Written by: Amelia Franklin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? What would it feel like to know exactly what you have and exactly where to find it? Many of us believe a peaceful, clutter-free home is out of reach. It doesn't have to be!

As a professional organizer, I provide the opportunity for every one of my clients to reach this goal: peaceful, clutter-free spaces.
Many people hesitate to hire a professional organizer. Asking for help with a space that causes shame or overwhelm feels vulnerable. Other times, they're convinced they should be able to organize on their own. The reasons for not hiring a professional organizer seem like many. What people don't realize is that the benefits always outweigh the costs.
Here are five reasons to hire a professional organizer and begin the journey toward a peaceful, clutter-free home.
Firstly, professional organizers create a momentum that often results in a domino effect of positive change. When one space transforms, clients feel empowered to organize other spaces and pursue positive changes in other areas of their lives. Hiring a professional organizer can break the seal for clients beginning to transform their homes and lives.
Secondly, professional organizers bring fresh eyes, ideas, and strategies to a space. When you have looked at your spaces one way for an extended period, it can be challenging to get creative about how to help that space serve you better. Professional organizers bring fresh and studied organizational strategies to a space you never thought could be different.
Thirdly, professional organizers love to do this work! Many people do not enjoy organizing or struggle to know where to begin. As a professional organizer, I love what I do! I want to help people who are ready to get organized! I am excited about transforming spaces and lives! Hiring a professional organizer will bring energy and inspiration to spaces that cause overwhelm and discouragement.
Fourthly, organizing and decluttering have proven to be good for us. Studies show that organized people experience reduced stress, fatigue, and depression. Organized people experience higher productivity, better sleep, and healthier choices. I have experienced these benefits in weeks and months when I am more organized than in weeks and months when I let things get out of control and lose the rhythms of an organized life. Hiring a professional organizer is one way to start reaching these larger goals.
Lastly, professional organizers bring guidance and expertise that you may need. Our job is to be well-studied and trained on how to organize different spaces. Hiring a professional organizer takes figuring out where to start and how to organize off your plate entirely.
I have seen clients experience countless benefits from organizing services. If you could benefit from hiring a professional organizer, don't hesitate. Getting organized can be transformational. Your local professional organizer is ready to help you find your way to a peaceful, clutter-free home!

Amelia Franklin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Professional Organizer and Business Owner, Amelia Franklin, is passionate about the transforming power of managing clutter and getting organized. She knows our spaces have a direct impact on how we feel and function in daily life. Her mission is to help clients navigate overwhelming spaces by bringing order to the chaos, creating systems to help them thrive, and offering encouragement and support along the way.