Alexandra Stockwell, MD is an Intimate Marriage Expert. After twelve years treating families' medical needs, she studied the art and science of emotional intimacy and sensual connection, in order to show couples how to heal their relationships as well.
For over two decades, Dr. Alexandra has been guiding men and women to bring pleasure and purpose back into all aspects of life— from the daily grind of running a household to creating ecstatic experiences in the bedroom.
Dr. Alexandra is the bestselling author of Uncompromising Intimacy, a public speaker, and host of The Intimate Marriage Podcast ‒ where she shares the secrets to creating and sustaining a deep, meaningful, and passionate marriage.
She has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone Magazine, InStyle, Business Insider, USA Today, Shape, Fox News and more.

Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, Intimate Marriage Expert
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
I am a physician and an Intimate Marriage Expert. I majored in Philosophy and Math in college, went to medical school, and became a Family Doctor. Now I coach couples to have beautiful, intimate, and passionate relationships. My husband and I have been married for 26 years. We met in our first week of medical school, and in the early years of our relationship, we were working 60-100 hours per week. Due to that intense schedule, we didn’t have much time with one another. Once we did have more time together, I realized we needed to learn how to have a fantastic relationship because it just didn’t come easily to us. After a lot of personal growth, extensive training in coaching, sensuality, and sexuality, and coaching hundreds of couples, we now have an extraordinary marriage. And I teach others how to create their version of an incredible, nourishing, passionate relationship.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients? Alexandra Stockwell Coaching and Consulting. I help my clients by teaching educated, successful couples how to connect more deeply with one another, and how to create emotional intimacy as well as sensual and erotic intimacy. I teach them how to communicate better, and how to create more closeness and connection.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards? I work with educated, successful couples who know how to be competent in other areas of their lives, how to problem solve and improve when it comes to business, fitness, and parenting. But as it relates to their relationship, they aren’t sure what will work and are glad to have clear, logical, hope-filled, action-oriented coaching.
Can an Intimacy Coach help with a person’s sex life?
Yes! Of course. However, most of the time I find that once a couple communicates well about their thoughts and feelings, the sensual/sexual aspect of their relationship improves dramatically as well. (And when explicit focus on sex is needed, it is of great benefit for a couple to have already learned to communicate well.)
What are your current goals for your business?
I want to change the cultural narrative of long-term relationships so people no longer think of them as a place where passion tapers off over time. Rather, couples understand that glorious erotic experiences, passion, and emotional depth can improve with every passing year. All it takes is instruction and intention!
What is your work inspired by? My own parents divorced when I was a child as did my husband’s. I looked around and didn't see marriages that inspired me, so I decided to learn as much as necessary in order to crack the code and make my marriage wonderful, fun, and connected. Once my husband and I achieved this, I began to teach others how to as well. The results are amazing as individuals feel happy and connected, marriages strengthen and stabilize, and children thrive!
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
Countless couples come to me determined to stay together. Outwardly, everything appears well in their relationship, but inside one or both is lonely and yearning for more. When they become my clients they learn how to transform everything! They fall in love again. Their home becomes happier and the children more relaxed. Revenue often increases with the confidence that comes from having a really great relationship.
Every time I witness this I am in awe of how much transformation is possible for couples who are willing to put in the attention, make it a priority, and choose to get couples coaching.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why? It would be to focus more on actionable guidance and internal transformation. External shifts like new lingerie or a luxury vacation do not create sustainable results.
Is there anything else you would like to emphasize for someone out there who needs help building intimacy with their partner?
Having a fantastic and passionate relationship is something that anyone can learn.
All that is required is education, but most people haven’t ever been taught. What people learn from their parents, sex ed classes, clergy, movies, books, peers or porn is wholly inadequate. With attention and the right education, comes more closeness, pleasure, and joy. With the right skills, you’ll communicate better and understand your partner more deeply without sacrificing any parts of yourself.
Follow Dr. Alexandra Stockwell on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube and visit my website for more info!
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