Written by: Alessandro Carli, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We all want a better life, to be successful, and uplifted. We can have it all, we deserve it... That's not the real point, though.

There are so many things that we have to do and take care of in our lives and work, so many concerns, so many problems to tackle, and solutions to be found... it can get overwhelming, no question about it. However, is it really necessary?
Perhaps not. Not to this extent, anyway.
We tend to approach our reality in basically three ways: one that is used perhaps about 95% of the time; one for about 4.x%; and the remaining part for roughly 0.x%.
The first way is the one we're all very aware of, which is trying to manage whatever manifests out there to the best of our knowledge and capacity.
The second one is a little more subtle, and it's about managing whatever goes on within ourselves, mentally and emotionally. This gives us some extra control and better chances to get to figure out solutions. Personal growth focuses a lot on this second approach.
The third is something the vast majority of people aren't even aware of, and less so familiar with, which is to understand what REALLY goes on outside and within us at a very basic level, and which is responsible for whatever manifests in our internal and external reality.
Unfortunately, we rationally assume that we're living in a neutral reality, so much so that most of us believe that it can be shaped according to our whims, and that success and failure basically depend on how we confidently and strongly interact with it.
Great British philosopher, Sir Francis Bacon, said that "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed": quite an impressive and inspired thought for a man who lived in the 16th century, and it simply means that we have no power or control over Nature (Reality), except that which is given by our knowledge and the extent to which we respect of it.
When we are confronted with challenging situations, problems, people, etc., we assume that these very "things" are what we're dealing with. They're not. What we're dealing with is just three aspects, and this applies to whatever is out there that's natural (not man-made), and within us, namely:
These are the very pillars that sustain everything that exists. There are physical laws, like the ones we study at school, but also emotional/psychological laws, mental laws, and even spiritual laws that reflect the way our reality works and make it respond in a somewhat predictable way. Time and modes are the only wild cards, here: it's not possible to determine when or how systems will react to what we do, and because of this it is rationally very difficult, if not impossible, to connect any event to our compliance to or violation of any given natural law.
It's impossible to define a force. All we can do is identify one by observing and perhaps measuring the effects that it produces. Therefore, we can empirically define a force as "something" that produces an effect (event, result, etc.). The actions we do, the emotions we feel, and even the thoughts we have are forces because they have concrete and recognizable repercussions on the environment (and often beyond) in which they are exerted.
Because our reality is a live entity, any force being exerted on it produces a response in natural systems, which in turn become forces themselves that generate more reactions in quite unpredictable ways. They're called dynamics, and they are what actually generate and shape whatever is manifested in our tangible reality, and if we don't like what we see, it's not because it's good or bad, but because the quality of the forces that produce these dynamics violate the laws that support our reality.
Do you see how everything is connected, and why we should pay special attention not to what we see, but to what MAKES what we see? I again stress that when we interact with people and situations, it's not these that we're dealing with, but with the laws, the forces, and the dynamics behind (or underneath) them.
I don't know, of course, what this reality is actually made of, but I know that all of Nature responds positively (or negatively) to the same things, and because we are natural systems ourselves, we do too, with no exception.
What's this "thing", then? I can't define it, but whatever it is, it's strong, it's fulfilling, it encompasses everything, and it makes the entire Creation tick.
Some call it Love.

Alessandro Carli, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Canadian born, now living in Italy, Alessandro has been involved in personal growth since 1987, and made it his full-time profession for the past 22 years. He trained and coached people at a personal and professional level, helping them draw out more of their human potential, and at the same time having them become more aware of the laws, forces and dynamics that shape our reality. It's a specific study topic related to Systemic Intelligence which, besides working on self-improvement, allows to interact more effectively with our various environments. He wrote and published two books (in Italian) which roughly translate in "The 5 Principles of Corporate Success" and "Your Money And Your Life".