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The Power of Dietary Fats and How They Can Help You Lose Weight After 40!

Written by: Trevor Folgering, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


For over four decades, we have been told that fat is bad for us, and we should avoid fats at all costs.

But where has that gotten us as a society?

It has gotten us sicker, unhealthier, and yes, fatter.

In the agriculture age, which started around the 1950’s we were told that to live a healthy life, we needed to consume carbohydrates and a lot of them!

In fact, our whole eating day is consumed by carbohydrates.

For breakfast, you could have toast with jam a bowl of cereal and wash it down with a tall glass of sugary orange juice.

For lunch, why not have sandwiches with processed meats full of sugar, nitrates, and additives. Don’t forget the milk, which is loaded with sugars, because “milk does a body good.”

Lastly, dinner was always mashed potatoes with gravy and steak. There may be a token vegetable on the side of the plate, just to add a bit of garnish.

And this has been our eating style for the last 65 years.

Overconsuming carbohydrates like they are going out of style.

The problem is that eating Carbohydrates causes a lot of health complications in the body, including heart disease, strokes, cancers, Type 2 Diabetes, and increased toxicity.

By overconsuming carbohydrates, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of disease and obesity.

To lose belly fat and create the body and health you truly deserve, you must change your eating habits and change them for life.

This is where you need to start reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume and start increasing dietary fats.

Big fat lies

“But wait, Trevor, I was told fat was making me fat!”

Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Dietary fats, eaten in the right combinations at the right times throughout the day, will allow the body to decrease inflammation and start to heal itself.

This is especially true for saturated fats, which have been villainized for over 65 years.

Saturated fat is a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds. Thus, a fat is made of two kinds of smaller molecules: glycerol and fatty acids.

Fats are made of long chains of carbon atoms. Single bonds link some carbon atoms, and double bonds link others.

Double bonds can react with hydrogen to form single bonds. They are called saturated because the second bond is broken, and each half of the bond is attached to (saturated with) a hydrogen atom.

Contrary to popular belief, saturated fats do not clog arteries.

They do not cause elevated levels of cholesterol (which is a healing agent in the body).

They do not even cause heart attacks or heart disease!

Why are saturated fats healthy for you, and can they help you lose weight?

All cells in your body are comprised of saturated fats — 50 percent of the cell membrane is comprised of saturated fats.

The body uses specific saturated fats (namely Palmitic Fatty Acids) as energy!

Saturated fats are also the precursor to the building blocks of hormones. Specifically, testosterone!

For men that are over 40, going on a low-saturated-fat diet will suppress your testosterone levels, leading to an increased level of estrogen and weight gain!

Lastly, specifically saturated fats, like butter and high-fat whipping cream, can help with digestion and healing your Gastrointestinal Tract. Butyrate is a fatty acid that is converted from eating foods that contain saturated fats.

So, as you can see, Saturated fats help the body in so many ways and do not contribute to weight gain.

The issue is that when saturated fats are combined with starches and sugars, we see a huge rise in obesity rates.

When you consume Carbohydrates along with Saturated fats, this causes a rise in Insulin and Glucose.

Excess glucose in the bloodstream causes massive inflammation in the arterial walls, which brings about Cholesterol.

Cholesterol is the healing agent that helps reduce the inflammatory response by forming plaque deposits. (Much like a band-aid when you cut your skin).

The problem is that society has been told a big fat lie: saturated fats cause elevated levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

This is false!

It’s actually the overconsumption of Carbohydrates that drive up inflammation. Your body will also convert excess glucose into Triglyceride molecules. (Fat) and these Triglycerides float around the bloodstream, causing inflammation within the arterial walls.

Think sandpaper rubbing inside your arteries!

This brings about the Cholesterol to help the healing process begin.

So, as you can see, eating Saturated fats have nothing to do with gaining weight or diseases within the body.

It is the overconsumption of Carbohydrates that will cause obesity, sickness, and disease to spiral out of control.

Fats help you lose weight!

To lose your belly fat, you must be consuming a diet that is higher in saturated fats. The 1 reason for this is that fats generally do not affect our fat-storing hormone, Insulin.

Insulin’s job is to maintain proper glucose levels in your bloodstream.

If you are eating too many Carbohydrates, Insulin levels go out of control, forcing your body to store excess glucose as body fat.

Now the opposite is true…

If you consume a lower carbohydrate diet and higher in dietary fats, then Insulin levels will remain low, which will help drive your body to use its own body fat for energy.

That’s the power of dietary fats! They allow the body to heal itself and create a fat-burning environment within your body.

In our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System, you can experience the power of eating a higher fat diet.

Our clients start with a nutritional protocol that has them consuming 77 percent of their total caloric intake from dietary fats, and they are getting amazing weight loss results!

All our clients experience amazing weight loss results because we work with their unique biology, driving their bodies to use their own body fat for energy 24/7!

Now it’s your turn to experience the power of Biohacking!

Enrollment is now open in the Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System.

To get started in our system, all you need to do is book a call with one of our Biohacking Coaches! Visit this link to get started.

By going through our Biohack The Fat Body Transformation System, you will be able to lose 40–60 lbs. of pure body fat without the need to go on a diet or restrict calories.

Hurry, enrollment closes soon, and now is the time to lose belly fat and create the body and health you truly deserve!

It’s time to get your body BIOHACKED!

Click the link to get started today!

See you in our system! You can lose weight for life; you just need the right system to follow!

Trevor Folgering — Founder of Biohacked

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Trevor Folgering, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Trevor Folgering is a leader in the weight loss and nutrition industry. For over 22 years, Trevor has relentlessly pursued the truth regarding losing body fat correctly. By uncovering the truth about how our bodies utilize body fat, Trevor created particular nutritional protocols that allowed him to tap into his own body fat stores and lose 40 lbs. of body fat in a concise period of time. He achieved this without going on a low caloric diet or restricting the foods that he ate. As a result, he now helps men and women achieve the body and health that they truly deserve through the science of Biohacking. He is CEO of Biohacked, global online health and body transformation company. His mission: To shift the weight loss industry's paradigm and re-educate the world on the proper methodologies of losing excess body fat correctly.

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