Written by Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer
Dorit Kozlovski is a researcher of truth and enthusiast in holistic therapies. Her expertise is in higher frequency natural energy healing, hypnosis, pendulum, card readings, art/color therapy, feng shui services, liberating spiritual retreats. Dorit is a CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy & founder of one off sustainable clothing brand Durga.

The confusion between what is internal and external often leads to suffering. We take the appearance of repetitive thoughts, emotions, and the world around us as reality, without questioning their origins. This confusion distorts our feeling of peace, trapping us in restlessness and unhappiness, as we seek peace and happiness outside ourselves. In the timeless teachings of enlightened master Nisargadatta Maharaj and the thought-provoking reflections of Tharapita Tam, who has deeply realized and embodies the highest spiritual level truth, we find profound insights into the nature of our existence. These ideas help us question our assumptions, shift our perspective, and guide us back to peace.

Understanding the Illusion of the external world
How internal confusion leads to restlessness and suffering
“You take the inner for the outer and the outer for the inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and what is outside you take to be in you. The mind and feelings are external but you take them to be intimate. You believe the world to be objective, while it is entirely a projection of your psyche. That is the basic confusion and no new explosion will set it right. You have to think yourself out of it. There is no other way. Watch your thoughts like street traffic. People come and go; you register without response. Only put your attention to Who AM I. What is real, and what is momentary? Your very search for happiness makes you miserable!”
(Talks with Nisargadatta Maharaj, "I AM That," p. 264) ¹
Nisargadatta Maharaj on realizing the truth
Maharaj teaches that this confusion between the internal and external is the source of our suffering and that the method is to know yourself – both what you appear to be and what you are. Only the false causes suffering, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas. Abandoning the false liberates from pain and makes one happy. Truth liberates.
The untold story of consciousness: From I AM to restlessness and back
In the unpublished manuscript by Tharapita Tam, titled “Adele in Timeless Moment, Twenty Years Later,”² we find a unique perspective that beautifully complements Maharaj's teachings. This allegory tells the story of consciousness and its journey from peace to restlessness, and back again. Here is the excerpt from the chapter, “To be or not to be?”
To be or not to be
"Once upon a time, there was a consciousness. Only consciousness existed. There was no space, no time, no light, nothing external. Consciousness was peace. Consciousness remained in the state of peace with the feeling of I AM, until a shift occurred. The feeling of I am became conscious as a thought. The first thought was born, the first definition—I AM.
The feeling of I AM remained in peace, but the thought I AM created restlessness. The first thought led to the second, leading to the question Why? Why am I? The first why led to the second, the second to the third, and the third to the fourth. Questions kept coming, but no answers. Is I AM a feeling or a thought, or both? Who is this I AM?
Unanswered questions created restlessness, and restlessness, in turn, created tension that began to grow more and more. The tension grew and grew until it became unbearable. Consciousness sought a way out of the situation but couldn't find one. It didn't realize that it had the option to stop asking questions, to stop increasing the tension. It had the option to simply accept its existence and return to the thought I AM, return to the feeling I AM, and return to its original state—peace.
But consciousness didn't take this option. Instead, it continued to ask itself questions. Overwhelmed by the relentless questioning and unable to endure the tension it created, consciousness made a fateful decision—it chose to end the torment of existence. It focused all its accumulated tension into a single point, into itself, against itself, and transformed into a single thought—Not to be
This decision triggered a Big Bang. Consciousness scattered into countless particles but did not perish. It experienced itself as dense dark matter, continuously expanding, accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of fear—fear of losing itself, fear of non-existence.
In time, however, the desire NOT TO BE was replaced by a stronger desire to be, and so, a second big bang occurred. Though smaller than the first, it was enough to initiate the process of returning to the original state of I AM. This process, as the manuscript describes, is what we call life, and it continues to this day.”
Tharapita Tam’s allegory of consciousness and peace
This cosmic story beautifully reflects the internal journey from the peaceful state of I AM to the restless questioning that pulls consciousness away from its original state.
How consciousness becomes lost in restlessness
As consciousness becomes restless by asking questions and seeking answers externally, it experiences tension and fear, eventually scattering into what we perceive as life—only to slowly return to the truth of I AM.
