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The Inspiring Journey Of Tyler Skinner And Women Making Waves

Chloe Redmond is a leader in digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and social media management. A chance opportunity to work with Chopra Global (Deepak Chopra’s legacy company) in 2020 that left her with the understanding of how mindfulness and marketing can co-exist.

Executive Contributor Chloe Redmond

In 2019, Tyler Skinner embarked on a transformative journey to uplift and empower women through the creation of Women Making Waves. What began as a series of in-person events, co-hosted with a local chamber of commerce and its CEO, quickly evolved into something much larger than their local community. With a mission to spotlight inspiring women from various industries, Tyler and her team recognized the growing need to amplify their voices and impact. As they embraced new leadership, they gathered a talented group of committed women determined to turn their initial ripples of inspiration into powerful waves of change.

a person wearing a brown hat and a white top, posing thoughtfully with their chin resting on their hand.

However, the onset of the tsunami of 2020 forced many, including Tyler and her team, to adapt and innovate. Transitioning their platform to a virtual space, they discovered the potential to collaborate with unique speakers from across the country, expanding their reach and engagement like never before. Today, Women Making Waves stands as a testament to the resilience and creativity of a community dedicated to inclusivity and empowerment.

Chloe Redmond, CEO of Vino Vaquera Consulting, recently sat down with Tyler Skinner to delve into the passion and vision behind Women Making Waves, exploring how this global community of empowered women continues to inspire, share stories, and make a lasting impact in all aspects of their lives.

Hello, Tyler! It is an honor to have the opportunity to share a piece of your story with Brainz Magazine. Thank you for being here with us today. When you’re ready, we would love to start from where your passion for community stems from. Walk us through the early years of your entrepreneurship journey.

I am a true connector, and I believe strongly in the power of community and collaboration, and what people can do together. This work I’m doing now with @women.making.waves goes way back to my 20s, in college, working with women, the LGBTQ community, and other multicultural student groups to make sense of our world and bring awareness to our unique challenges and experiences.

There, I saw firsthand the power of what women can do when they break down barriers, start to connect and communicate authentically, and see each other as invaluable assets instead of adversaries. It’s not always easy, as we are often conditioned to do the exact opposite. Sometimes, we face obstacles we don’t even realize we must overcome to move forward and make a difference.

I think an important part of my journey stems from growing up in a quintessential middle-class family in Southern California and going to college while being afforded all kinds of privileges. Our issues were hidden from the naked eye. My family struggles with mental health, addiction, and many other factors that make it hard for deeper, authentic, real connections to take place. I guess you could say I was always secretly seeking that because of how I grew up.

When I went to college, that was freedom. For the first time, I could be myself, explore who I wanted to be, meet people from all walks of life, and dive into subjects that had a profound effect on me, all while meeting mentors and strong women who stood up for what they believed in and were unapologetic about who they were.

Even with all that empowerment and growing confidence in my abilities, my childhood trauma remained. I had a strong desire to move abroad to see the world and explore, and when an opportunity came up, I jumped on it, only to find myself choosing to be in a relationship in a foreign land that was still riddled with addiction and abuse—the kind I had known so well and grown comfortable with in my youth.

Several years later, after losing myself and dimming my light, I found myself pregnant with my first child. She was the catalyst for me to make a change and to stand up and remind myself of the woman I once was. I found people who, I now know, came into my life to support me on that journey to becoming a fighter. I found the courage to leave, knowing that I would face a whole new set of struggles as a single mother, but I was willing to take that on. Seeing my small child and knowing she would grow up watching me depressed, anxious, fearful, and emotionally harmed wasn’t a risk I was willing to take. I guess you could say that she mattered so much, and because I was her mother, I mattered too.

This profound shift led me back to being who I knew I was—a strong, capable, powerful, loving human being who wanted to do good in the world and help others do the same.

I think these experiences have shaped who I am today. They have also given me the perspective and ability to meet others where they are, giving them permission to think differently and see the world differently, knowing they aren’t stuck in one place and don’t have to define themselves by their circumstances.

