Written by: Dr Wayne C A Wright, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We all get stressed. Some more than others.
But make no mistake. It is the silent killer amongst business leaders and business owners.
In my book, 'The 10 Commandments of Business Growth', on Amazon click here for a copy, I address a whole chapter around the business leader getting to grips with their mental as well as physical health for sustainable business growth.

In our experience, stress comes in two forms:
The stress that is a result of an activity or potential circumstance that is out of your control, that you could have done something about it, or you can do NOTHING about it.
Or the stress which is the result of where you have the opportunity to deal with it, but there are tensions around time pressures or soliciting the help of others to accomplish an activity or task.
This leads to feelings of inadequacy, failure, regret, sadness, 'what is the point emotions', outbursts of verbal and physical anger, addictions to gambling, porn or drink to take away or numb the stressful thoughts.
So, let us get straight into the solutions. 10 Stress Management tools to allow you to maintain your tip, top business performance:
1. FIND SOMEONE TO TALK TO - Obvious I know, but preferably someone who understands business or who can empathise your role as a leader. Someone who will not judge you, but work with you on solutions
2. DELEGATE - WITHOUT LOSING CONTROL - You can not do it all! As the business grows you MUST delegate to allow you to focus on the important things. Remember the WHAT/ WHY/ HOW/ WHO and WHEN of effective delegation. A tool that we have mentioned before. DM me here if you want to know more
3. TIME MANAGEMENT AND EFFECTIVE PLANNING - Planning your day at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day with clear tasks and objectives – leaving appropriate gaps for emergencies, will help you to create order out of the chaos that can ensue. If the business can afford it, a great Executive PA is worth his/her weight in gold in supporting you in managing your time effectively and getting the balance right.
4. TAKE A BREAK AND DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT - The ability to get your mind not to think about stressful things 24h a day is critical for overall health and productivity. Take a break, go for a walk, play sports, listen to music, do a hobby. DO ANYTHING that is not connected to your work. This will help your brain to switch off and process the issues in a different way. Archimedes only had his ‘Eureka’ moment when having a bath! When you are relaxed, your ability to problem-solve is enhanced.
5. BOOK A HOLIDAY - As above it is imperative that you book an opportunity to go away where you do not have to pick up a phone or address an email. I appreciate that this may be difficult for you if you have just started out. But even then, getting your business to a position where you CAN take at least 1-2 weeks without your business world falling apart is important.
6. SHARE THE STRESS WITH YOUR TEAM - Sometimes it is appropriate to share the stress with your colleagues and the rest of the business. You see, a problem shared is a problem halved. When others have a vested interest in solving the problem, greater opportunities for success surface.
7. GET THE BALANCE RIGHT – 80h WORK WEEKS ARE NOT COOL! - Business leaders in the UK and the US think that working excessive hours is important in getting ahead. For one it is obvious that your decision making powers are not as sharp or on point when you are tired. In addition, research shows the importance of rest and sleep on being fit and active (physically and mentally).
8. EAT WELL - Not eating well or regularly (having a set time slot) are things that you need to get good at. Eating late puts your body's hormones into a state that leads to other hormonal and disease conditions as well as putting on weight. Comfort eating is also common for stress, so understanding those trigger moments are important in your life
9. MAINTAIN EXERCISE - Exercise is superb in regulating imbalance in female and male hormones as well as giving you that great 'happy/ satisfied' sensation.
10. SEEK PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT - If after doing the above you are still struggling for motivation, get up and go and/or melancholic then please get professional advice. If the CEO of Lloyds Bank gets help for burnout, then you can do to.
If you are struggling with stress, then please contact us and take the opportunity to experience our FREE 1h Business Session. Click the link here.
It could be the best (and least stressful) business decision that you will make in 2022.

Dr Wayne C A Wright, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr Wayne Wright has worked in some of the most celebrated corporate entities as well as fast growing medium sized businesses at senior and board levels. His experience is in the building of businesses from the bottom up with a clear understanding of the strategic elements essential in driving successful growth. With a scientist background he is named on 9 patents. Wayne has investments in healthcare businesses in the UK and US and for the last 20 years has led [W]sq solutions, a small boutique entrepreneur coaching organisation that works with fast growing businesses in accelerating growth and profitability.