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The Original “Power of Now” and Unlocking Threads of Ancient Knowledge & Wisdom of the Yoga Sutras

Wendy is a yoga teacher of teachers with decades of experience in the practice and teaching of yoga. One of her passions is the uncanny intersections where Western research validates the instructions for emotional regulation laid out in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Executive Contributor Wendy S. Vigroux

Sutras, meaning "threads" of wisdom, are concise yet profound teachings that have shaped the yoga tradition, specifically the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Patanjali’s first Yoga Sutra, first line, emphasizes present-moment awareness, a lesson echoed in modern self-help teachings like Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now.” The Yoga Sutras are timeless tools for navigating modern life despite being millennia old.

A woman in red activewear practices yoga in a warrior pose on a rooftop with a city skyline in the background.

Threads of ancient wisdom

The word sutra means "thread," a thread of wisdom that weaves together profound teachings in a concise, impactful form. Across history, various sutras have shaped spiritual and philosophical traditions, including the Kama Sutras, the Bhakti Sutras, and most notably for yoga practitioners, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


Unlike modern books, which tend to explain concepts in elaborate detail, sutras are typically just one or two lines long. The reason foundational texts on the sutras can be lengthy is due to extensive commentaries. Scholars and yogis expand upon these succinct lines, offering their interpretations and insights and making them accessible to different generations and cultures.


The original by a good 1,000 years

For those beginning their yoga journey, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are an essential touchstone. The more one studies them, the more it becomes evident that many modern self-help principles have their roots in these ancient texts.

For example, Eckhart Tolle’s bestselling book The Power of Now revolves around the concept of present-moment awareness. However, long before Tolle, Patanjali had already addressed this idea in his very first sutra, in the first line.


At first, and before all else

The first sutra is often translated as: “Now we begin the lessons on yoga.” This phrase, though seemingly simple, carries a deeper implication. Many Sanskrit scholars agree that the word “now” holds urgency like an exclamation mark. It is not just a casual introduction; it is a powerful directive.


A more accurate interpretation could be: “The study of yoga only happens in the present now!” Patanjali’s first lesson was a wake-up call, emphasizing that true transformation, self-discovery, and healing happen in the present moment. In today’s terms, he was essentially telling his students: “Reel in your wandering thoughts. This is your first lesson: learn to be fully present, now.”


The key to transformation

The wisdom of this sutra is profound: When the past happened, it was in the present; when the future arrives, it will unfold in the present. The gateway to healing the past and shaping the future is always now. The challenge lies in training the mind to remain in this moment to resist the pull of past regrets or future anxieties.


5 steps to cultivate presence, mindfully

If you want to harness the power of now, try this simple yet effective mindfulness practice. Set a timer for 3 to 11 minutes and follow these steps:

1. Mindful observation

Become acutely aware of the sensations in your body. Feel the pressure of your seat against you, the coolness of your fingertips, the warmth of your breath. Notice sounds, sights, and textures without judgment.


2. Focus on the breath

Pay attention to your breathing. Feel the inhale expanding your belly and the exhale drawing your navel toward your spine. Let the rhythm of your breath anchor you to the present.


3. Affirm the present

With each inhale, silently think or say: “I am in the present.” With each exhale: “Moment.” Let this affirmation reinforce your awareness.


4. Embrace stillness

If the mind wants to be still, let go of the affirmations and allow the consciousness to float on the breath. If your mind wanders, gently return to the sensation of breathing.


5. Conclude with a high-five

When the timer goes off, take a deep breath, stretch, twist your torso gently, and acknowledge the moment. Just like that, you’ve meditated, and yes, even three minutes is enough. High Five!


Practical, timeless tools for modern living

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are not just philosophical texts; they are practical tools for modern living. Whether in ancient India or today’s fast-paced world, the core lesson remains: the present moment is where true empowerment resides. By embracing the wisdom of the sutras, we cultivate mindfulness, clarity, and a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us.

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Read more from Wendy S. Vigroux


Wendy S. Vigroux, Yoga Teacher of Teachers, Scholar

Wendy is a yoga teacher of teachers with decades of experience in the practice and teaching of yoga. One of her passions is the uncanny intersections where Western research validates the instructions for emotional regulation laid out in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Wendy's dedication to both the ancient wisdom of yoga and the modern scientific approach has earned her the loving label of "Yoga Geek."



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