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The Mystical “I”

Written by: Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There is something very mysterious about the ‘I’. Who is this ‘I’? What is this ‘I’? Apparently, a reference to ‘Ego’ and ‘Self’, having the potential to be, to become and to transform within their own evolution.

Coming into existence at a level of needs with the intrinsic instinct of survival, the ’I’ is a number 9; the number of inner wisdom, absorbing answers of a spiritual source. The inspiration for ‘Self’ to investigate on a journey leading into the unknown. The number of infinite shades of grey, gone through shares of hardship, humanitarian at heart and a source of healing for All. The ‘I’, moving through opportunities of transitioning, of initiation and completion.

The ‘I’ subject to the ‘Self’, to be discovered in lower and higher realms. First exposed to influences from the world around and being veiled from its source. Right from birth, interacting with the senses, absorbing images, sounds, smells, tastes and touch; being pulled into intense experiences, drifting off further and further away from its origins. The distance expanding between the internal and external, the ‘Ego’ and ‘Self’ identifying the ‘I’ through impressions and expressions in a dual reality. The ‘I’ born with instinct, the pattern of response to the stimuli around; the ‘I’, being gravitated onto the stage of the 3D world. Slowly learning to relax and absorb the millions of impressions, learning to interpret them over time. Slowly learning to breathe in and out with the flow, following the movement bridging the gaps. The gaps in which the mystery of the ‘I’ is hidden.

The ‘I’ learning to set intentions on its path, taking directions and making choices, as these are inevitable in a world of opposites, compliments, questions, and answers. A world of manifestation of matter, directed by thought and emotion. Vice versa bringing thought and emotion into vibration, the ‘I’ believes to belong to. In-between moments of knowing, the ‘I’ realising to live the temporary, setting new direction for the imperishable. Leaving slowly bits and pieces of the ‘Ego’ behind and discovering moments of truth in and beyond the ‘Self’.

The ‘I’, discovering its own illusions, kept alive by Ego play; the ‘I’, insisting on finding its way to union, where the ‘Self’ rises above the earthly interaction. More and more moments of interference between the ‘Self’ and ‘Ego’, are setting the path for both to dissolve in the ‘I am’. ‘I am’ standing for the number (9+1+4 = 14 =) 5, the number of change and transformation, the endless movement in the universe. The 5, leading to insight in the accumulation of repeated experiences, the lightning moments of breaking through. Breaking through the creation in space and time, connecting with a glimpse of infinity.

The ‘I am’ allowing intuition to take over, leading the ‘I’ over the bridge to its source. In a lifetime, in many lifetimes, over hundreds, over thousands of years; bringing the ‘I am’ home in being the nobody, being the nothing. The initiation of infinity; the expansion, where ending and beginning give birth to the mystery of life. The ‘I’, being in service of creation. Creation, the Love to return to. Love (3+6+4+5=) the inseparable 9 again, the number of Union. So, the drop of water, so the ocean and so the ‘I am’ interconnected to ‘Love’. An incredible sensation, steering the ‘I’ in communication with ‘Ego’ and ‘Self’ onto a journey of inquiry, investigation, integration, and innovation.

‘Ego’ and ‘Self’ feeding the ‘I’ in the process of becoming ‘I am’, with their unavoidable input of intentional, indefinite, indecisive, intolerable, indigestible, and ingrained information. Repetitive patterns of ‘Self’ destructive inflicted scenarios, instrumental for world ‘Ego’ drama. The conflict slowly indicating the misalignment between the two, asking for initiative, inferencing between the lines, and searching for inherited Karma. Turning focus away from the outside world into the inside world where direct and indirect influences of ‘Ego’ and ‘Self’, are making ‘coming to Union’ a life struggle.

Eventually finding answers in dissolving the two, inhaling the Divinity of each moment and exhaling impiety of impatient, addictive Desire. Indeed, opening up to the indigo spectrum, evoking radiant energy in the human observer. Being invited to enter the invisible, the undefinable; being introduced to the abstract, the intangible. Eventually exploring the phenomenon of channelling, the space in which information of creation transmits. Eventually listening and serving the Infinite, after healing of the ‘Self’ and shredding off the ‘Ego’. Becoming the upright ‘I’, the tower moment of connecting Heaven and Hell in a Union of ‘I am’.

What a journey is mankind meant to make in this mystical ‘I’. Used as a reference a hundred times a day. Taken for granted in unawareness. An institute for identification. Ever questioned the voice speaking to you? Ever questioned the voice you are listening to? Ever questioned who is taking the initiative or inventing the wheel? Let the answer be in the first 2 letters, the moving ‘in’ (9+5=14=), the 5. There the seed may be found in the Observer (again a 5), the watcher in the continuous movement of the universe. The beacon in the ocean; the permanent, which has always been there, connected to the ‘Ego’, the ‘I’ and the ‘Self’ in the mystery of life of ‘I am’.

Brisbane, Australia

Follow Frida on Facebook, Linkedin and visit her website for more information.


Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Frida Joosting is a Life Traveler, lead by curiosity into experiences of seeking depth and truth in Existence. Guidance from many spiritual souls like Krishnamurti, Yogananda, Osho, Eghart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Rumi has enriched her Life and moved her into diverse directions. She is an Artist at heart, living a life of service, using intuition and intention for Creation, and allowing Reality to unfold wherever the river flows. From Dancer, Choreographer and Educator transitioning into Writer, Speaker and Business Facilitator, is the never-ending exciting adventure she brings to her audience. Potential Freedom, her inspirational business in Personal Development Programs and Events, offers like-minded travelers to join her in a unique Work / Life Balance experience. And so she says: Live Life Truly, Fully and in Abundance!

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