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The Myths Of Balance – Breaking Free From Societal Expectations For Women

Jade Elana, founder of The Soul Salon and Certified Spiritual Life Mentor, supports women on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual connection. Through her signature approach, she empowers women to align their values, reclaim their power, and lead their lives with authenticity.

Executive Contributor Jade Elana

In today's fast-paced world, women are often bombarded with messages about achieving balance. We are told that a perfectly balanced life is the key to happiness and success.

Photo of Lady Justice

We are shown the image of a scale and given the expectation that in order to find ours we must create a perfect even symmetry between separate parts of our life.


Work-life balance, for example, is an impossible pursuit.


You see these messages often come wrapped in myths that create unrealistic expectations and unnecessary pressure. They, in fact, lead us further away from our truth and soul-aligned values and straight to burnout & disconnect. We can find ourselves stuck on a cycle that becomes very difficult to step off as we try to reach or achieve these unrealistic expectations.


Let's look at some of these myths and explore what balance truly means


Myth 1: Balance means perfection

One of the most pervasive myths is that balance equates to perfection. Society often paints a picture of a woman who effortlessly juggles career, family, social life, and personal care, all while looking flawless and wearing a hypothetical badge of honor.


This myth sets an unattainable standard that can lead to feelings of inadequacy , the fear of Judgement, to guilt, shame & burnout.

True balance isn't about perfection. It's about finding your flow amongst all that matters most to you!

Your values, your beliefs, your circumstances, your responsibilities, your life.


What works for you and accepting that it's okay to have imperfections.


Myth 2: Balance is a static goal

Another common misconception is that balance is a state to be achieved and maintained.


In reality, balance is dynamic and constantly evolving. As are your roles & as are you.


Life's demands fluctuate, and what feels balanced today might not work tomorrow. It is about embracing the fluid nature & flow as balance allows for greater flexibility and resilience. It's important to focus on your intention as your circumstances change.

Balance is found in accepting that it has no comparison because no two women’s versions of balance will ever look the same.


Myth: 3 Balance requires an equal distribution of time

Many believe that achieving balance means equally distributing time among various aspects of your life.

This myth can be particularly harmful, as it creates pressure to constantly allocate time perfectly. Instead, balance should be viewed as prioritizing what matters most to you at any given moment. Some days, work might take precedence, and other days, family or self-care might be the focus.

The key is to align your time with your unique soul values and current needs.

Myth: 4 Balance is the same for everyone

Society often promotes a one-size-fits-all approach to balance, suggesting that there is a formula for everyone to follow. However, each woman's life is unique, with different priorities, challenges, and definitions of fulfillment. What brings balance to one person might not work for another. It's essential to personalize your approach and create a version of balance that reflects your individual circumstances, values & aspirations.


Myth 5: Balance eliminates stress

The idea that achieving balance will completely eliminate stress is another myth that can lead to disappointment. While finding and creating balance can certainly help manage stress, it's unrealistic to expect a stress-free life. Challenges, stressors & triggers are inevitable parts of life. Rather than aiming for the elimination of stress, focus on developing a healthy awareness and openness to healing. Use & learn tools to help create connection & calm and focus on building a support system & community that helps you navigate through difficult times.


Welcoming balance and breaking free from these myths involves redefining & accepting balance on your terms.


Your life, your business, your roles, your relationships, Your Balance. It gets to be your way.


Few tips to help you get started


1. Release expectations

Understand that balance doesn't mean doing everything perfectly. Set Aligned intentions & smart goals that contribute to creating the life you truly desire. Choosing self Love and being kind to yourself when things don't go as planned.

2. Prioritize self-care

Make time for activities that create space for you to connect to your heart & choose calm, experiences that open communication to your higher self & rejuvenate you, whether it's a hobby, exercise, or simply relaxing. Self-love & self care is a crucial component & the foundation of finding your balance.


3. Be flexible

Life is unpredictable, and your needs will change. Be open to adjusting your priorities and routines as needed, helping you to create flow.


4. Seek support

Don't hesitate to lean on friends, family, or professional networks. Building a support system & community can provide you with the encouragement and assistance you need.


5. Reflect regularly

Take time to assess your sense & meaning of balance . Reflect on what's working, what isn't, and make necessary pivots & adjustments.


Remember, balance is a personal journey, not a destination. By letting go of societal expectations and embracing your unique path, you can find a fulfilling and sustainable sense of inner peace.


A soulful start to finding your balance

It is very easy to find yourself on the pressure cycle as a woman in today's world, reclaiming your power to choose to live intentionally rather than consumed with expectations can be extremely liberating in finding your balance & creating a heart and soul led life of abundance.


If you're currently feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and disconnected then please know you are not alone, many women are also seeking balance & a deeper level of connection to themselves as you are.

Are you ready to step off the pressure cycle and create space for your Internal voice?


Is it time to release expectations, find your balance, and reclaim your power to lead your life in alignment with your soul?


For more information On 121 spiritual mentoring that awakens a higher sense of self and incorporates soul alignment and feminine leadership, feel free to email me.


Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Jade Elana


Jade Elana, Spiritual Mentor

Jade Elana, founder of The Soul Salon, is dedicated to supporting women on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual connection. As a Certified Spiritual Life Mentor and an embodied feminine leader, Jade's commitment to nurturing feminine leadership guides women to align their values and purpose with their true selves. Through her unique method, The Soul Keys, Jade offers a multidimensional approach to healing and reconnection, empowering women to reclaim their power and lead their lives with authenticity and grace. Her work creates a sanctuary where women can explore their gifts, overcome their challenges, and move towards a life of greater peace, freedom, and fulfilment.



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