing with copyright and plagiarism issues scattered throughout his manuscript.

He wanted to go ahead and publish, was adamant and very belligerent that I was in the wrong ‒ even after I shared with him the legal implications of copy and pasting from other people's books and websites without written permission or citation.

But all his friends did it, so why couldn't he?

The simple answer was this:

Because I am a professional publisher, and my reputation, livelihood and children require me to do a great job.


My children are included in that line up. I take my role as a mother very seriously, and motherhood calls me forward ensuring I do a great job, to make sure my business is successful and because no one messes with my children's future, not even me.

It is one of the reasons I have become very selective in who I work with. I am not in the habit of working, or associating, with time wasters. The people who say one thing, wax lyrical about another and then go back on their word, not showing up for themselves or humanity.

Doing business with a woman like me requires you to honour your word. To step up into your purpose and to make sure you show up for yourself, your family, your community and for humanity.

There's a whole lot of Fire running through my veins: the Mama Fire, the Feminine Fire, the Celtic Fire and the Sagittarian Fire, all of which makes me a very determined woman.

And it is this power which repels the wrong kind of person and attracts the right kind of person ‒ especially now I have chosen to fully own the Fire within me.

Owning this fire took time. It took time to build, time to understand its power, and time to learn how to control it.

Being tactful was never my strong point, still isn't if I am truly honest.

But with the help of my editor, I have learnt to write in such a way where my voice is even louder, and in a way which makes my writing and strategies for growth stronger.

Editing a book isn't just about paying a perceived large sum of money out to someone to change your words and your message ‒ and no good editor would do that either.

Editing your manuscript is about strengthening your message, about creating a stronger connection with your readers, and honouring yourself and your purpose. It’s about becoming a better writer, a better communicator and showing people you are serious about your work.

For those of us who write articles and books all the time, we know that editing our own work is not possible. We are too close to our writing.

We know what we want to say and what we've intended to get across and so when we read what we’ve written, our brains correct and gloss over the errors which leap out of the page at others.

An editor I wrote for previously would insist I edited my own work, not truly understanding the process of writing or editing. It caused conflict between us because excellence is a virtue I stand by.

I want to be the very best version of myself, in all areas of life, and hiring an editor for my books, one who has a curious mind, one who is aligned with my vision and one who believes in my mission has elevated my writing, and my understanding of writing to a whole new level.

What's always very interesting for those of us who are brave enough to write and publish, is those who don't or haven’t, always find the time to dissect and critique our work, always finding an error in one way or another.

One of my client’s published in British English. A reader who was so used to American English found so many errors in the book ‒ because he was reading it through the lens of another language: American English.

Another client harnessed the power of his Southern American drawl, just like Toni Morrison did in her books, and just how Irvin Welsh harnessed the power of the strong Scottish linguistics in Trainspotting.

Some of my client's readers were not happy with the colloquium in the book, whilst others loved it. A combination of great editing and proofreading ensured we found the perfect middle ground ‒ which led to his books being requested by the top six universities in the UK ‒ not a bad result for a first time author I am sure you’ll agree.

As a boutique publisher in the realms of human rights, social justice, cultural diversity and community cohesion I am not suitable for the majority of business owners out there. I work with the change makers, advocates, activists and alchemists as we harness the opportunities for them to amplify their voices, for themselves and those they serve.

The books I publish may be more controversial than most, so making sure the information included within the pages is accurate and legal is an absolute must.

Again this is where it pays to have a great team of editors and proofreaders who know their stuff casting their eyes over your work and giving you pages of editorial notes you can refer back to.

Reading the notes on how to improve the book or article is something we can take forward into everything we write ‒ social media posts, website copy, emails ‒ any written copy in fact.

Having an editor give you their point of view on how the content lands, will land and where the holes are within the manuscript or article allows you to see yourself in a new light.

  • Did we really mean to say that we said in the way it has landed with the reader?

  • Was the way we wrote something as powerful as it could be?

  • Was that reference or name really that important, or could it be deleted?

  • Where does placing an Oxford comma come into its own?

  • Did we need that possessive clause or could it be released?

  • Have we delivered on the promises in the blurb or the previous chapters?

  • Are all the loose ends tied up, or are we leaving our readers hanging in an area of our story?

