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The Mind-Body Of Finances – How To Build Your Money Mindset Muscles

Written by: Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Laura Di Franco

The foundation of successful finances lies in the daily thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors you practice around money. Want to feel in control and at peace with your finances? Check what you think and believe because it often contradicts those goals.

man in white sweater showing money on his palm

There are some basic thoughts and beliefs that sabotage most people when it comes to building their money mindset muscles. And there are foundational strategies that’ll change your finance game and bank account. “Do you treat money like a love relationship? No, you don’t. You do the opposite. The thoughts, worries, fears, and outright disrespect are quite the opposite of how you’d treat someone you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.”

Oh, those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve taken a lot of workshops on this topic. I’ve done my money work. But when I thought about how I was treating money, I realized I might as well have been asking for a divorce. My money mindset—the habitual, cyclical worry and fear thoughts I’d practiced for maybe decades, flashed before my eyes. In a moment, I realized what I’d been doing and got excited.

I was excited because I knew about the law of attraction. I know money is energy. I also know that “what you track grows” and “what you focus on grows.” So if you’re focused on worry, fear, and not-enough, guess what happens? We read and believe these things, yet what do we do? We treat money like crap. We think things like:

I can’t afford that.

What if this fails, and I’m out on the street?

I don’t have enough to invest like that.

OMG, I hate spreadsheets!

I’m no good at keeping track. I don’t know how to do this! I feel stupid when it comes to money.

I’m not good enough to make a lot of money.

I will have to work really hard to make the money I want to make.

Fill in your versions of repetitive money worry and self-sabotage (write them down), and you’ll be staring at the reason you can’t build your money mindset muscles in the face. Journaling is an awareness tool I highly recommend. You may even look at your list and say, “Whoa, do I believe that?" That moment of questioning is the opportunity to flip the switch and get your swole on. Flex your money mindset in new ways, and you’ll have a key to creating financial fitness like you’ve never experienced before.

"What Is A 7-figure Mindset?”

When that question was asked of me, I tried to play with the answer. I imagined what 7-figure earners were saying, doing, and thinking, and how they were behaving (enter my first first-class plane ticket purchase). I was worth over a million but had never made a million in one year. I was ready to play!

However, the worries always came back. I caught myself in the ruminating thoughts of not-enough and lack, and realized I had trained those muscles for most of my life. If you didn’t have 7-figure mentors, parents, or teachers growing up, you probably trained the wrong muscles, too.

That all changes today.

Here is the three-part money mindset awareness makeover you can begin right now. Like muscles, it takes training. The more (and more carefully and thoughtfully) you train, the stronger, more agile, and more flexible those muscles get. Your mind is even more fun to train. Challenge yourself to practice until the healthier moves (thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors) become natural and automatic.

Remember, yesterday’s thoughts manifested today’s reality. You can’t go back (and you shouldn’t) to worry about what’s been done or thought before. But you have a whole world of possibilities open to you right now and moving forward! Let’s do this!

3 Steps To Money Mindset Mastery And Ultimate Financial Freedom

  1. Catch your cyclical thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors around money and write it all down so you can see it. This awareness (all awareness) is everything. It’s the catalyst for change. Journal the heck out of this. Take your time. What feelings come up? What emotions? Notice and write everything down.

  2. Treat your money, bank accounts, and finances like your best lover. Focused, respectful, and loving attention is required. Great communication is necessary. Sometimes assistance is required. Use language and energy around money topics that includes more love, joy, gratitude, respect, hope, excitement, and expectation. “I love money!” is a great start. It might feel weird at first. But remember, you trained the worry muscles. That feels normal to you. What if you could make the new thoughts feel normal?

  3. “Money problems are a circulation problem.” Honoree Corder. When your flow is blocked up, things stagnate. Give a little. Let go. Notice your bracing and holding patterns, hoarding, or general contraction around money. If we’re gripping too tightly, we can’t receive. This is about energy. So begin to curate your thoughts, beliefs, physical reactions, environment, conversations, and actions around money so that these things are a pure delight to you. Let everything flow.

Once you have built this mindset foundation for your financial success, I highly recommend working with a money coach to get support for your finances, especially if you’re a business owner. You also might want to take your mindset mastery to the next level by reading a book or two to keep you motivated. We all need motivation and reminders. You’ll find The Brave Healer Business Mindset Transformation Journal HERE. And you’ll find a fabulous abundance-building tool kit in Wealth Codes, HERE.

Enjoy the money journey! It’s possible to have more fun with the energy of your finances and abundance. In fact, when you’re having fun, watch how the rest falls into place!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube or visit my website for more info!

Laura Di Franco Brainz Magazine

Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, an award-winning publisher for holistic health and wellness professionals. She has 30 years of expertise in holistic physical therapy, 14 years of training in the martial arts, and her company has published over 50 Amazon bestselling books. She's a spoken-word poet, lover of dark chocolate, and has a contagious passion for helping you share brave words that build your business.

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