Written by: Jill Witte, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
True Fit Balance is my personal training company that I started about 3 years ago. I created it because of my own journey to lose weight and I wanted to help people do the same. While I still help people lose weight, my niche has changed (as I talked about in my article “Unlocking My “Aha” Moment”) to helping people get ready for joint surgery (knee, hip, ankle and shoulder). As well as working with clients post surgery and physical therapy. I also train people who have chronic diseases and cancer.
I have written about life being like a GPS (3 things to Learn From The GPS That is Life’s Journey).. We want to get to our goals the quickest way possible but it is the detours and stops along the way that really shape what our journey’s destination will be.
The Beginning of my journey started with crash diets and a wanting to understand how my body worked. I was strong but really wanted to learn how I could develop different parts of my body, so I attained my personal trainer certification. From there I wanted to understand how my body responded to food. Since I was a kid I have always had stomach problems and instead of taking something to help soothe my stomach I wanted to learn how food worked for my body so I got my nutrition certification.
The biggest thing I have learned from my certifications and just working on myself is that everybody’s body is different. Our muscles and digestive systems don’t react the same way to something, like someone else might. This is what I teach my clients on top of training them and sometimes it is hard to teach them because we see in social media posts and the quick fix programs that are out there. When it comes down to it, losing weight, gaining muscle, recovery from an injury and working through a chronic disease is a process and should not be rushed.
As I continued working with clients I saw that some people felt they couldn’t workout because of an old injury or they had a chronic disease and I have always felt that anyone could workout it is just trying to figure out how they can. Again this is a process not a race, so I started expanding my certifications so I could work with cancer patients and clients who had chronic diseases and injuries. I wanted everyone to feel like they could workout.
The most popular concern my clients have is balance because as they get older if they fall it is harder to come back from injury. A lot of my clients have seen their active friends fall and get injured and they are not the same after because they are now scared to do something for fear of falling and getting injured again.
My Continuing Mission of working with my clients is to help them overcome their fears and have them do exercises that replicate real world scenarios so we can break it down together and they can create new muscle memories. It is hard to guarantee injury prevention but what I do is help my clients better prepare themselves if they ever do fall.
When working with True Fit Balance you are given an exercise program that is tailored to you and help you create a healthy balanced body and mind.
Jill Witte, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jill Witte, is the founder of True Fit Balance. She is a personal trainer who is certified as a Senior Fitness, Cancer Exercise and Clinical Exercise Specialist. Jill also has certifications as a Nutrition, Brain Health and Life Coach. She created True Fit Balance because of her past experiences of trying to find what exercises and foods worked for her. Now, Jill helps her clients find what works for them by connecting the brain, body and nutrition to create a healthy balanced body. Jill also hosts "Can You Relate Fit and Health". A podcast were she talks with people about their stories of overcoming injury or illness.