These are just some of the most popular questions which get addressed within the copy-editing process, and that is before the structural editing happens with the book, and/or series we are writing.

My first three books were never meant to be a trilogy, but that is how they turned out. Working closely with my editor, we are now in the process of turning the three books into four. The four books will be divided into two duologies, and as a result, the three books which gave me four products will now give me seven products. Same content, just edited differently to capitalise on the strategy we have put in place.

With The Sacral Series books, I am in the process of writing, the books get a copy edit and a proofread. Once all nine books are completed, my editor is going to work her magic with me on structurally editing the entire series to make it even stronger than it is now.

What does all this work mean?

Well, the new distribution deals which are now possible with various bookstores around the world are a great place to start. Then there are the awards I can enter the books into which have been off-limits until now, as well as much better content for my readers.

Once the structural editing is done, there is the opportunity for further expansion opportunities with scriptwriters and movie producers. Movie deals lead to even greater exposure, merchandising and razor-sharp focus on marketing than ever before.

For those of us who can see the bigger picture, we understand why a properly and strategically edited book is a worthwhile investment.

Editors require an investment of around US $10,000, possibly more depending on the quality of the writing, but the legal fees and fines for copyright infringement and plagiarism alone could run into millions of dollars worth of fines and damages.

Choosing to work with the real change makers in the world, the ones who understand that activism by the pen is well thought out, means I get to work with some of the most inspiring people on the planet.

Publishing thought provoking content, whistleblowing books on systemic and corporate corruption, whilst coaching the author to create a strong strategy is one thing, publishing content which will land me and a client in the courtroom is entirely something else.

I was never in a month of Sundays going to put my name to the book written by the client who didn't care about copyright and plagiarism, nor will I put my name to a poorly written book by a 'business owner' who doesn't want to invest in a quality product.

How you do one thing is how you do everything, and if the way we write isn’t achieving the desired results, then it is time for us to get an editor in to take a look at what’s missing, what could be added and what could be deleted.

I do everything with the full force of my fire and passion for transforming the world, creating a positive and powerful legacy through literature (and laughter!).

Owning our author voices through excellent editing gives us an edge, especially when our readers can ‘hear us’ when they read, recognising us on various media platforms or on our own video library or randomly in a cafe in a part of the world we’ve only been in for less than 48 hours ‒ as happened to me when I was in Australia.

Showing up as our best selves goes well beyond the image of clothing, video content and a great website.

When we show up in a realm of community activism as an advocate, a champion, an alchemist without a book, we are only at the very beginning of our journey.

With an award-winning, globally distributed book we can turn our stories and passions into films, documentaries or a range of merchandise, which could become a funding revenue for the charities and foundations close to our hearts, the ones we have chosen to write about.

So as you can see, investing in editing isn’t an expense at all, it’s an investment, one which has so many wonderful (and profitable) outcomes.

If you already have a book published which isn’t doing as well as you’d hoped, or you are ready to take your book to the next level, reach out to an editor, or a boutique publisher such as myself, so we can help you achieve the success you desire for yourself, your business and your community at large.

The world deserves the very best of you, so isn’t it about time you showed yourself your best self, as well as those you serve?

To enquire about my coaching and publishing services, visit

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Dawn Bates, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Dawn Bates is a true international bestselling author multiple times over on five continents. She specialises in developing global leaders into real authorities who wish to give a voice to the voiceless whilst working with them to create brand expansion strategies through activism and authorship.

Profound truths, social justice and human rights underpin everything she does, and at the core of her soul is a passion for being of service to humanity, giving hope, courage and confidence for others to stand in their truth and live a life of conviction.

She writes for various magazines, sails around the world on yachts as a digital nomad and is currently working towards her PhD in Human Rights and Social Justice with the University of Oxford, whilst also hosting her own podcasts The Sacral Series and The Truth Serum.

Her books are powerful and comprise of solo compilations and multiple collaborations of the highest caliber. Dawn brings together the multi-faceted aspects of the world we live in and takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whilst delivering mic dropping inspiration, motivation and awakening. Her work captures life around the world in all its rawness.

Dawn’s expertise and insights will make you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth. She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fires deep within to speak and live powerfully. "

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