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The Power Of Authenticity Creates Your Life And Love Story

Written by: Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Grace Alfafara

As the saying goes, “Stay true to thine own self” is easier to say than do or even embody it.

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“When you are in the vortex of your authenticity, you become unstoppable”. Grace Alfafara

Do you know why that is? Do you know why it is harder to embody to do, be, and have or even co-create the authenticity of ourselves? Because it involves real commitment and true change. That alone takes energy, time, and focus. And most people are afraid of change. That is just a fact. It is the most common psychology of a human tendency to cling to something easier without earning the muscles to gain real strength or stamina and fitness to be a person of value with in-depth substance. 

To embody the authenticity of who we truly are takes pure intentional energy. Everything in life is energy. Even when it comes to healing. It takes energy to heal in every area of our lives. It takes energy to regain our strength. It takes energy to bounce back financially on what we have lost from our past mistakes. 

What does authenticity mean to you? Is it hard for you to grasp what that even means? 

The main question is, do you truly care about the originality of your blueprint about your values, strengths, and purpose? I asked because there is so much value in rediscovering the healthiest version of ourselves when we unlearn the limiting belief system that we have inherently ingrained in us since childhood that could either derail us or make us. 

Authenticity is a powerful essence of all. It is the highest form of love. Without being in your authentic self, then who are you? Who are you without your wings? Who are you performing for? And for what reason? 

The next powerful questions about our authenticity are as follows:

  • Who are you when it comes to challenging times?

  • Who are you when it comes to facing your fears or rejections?

  • Who are you in your darkest moments?

  • Who are you in the face of death and sorrow?

  • Who are you in the face of blessings and all the accomplishments? Will you stay humble and grateful?

  • Who are you when you are alone in the face of your shadow of grace?

  • Who are you in the face of setting healthier boundaries for yourself and others regardless if they are by blood or not? (If you want to learn more on how to set healthier boundaries, here’s another article I have written that will help you understand how to set boundaries even on your relatives without losing your empathy and why. Click here: Boundaries)

If any of those powerful questions above have made you think, this is a good sign that you need to take heed and have a personal inventory about your personal growth, as we are meant to grow in life to create change for the better and not just be in our comfort zone- a comfort zone where there’s no level of growth with substance and values. Our substances of experiences are meant to make a huge difference in this world, as part of a contribution to our whole human society of collectiveness. 

When we start being aware of the truth within our authenticity, we create healthy habits of contribution that create peace in the current generation and the next generation to come. We then start co-creating a life and love story. And this life and love story will show in how we embody the essence of our authenticity- our true and healthiest version of ourselves.

One of the most important things we need to remember is when we are in a relationship, we must not forget that we matter too. What I mean by that is never lose yourself in loving someone that you put yourself last or betray the highest healthiest version of yourself. Because without your authenticity, you lose part of you that’s meant to be fully live and an embodiment part of you. Your authenticity is your sacred truth and it always pulls you towards it no matter how long it takes. You are the only one who can stop it by the power of your choice and the meaning you attach to that choice will make a great difference impact on the role you play in the theatre of your own life. 

How do we heal ourselves and love our loved ones without losing our authenticity?

  • First, be in our inmost innate, authentic self, we must be in our embodiment of the sacred truth of who we truly are. This can be done when we heal first from our past traumas, limiting beliefs, and the self-sabotaging we do to ourselves. It is not easy, but it is necessary for our mental and emotional health. It will take a lot of energy in healing to go through this. True healing is going through the process with the heart of understanding in grace, the essence of it all, even though we may not understand it. That is when the essence of trust comes in. Trust the process of our healing, one baby step at a time.

  • The second thing to be, do, and learn is to activate our authentic self through healing from the heart-gut-mind-body and soul coherent connection. Once again, it is a consistent work as this takes energy healing work as it both deals with our fears and our courageous self, which is the yin and yang polarity and duality dynamics of our patterns of life. The process of this will gain clarity as the outcome when we choose healing over replaying the suffering of our past. Choose to be a victor rather than a victim of our past trauma events.

  • Third, this is a tough one for every one of us. This is because it is necessary even though it is a hard one to apply and embody deep within ourselves. This is about learning how to set healthier boundaries for ourselves and especially for those within the circle of our trust and those can be our own family, relatives, and our children or best friends. As I mentioned above, if you want to learn more about how to set healthier boundaries, here’s another article I have written that will help you understand how to set boundaries even for your relatives without losing your empathy and why. Click here: Boundaries

  • Fourth, learn to reframe your identity for you to have a date with your destiny. After all, you are your own master of your destiny without even realizing it. Either you choose to be a victim or a victor. Reframing your thought patterns of belief systems counts. 

These are just a few basic steps in protecting your authenticity in a world full of information that could lure us to a longer detour. There are times we get so lost in the delays and detours of life especially when we don’t know who we truly are. Because within a deep state of authenticity frequency, there’s a deep ‘why core’ that speaks our sacred truth, love, and pure peace. 

Connect with me more if you require a coaching session with me when it comes to reframing a map to rediscover and co-create your blueprint authenticity and how to turn your trauma into a transformational journey as an alchemist. 

Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook, or my website at Grace-Through Journey.

Grace Alfafara Brainz Magazine

Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Grace Alfafara, is a mother to 4 teenagers, a Published Author, Grief Advocate, Certified Sophrologist, and a Certified Transformational Life Coach, in which she specializes in emotional and adaptability intelligence. She also develops an online empowerment Masterclass. She has lived in 5 countries and has worked as a Philanthropist for several years with her family. Her background education in Western culture on Psychology, Quantum Consciousness, and life growing up in a blend of Eastern and African cultures full of diverse life experiences have brought immense wisdom within the span of her life. A mother on a mission: empowering others to embody their true resilient essence wholeheartedly.

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