Following this cosmic allegory, the manuscript continues with a dialogue between two characters, Adele and Eleda, exploring the nature of I amin more detail:
Adele: "Life, which is driven by the desire to be?"
Eleda: "Yes."
Adele: "Please explain the concept of I AM to me in more detail.
"Eleda: "Return to the first feeling you had of yourself. What was it?
"Adele: "I don't remember."Eleda: "It was I AM
."Adele: "Possible. And then?
"Eleda: "I AM was your first feeling of yourself and your first thought about yourself. I AM is both a feeling and a thought. The feeling I AM is a constant, unchanging presence within you, needing nothing, timeless and spaceless—peace. Therefore, the feeling I AM is peace. The thought I AM is restless, requiring time and space, needing a soul and body, and continually seeking external validation of its existence— restlessness. Therefore, the thought I am is restlessness."
The realization of peace in stillness connecting the teachings
Realizing that peace is already within us
Peace doesn’t require movement or searching—it is ever-present, and the restless mind is the only obstacle preventing us from realizing this truth.
Both Nisargadatta Maharaj's teachings and Tharapita Tam's manuscript share the key idea that in the heart of pure awareness is nameless, changeless. By observing the “I AM” one can feel the changelessness and awareness of restlessness appearing on the surface of the changeless. On one hand, I AM is the unchanging, peaceful presence within us. On the other hand, once it becomes a thought, it generates restlessness, questions, fears, and desires that lead to suffering. Abandoning all fears and desires leads to peace.
The problem arises when we confuse the thought I AM and identify a particular with the true Self, mistaking this restless search for identity and purpose as the essence of who we are. As Maharaj points out, this confusion between the internal and external world—the assumption that our thoughts, feelings, and ideas of ourselves define us—leads to misery. We seek happiness outside of ourselves, in external validation, but fail to realize that true peace lies in the stillness of I AM, not in the restless search for answers.
The insights from Tharapita Tam's manuscript powerfully illustrate this process. Consciousness, in its original state of peace, becomes restless when it begins to question itself. Unable to find an answer, it spirals into tension and fear. This theory of the Big bang shows how we become lost in the external world, forgetting the peaceful nature of I AM.
Yet, life itself is the process of returning to this original state. As the second Big bang symbolizes, even after experiencing restlessness, the desire to be—the earnest yearning to abandon all ignorance, what is not real —draws us back to our essence.
The story of how the kingdom of peace began
In the manuscript "Adele in Timeless Moment, Twenty Years Later," we also find a simple yet profound story, titled "The Story of How the Kingdom of Peace Began."
The story of how the kingdom of peace began
Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen. On a beautiful spring day, the queen gave birth to twin sons. The parents admired their sleeping children and thought about suitable names for them. One of the boys slept peacefully, while the other was restless.
Both had faces as round as balls. And the king said: “Let my sons be named Peaceball and Restlessball.” And so it was.
The parents had many discussions in the following years about which of the sons would be suitable to become king, but they never reached a conclusion. When the sons came of age, the king announced to his heirs: “I am declaring a contest. The one who rolls the farthest will inherit the kingdom and become king.”
Upon hearing this, Restlessball immediately set off and was gone in no time. Peaceball, however, stayed in place and said: “Competing does not suit my nature. I will not compete.”
"I respect your choice, but in that case, you will not become king," the king acknowledged.
"I respect your choice, but time will tell," the son replied.
Days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and years passed.
There was no sign of Restlessball. The king grew old and died. Peaceball was declared the new king, without having rolled a single meter. Meanwhile, Restlessball continues to roll, always striving to go farther and farther, in the hope of one day inheriting the kingdom.
How stillness leads to inheriting the kingdom of peace
This fairy tale highlights the difference between the restless search for validation and the peaceful state of being. Restlessball, always rolling farther in the pursuit of something, never arrives at peace. Peaceball, on the other hand, remains still, never needing to chase after anything.
In the end, it is Peaceball who inherits the kingdom, representing that peace comes not from striving, or movement but from simply being.
