Written by Stacy Ingram, Mental Performance Coach
Stacy Ingram is a dedicated Mental Performance Coach for teen athletes and performers. She believes every teen deserves the chance to succeed at their highest level, to learn the skills and techniques needed to help them be at their best in sport, the arts and in everyday life.

Injuries are an inevitable part of an athlete’s journey, but for teen athletes, the mental challenges that come with sports recovery often outweigh the physical ones. During the recovery period, athletes face a range of emotions—frustration, disappointment, fear, and sometimes even grief over the temporary loss of their identity as athletes. While physical rehabilitation is essential, understanding and addressing the mental side of sports recovery is equally important in helping teens come back stronger, both mentally and physically.

The emotional phases of injury
When a teen athlete suffers an injury, the initial reaction is often shock or disbelief, especially if the injury is severe or season-ending. As the reality sets in, frustration and sadness may follow. Many athletes tie their self-worth and identity closely to their sport. Without it, they may feel lost or unsure of who they are beyond their athletic abilities. Parents and coaches might notice mood swings, anxiety, or even withdrawal from social activities. Sometimes, our teens just need understanding and space to work through their emotions.
One of the critical steps in navigating these emotional phases is helping athletes accept the situation without rushing the healing process. Rushing to return before full recovery can lead to reinjury, setting back both physical and emotional progress. Encouraging patience and understanding the ups and downs of recovery are vital.
The role of mental toughness in recovery
Injury recovery is an opportunity to build mental toughness. Teen athletes need to shift their mindset from focusing solely on what they’ve lost to embracing what they can gain. This starts with reframing the injury as part of their overall journey, not a detour. As a mental performance coach, I often teach athletes to focus on what they can control during recovery—like their attitude, effort in rehabilitation, and maintaining a positive outlook. This helps them stay connected to their goals, even if the timeline has shifted. The mental side of recovering from an injury can’t be ignored. Mental recovery helps to maintain focus, motivation, and the grit it takes to heal. If the mental side isn’t recovered the player may come back timid or without the fire they once had.
Practical strategies for staying mentally strong
1. Visualization
One of the most effective mental strategies during recovery is visualization. Athletes should be encouraged to mentally rehearse their performance in their sport, picturing themselves returning stronger, faster, and more skilled. This practice can help reduce the gap between their mental state and physical readiness when they eventually return to play. Visualization builds muscle memory mentally and the unconscious mind takes it in as real physical practice. That’s why it’s so effective.
2. Goal setting
During recovery, it’s crucial for athletes to set short-term, achievable goals. These might be related to their rehab exercises, nutrition, or even maintaining a positive mindset. Small victories during recovery help build momentum and confidence.
3. Focus on what can be controlled
Injured athletes often feel a lack of control over their situation. Encourage them to focus on the things they can still control, such as sleep, nutrition, mental exercises, or academic work. Shifting focus to these areas can give them a sense of progress, even when they aren’t on the field or court. Also, joining a club or other activities that give them a sense of community much like they have with their sport. Being part of something bigger than ourselves is uplifting and motivating.
Supporting identity beyond sports
One of the most profound psychological challenges athletes face during injury recovery is dealing with the temporary loss of their athletic identity. Teen athletes, in particular, often see themselves primarily as basketball players, swimmers, dancers, or soccer stars for example. When that’s stripped away, even for a short period, it can lead to feelings of emptiness or loss of purpose.
This is where parents and coaches can play a critical role. Supporting the athlete in exploring other facets of their identity—whether it’s academics, leadership roles within their team, or new hobbies—can help them see that they are more than just their athletic performance. Recovery can be a time of personal growth, where athletes learn resilience, patience, and develop a more well-rounded sense of self. When they go back to the playing field, they still need support. Many parents want them to jump back in the same way they were when they got injured but it takes time. Athletes also now may have other priorities and interests that they want to fit in now and a little less focus on only sports. Once they have had time to do other things sometimes, they don‘t want to 100% give that up. As parents, it’s important to support what our teen athletes need to achieve their ultimate goals for a well-rounded life, not just ours.
The silver lining of recovery
While no athlete wants to be injured, the recovery process can offer a silver lining. It’s a chance for athletes to strengthen their mental game, discover who they are beyond sports, and develop emotional resilience. By focusing on both the physical and mental sides of recovery, teens can come back not just as better athletes but as stronger individuals ready to face the challenges ahead.
Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Courageous.
Joshua 1:9
Stacy Ingram is a dedicated Mental Performance Coach specializing in empowering teen athletes and performers to overcome the invisible barriers that often hinder their performance. With a focus on the mental side of the game, her programs are designed to equip athletes and performers with the cognitive tools and resilience needed for success both in sports/the arts and in everyday life.