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The Oneness Of Fullness And Emptiness

Morgan O. Smith is an author, meditation facilitator, and spiritual teacher with over two decades of experience. His teachings emphasize nonduality, spiritual awakening, and sound technology integration through his Yinnergy Meditation system, which promotes emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

Executive Contributor Kathryn Holeton

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, what began as an ordinary conversation between classes within a school environment turned into a profound exchange of ideas. A thoughtful special needs teacher and I discussed the depths of my most profound spiritual awakening. It was a moment so expansive that it embraced the totality of existence. As I tried to articulate the indescribable nature of this fullness, she countered, suggesting that my experience sharply diverged from the Buddhist perspective.

Woman crossing the bridge over lake on a foggy winter day.

From my experiential realization, I gently disagreed. To truly encompass all of existence is to embrace the fullness of form and the vast emptiness. This includes the void and formless potential from which all arises. In the realm of pure awareness, fullness and emptiness dissolve into the same undivided reality. It is in this recognition of nonduality that one sees the paradox resolved: fullness is emptiness, and emptiness is fullness, inseparable in their infinite dance.

1. Two paths, one truth

Vedanta and Buddhism often seem like two distinct paths toward self-realization. Vedanta emphasizes the eternal nature of pure consciousness, while Buddhism highlights the impermanence of phenomena and the emptiness at their core. Despite these differences, both traditions converge in the realization of nonduality, a singular truth beyond conceptual dualities.

This truth transcends distinctions such as self and other, existence and nonexistence. By embracing both perspectives, we begin to see the interconnectedness underlying all spiritual teachings. Each path provides tools to dismantle illusions and guide seekers toward the same ultimate awareness. Understanding these approaches reveals the shared foundation of reality as it unfolds in infinite expressions.

2. Vedanta meets Buddhism

Vedanta and Buddhism offer complementary insights into the nature of reality. Vedanta speaks of the indivisible Self, while Buddhism deconstructs the notion of self entirely, revealing emptiness as the ground of being. Both dissolve barriers between subject and object, leading to the realization that all is one, yet paradoxically empty.

This synthesis demonstrates that fullness and emptiness are not opposing concepts but two expressions of the same truth. When explored experientially, Vedantic and Buddhist teachings enrich one another, creating a fuller picture of nonduality. Their shared meeting point is the direct experience of awareness, untainted by mental constructs. Truth, ultimately, is beyond words and can only be known through presence.

3. Fullness and the void explained

Fullness represents the totality of existence, while the void signifies the absence of inherent essence. Far from being opposites, these concepts are intertwined, like two sides of the same coin. Fullness arises from the infinite potential of the void, while the void serves as the source of all fullness.

This interplay reflects the nondual nature of reality, where dualities dissolve into unity. Recognizing this dynamic frees us from the illusion of separateness and helps us embrace the paradoxes of existence. By seeing the void within fullness, we can navigate life with wonder and acceptance, understanding that even apparent emptiness is not lacking but brimming with potentiality.

4. Nonduality: Fullness meets emptiness

Nonduality bridges the gap between fullness and emptiness, revealing their inseparable nature. Fullness embodies the richness of life’s experiences, while emptiness represents the absence of inherent separation. Together, they unite the manifest and the unmanifest, forming the foundation of existence.

This dance reflects the truth that nothing exists independently; all phenomena arise in interdependence. Letting go of clinging to either fullness or emptiness allows us to rest in the vast expanse of pure awareness. This realization dissolves the illusion of opposites, inviting us to embrace life’s wholeness free from conceptual divisions.

Related article: What is Non-Duality?

Yinnergy meditation: Awakening to the oneness of fullness and emptiness

Yinnergy Meditation offers a profound framework for exploring the oneness of fullness and emptiness, guiding individuals beyond dualistic perceptions. This transformative practice cultivates the awareness necessary to dissolve illusions of separation, unveiling the unity underlying all existence.

Incorporating Yinnergy Meditation into your daily routine opens the door to profound balance, bridging the gap between the fullness of worldly engagements and the spacious emptiness of ultimate reality. It nurtures a deeper connection to timeless spiritual truths, helping you embody the peace that arises from seeing life as whole and complete. This middle path invites you to rest in the vast awareness where fullness and emptiness merge, creating a foundation for authentic living.

Explore the path further

For a deeper exploration of the oneness of fullness and emptiness, check out my book, Bodhi in the Brain, available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This guide delves into the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality, offering tools to directly experience the unity of form and formlessness.

Additionally, if you’re trying to enhance the work environment, ask about our sonic entrainment mindfulness workshops to explore a practical and experiential approach to holistic engagement. These sessions enhance problem-solving skills, creativity and collective awareness. Learn more about these transformative opportunities here.

Stay connected for ongoing insights into nonduality and spiritual realization. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube, and visit my blog for updates, reflections, and resources to support your journey. Together, let’s illuminate the path to seeing existence without distinctions and living from the peace of nonduality.

Read more from Morgan O. Smith


Morgan O. Smith, Spiritual Teacher

Morgan O. Smith is a spiritual teacher, author, and meditation facilitator with over two decades of experience in mindfulness and nonduality teachings. Known for his pioneering Yinnergy Meditation system, he blends sound technology with traditional spiritual practices to promote deep personal and spiritual growth. His work emphasizes direct spiritual experiences, self-realization, and the clearing of emotional and mental blocks. Morgan's teachings are rooted in nonduality, and he encourages seekers to explore deeper states of consciousness through meditation and self-inquiry.

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