Why restlessness prevents you from feeling at peace
Restlessness creates an illusion that we need to "do" something to find peace. In reality, it is the act of seeking itself that pulls us further from the peace that is already within us. This lesson is echoed in the dialogue between Adele and Eleda after the story within the manuscript:
Adele: "So, to inherit the kingdom of peace, I don't need to take a single step?"
Eleda: "If you take a step, you create movement, you create the kingdom of restlessness."
Adele: "The kingdom of peace is constantly within me?"
Eleda: "Only a restless mind prevents you from experiencing it."
Letting go of external searching to embrace inner stillness
By letting go of external searching and embracing stillness, we can realize that peace is not a destination to reach but a state to recognize.
The allegory of Peaceball and Restlessball beautifully conveys the central message of this article: peace is always present within us. It is the restless mind, constantly seeking, questioning, and striving, that prevents us from experiencing it. To return to peace, we don’t need to go anywhere or achieve anything—we simply need to let go of the restlessness that drives us.
How to stop seeking and start realizing peace
In the noise of modern life, it is easy to become lost in thoughts, emotions, and external distractions, believing that happiness lies outside of us. But as both timeless higher spiritual level teachers Nisargadatta Maharaj and Tharapita Tam's reflections illustrate, the restless pursuit of happiness only deepens our misery. The more we question and search externally, the further we stray from the peace inherent in “I AM.”
The key realization here is that the world you experience is a projection of your own imagination—shaped by your memories, desires, and fears. In projecting this world onto yourself, you have unknowingly trapped yourself within it. However, by recognizing that this external world is your creation, you can break free from its hold. You don’t need to free yourself from a world that doesn’t exist outside your own mind—it is only your imagined reality. To find true peace, learn to observe without the filters of imagination and listen without distortion.
As Maharaj reminds us, you cannot change the fundamental truth of your existence by denying it. Even in the denial of your being, you reaffirm it. Your identity, your personality, is built upon the past and projected into the future through memory. If you can let go of these attachments to time—by living moment to moment, without past or future—your constructed sense of self will dissolve, and you will return to the simple, unchanging peace of “I AM.”
Book a session to experience peace beyond restlessness
Book remote liberating healing sessions: Hypnosis, cosmoenergy, reiki, yin yoga and enquire about private nature retreats
If you find yourself trapped in restlessness, constantly seeking answers outside of yourself, perhaps it is time to pause. Take a step back and look inward. Reach out today to enjoy Pendulum Coaching that assists with answers beyond the mind or book a personalized session to experience profound healing through Remote Hypnosis, Yin Yoga, Cosmoenergy, or Reiki. Discover how these practices can help you release restlessness and reconnect with the peaceful state of I AM.
Discover spiritual nature retreats to guide you to peace
If you're interested in a deeper journey into stillness and peace, or releasing illnesses, limiting beliefs, traumas, conditions, habits, and addictions explore a spiritual nature retreat. The one-to-one private nature retreat offers a tranquil space to help you let go of restlessness and return to your original state of peace.
Legal disclaimer
The content provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical, psychological, or therapeutic advice. While spiritual teachings and practices such as Remote Hypnosis, Yin Yoga, Cosmoenergy, and Reiki may promote well-being and peace, they are not substitutes for professional medical or psychological treatment. If you are experiencing any mental health conditions or serious illnesses, please consult with a licensed healthcare provider. The services offered here are holistic in nature and focus on supporting mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Read more from Dorit Kozlovski
Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer
Dorit Kozlovski's mission is to discover the truth. She is committed to guide others on a journey of curios Self-discovery, healing, and reconnecting with their purest Selves. Currently, Dorit is the CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy, Reiki Master Teacher, and Cosmoenergy healer. Besides natural higher frequency energy channeling, she is dedicated in holistic well-being therapies like quantum healing hypnosis technique, yin yoga, and meditation practices.
She loves receiving Higher Self-guidance through a pendulum and is excited to share readings/healing through intuitive tools like Tarot, divination cards, and crystals.
Maharaj, Nisargadatta. I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Chetana, 1973.
Tam, Tharapita. Adele in Timeless Moment, Twenty Years Later. Unpublished manuscript.