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The Keys To Finding Balance

Written by: Wendy McKenzie, MA, MHT, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Wendy McKenzie, MA, MHT

Most of us struggle to balance work, home, family, relationships, self-care, and all of our responsibilities. Balance is a daily juggling act, and each of us seeks homeostasis. Balance is the space between things such as right and wrong, good and bad, anger and calmness, joy and sadness, feeling unsafe and hypervigilance, feeling bold vs. cautious, being a workaholic or not working at all, overeating and not eating enough, etc.

Brass-colored skeleton key.

Gymnasts and circus performers get to know balance in their muscles, musicians through sound, artists visually, and chefs via taste. We all have experiences in our lives that throw us off balance, and we teeter in one way or another. For example, something amazing, like meeting your soul mate, can feel incredibly intense and impact the adrenals as if something terrible


Our parasympathetic system does an excellent job of striving toward balance in the body, especially if we help it with exercise, eating well, mindfulness, meditation, and a spiritual life.

There are many possible blockages to balance – and it would take volumes to discuss them all. Listening, though, is paramount, and follow-through is key.

Within each of us is wisdom. As we traverse life, we shut down, avoid, forget, and ignore our innate wisdom. There are lots of reasons why. Most of them are not our fault – we were only trying to survive. How do we uncover our wisdom? It has to do with trust, trusting ourselves.

If you were sitting before me, telling me your story, I would ask you, when finished, “What do you need? Instead of waiting for others to change for you to be happy, what needs to change inside or for you?” Answers often go something like this: “I need to quit my job,” “I need to exercise and eat well,” “I need to create,” “I need to follow my dreams,” I need to move,” “I need to end the relationship I am in,” “I need to love myself,” etc. My answer is – “Perfect – now go do that.”

Unfortunately, we create many stories telling us why we can’t do what we want, and those stories go something like this.”I don’t have the time,” “I don’t have the money,” I’m too old,” “I don’t know how,” “I’m not smart enough,” etc. These stories stop us from doing anything that heads us in our desired direction, and subconsciously, we start to distrust ourselves.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is your life or the balance you desire. If, instead, you listened to yourself and aligned your actions with what you know you need to do, you would find balance, alignment, peace, joy, and the life you have dreamed of. Being congruent with yourself means listening to your inner wisdom and taking action. Kindly ask the resistance to step aside and take action that aligns with your goals, dreams, and desires.

Carolyn Myss, author, and teacher, says, “Congruency can take many forms, but in essence, you are congruent when your beliefs match up with your everyday actions and your spiritual practice. Say what you believe and believe what you say; act on your belief and follow through on guidance that comes from inner reflection. In this way, body, mind, and soul finally come into an alignment that allows for the harmony of the graces to flow through you as naturally as your breath” (The Fifth Mystical Law: Maintain Spiritual Congruency - Caroline Myss).

Here are four keys to get you on the path to living in balance

Key 1: Be honest with yourself. Take the time to listen to the internal dialogue, the yearnings, and dreams. What do you want? What do you know you could do that is currently not getting done?

Key 2: You have to come first. No – this is not selfish. As they say on any flight, when the airbags drop, place it on yourself first, then help those around you. If you are not breathing, you are no good to anyone. Work, relationships, and families will appreciate a version of you that is in balance. They can wait as you realign yourself to you. (And it doesn’t have to

take up that much time).

Key 3: Listen more and identify the stories that hold you back from going for it! We build on our dreams one step at a time. Yes, there will always be resistance; thank it for showing up; it is only trying to protect you after all, but ask it to step aside.

Key 3: Take action! It’s simple and clear – just do it! What is the one thing you can do today that keeps you on the path toward your goal?

Key 4: Have patience. If this is new for you, then it will take some practice. Like a gymnast, an artist, or a musician, we have to repeat, repeat, repeat to get the result we are looking for. Be kind to yourself in the process.

The Door to balance opens after using these keys. The part of you that has the dreams and desires starts to trust that you are listening and following through. You begin to feel more in alignment with yourself, and trust grows. Joy begins to emerge, you start to experience self-appreciation, and wisdom comes easily.

There are many practical ways to balance work, home, relationships, and responsibilities. It can often be helpful to talk it through with a practitioner. Finding purpose, empowerment, and making dreams come true is what I can help you with. To learn more and benefit from a mentor, book a free fifteen-minute consultation with Wendy here: Schedule Appointment with The Voice of Clay ( and discover your way to balance.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and visit my website for more info!

Wendy McKenzie, MA, MHT Brainz Magazine

Wendy McKenzie, MA, MHT, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Wendy Walter is a Master Potter, Licensed Esthetician. Spiritual Guidance Mentor and founder of The Voice of Clay (1999). With an MA in transpersonal psychology, she interweaves the alchemy of clay into her work as if YOU are the clay, to guide souls back to the heart center, transmuting what may seem like only “a lump of clay” into centered, grounded, purposeful and empowered human beings. Her mission is to empower people to live the highest version of themselves.

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