Written by: Rita Roushdy, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

How would it feel to achieve every money goal that you set?
Ever wanted a money goal so big that it scared you? One that scared you so much that you ended up lowering to a more 'attainable' goal? Yet, became frustrated and disheartened when you didn't even achieve it?

Oftentimes, fear plays a big role in the decision-making process when it comes to setting a money goal.
This will be even more so when it's a money goal you've not yet achieved. And sometimes this will be true if you've achieved this money goal before yet believe that it was a fluke.
Even though you've lowered your goal, if you don’t achieve it, you're left unsatisfied. And before you know it, you're setting an even lower goal next time.
So, if you find yourself lowering your big money goal, it's time to ask yourself two questions: why and what?
Why is my mind telling me that it's not possible for me?
What's the thought that's made me doubt myself?
There will be a money block behind that fear-based decision, which is an opportunity for growth.
Here's a breakdown of why setting a bigger money goal might be more attainable than a lower goal.
The most important thing to understand is that it's not the action that we take that matters. What's even more important is the energy that lies behind the action.
Meaning the alignment and the energy in which you set your next goal is more important than the goal itself.
What you might not be aware of is that by lowering your goal in fear, you're sending messages into the universe that:
You don't believe in yourself.
You don't 'really want that lower goal because your true desire lies in the big money goal.
You don't believe you're worthy of the money you desire.
And the truth is that by lowering your financial goal in fear, you're in misalignment to your goal from the get-go.
So here are a few journaling prompts so you can make sure that you're in mind, body, and soul alignment with your goals.
Ask yourself the following:
How do I see my ideal life? What does my ideal day look like?
How would it feel for me to live this life?
What would my business look like, in an ideal world? Would I have a team supporting me?
How much money would I like to earn through my business that will make the above possible?
How does it feel in my body when thinking about this money goal?
Once you've set yourself up for success with an aligned goal, you next must visualize it in your now reality. Use my powerful (yet free) Manifest Money Guided Visualisation.
Why wait when you can access your big money goal immediately? Step into the moment of achieving your goal here.

Rita Roushdy, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Rita Roushdy is an expert in the money mindset, uncovering subconscious limiting beliefs and supporting high-level women in becoming a powerful magnet for money.
After a decade of hustling hard but hardly being paid, leaving her depleted and wounded, Rita was on a mission to heal her relationship with money, knowing that it will be a lifelong journey beginning by healing herself first.
Rita’s purpose quickly became to share this secret with other women who desire to level up their businesses and finances into new heights of limitless abundance that spill into all areas of their lives.
Transforming society’s relationship with money, one woman at a time, Rita strives to uncover and release old limiting money paradigms that we’ve been programmed with.
Using an abundance of healing tools and techniques, she guides her clients, releasing anything that no longer serves them by healing old money wounds and deep-rooted beliefs, making space for what they truly desire to have more of in their lives, activating and allowing them to become magnetic to their dream clients.
She has supported her worldwide clients, reaching consistent £10K and £20K per month income goals and hitting their first £100K in business in less than 2 months of working together.
She’s been invited to share her expertise on money mindset and became a keynote speaker, all within the first year of entering the coaching space.