Aaron Douglas is one of the newest and most energetic innovative visionaries taking on the leadership and coaching world dynamically. He is well known for being the founder of The LeRock Academy, a soon-to-be charter school with global franchise aspirations focusing on interpersonal skill training and communication techniques.

It is beyond interesting… Let’s face it: most people do not know who they are deep down or their life purpose here on planet Earth. But you know what I get it. How could you know when everyone and everything tells you how to live, where it goes, and what to do? But I can guarantee you this when you do accept yourself for who you truly are the shackles and pain you carry will be released with the snap of a finger. Today, I introduce to you the ultimate tip on how to become who you were meant to be. If you relate and resonate with this message reach out to me on my social media channels below and tell me your thoughts because that is what makes this fun.

Remove your ego to feel whole and free from pain and fear
So, first things first let us get into the mentality. Most people might think I am going to give them something to add to your tool belt but instead, this ultimate tip actually starts with you removing things from your tool belt. The tip is to remove your ego in order to be more complete. Now you might be asking me what is ego? One simple way to recognize ego is to ask yourself are you focused on being separate or together? You see, we are all meant to create, and the more creativity in a directed focus, the better, meaning two brains are better than one, so no separation. Once you go down the journey of learning yourself versus who “they” told you are you will uncover a wide world of opportunity. Once again, my fellow friends, if this relates or resonates, reach out to me via social media channels and tell me your thoughts. As always, stay safe and talk soon!
Aaron Douglas, Public Speaker, Leadership Development, Community Engagement
Aaron Douglas is a leader in the interpersonal skill training, personal development, and empathetic communication arena. A humbling beginning left him speechless having to practice his speeches to enhance his communication abilities and pass his teachings to others. Although challenges arose like they often do, Aaron created mental strategies using word pattern recognition to be able to sell and negotiate business offerings in a plethora of industries some would say it is a majestic art of his communication style which leaves many wondering, how can I lead the exact same way you do. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash and unlock their ultimate potential.