On my entrepreneurial journey, I have opened several different businesses, some successful and some not, but I have worked constantly to figure out my niche and where I wanted to be. I knew I wanted community. I knew I wanted connection. I knew I wanted to get creative with what I was doing and have fun on this crazy ride. After all, business is a marathon, not a sprint, and you’ve got to be mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for whatever comes your way.

Incredible, thank you so much for sharing. We would love to hear about your experience of bringing Women Making Waves into the world. What made San Luis Obispo the perfect grounds for a launching pad?

That's easy—beta in your backyard. It's not only a talk I offer but a philosophy I share with my community and what I teach. It was March 2020, and in a week, I lost 90% of my business due to COVID shutting the world down. What I didn't anticipate was how much my ego was wrapped up in the work I was doing, and you could say I lost a part of myself as well. That grieving process was rough. I cried, screamed, and blamed everything else for months.

In the stillness, I had enough pause to be reminded of my why, and the name of my business was one thing the world needed the most. I began connecting again and putting myself out there. While so many entrepreneurs were shifting and pivoting, I had to dive in, dig deep, get creative, and just build it.

It started as a small movement of passionate and brave women enjoying a beach brunch, ready to enact change in their lives and seek something different. Word got out fast, and within a few months, we were building a revolution of women. We knew that in this new paradigm of life and business, women needed a unique level of support and connection. With some courage, we could empower one another to be seen and make a significant impact—because we deserve it.

WMW offers a vast amount of community offerings. Can you walk us through what some of your in-person experiences entail?

Our monthly events are called "Pause & Play" on purpose. We want women to take some time out to truly connect with themselves so they can engage in meaningful connections elsewhere. We know how much we give every day in so many ways, so why not give yourself the gift of community, connection, and self-care?

Whether it's a retreat or a workshop, our experiences are intimate, all-inclusive events. Each one offers a unique adventure where we can come together to pause and play. It's about time we all got a little breather, some fresh air, and a chance to explore who we are and what we want on this wild ride called life.

We are planning a lineup of curated excursions that provide connection, fun, and a chance to step outside of your comfort zone! We are here to uplift, support, and share our journeys because we're all on a road less traveled together—and that makes all the difference.

Are there qualifications to be a member of the WMW community?

We believe in belonging. You don't have to have anything else to be a part of it. If you are a woman or identify as a woman, we want you to feel supported and connected to a community you can count on. We pride ourselves on bringing women together from all backgrounds and walks of life. No member is like any other, and we prefer it that way.

Tell us more about the beautiful mentorship program that WMW has brought to life this year.

Ahhh, The NextWave: Evoke the Leader Within. The name says it all. It's about trusting yourself and learning to make the impact you want in the world. Our mission is to provide mentorship to the next wave of women leaders. We connect women with diverse female role models to enable personal transformation, professional advancement, and collaborative impact.

This all began two years ago as a small leadership series for women in career transition during COVID. We brought two counties together with dynamic speakers, built a small team, and just put it out there. It had its challenges but was a success.

Shortly after, I gave a talk to 80 young women in business about graduating college. I asked them if they felt confident about what they were about to shift into, and not one hand went up. I knew it was about confidence, not competence, that made the difference.

I brought a few of them onto the team to help me research and compose a workbook and beta group. Then I decided to take it further, expanding it to a six-month journey so the relationships could have more time to mature and the women could work together on modules focused on the inward journey and personal development.

We officially launched in 2023 with 25 mentors and mentees. Using our intuition, we achieved a 98% match with our connections in various cities. We continue to expand the network with community partners and are now offering this to private companies and organizations for their employees.

What would you say truly makes WMW unique from other female leadership/community groups?

We are not unique because we are a community of women—it’s because we focus on the women. Their connections, collaborations, mentorship, and meaningful moments are at the core of who we are. The feedback we receive daily, whether it’s from a member, event attendee, speaker, or sponsor, is that it just "feels different here." That’s all we need to hear.

The impact of your personal work really shines brightly in SLO County. Walk us through a pivotal moment in your entrepreneurial journey that helped to affirm that you were on the right path.

It would have to be the creation and execution of our signature event, Mishaps, Magic & Mayhem. I decided to take my love of interviewing and storytelling to the next level and curate our entire community into small offerings for one full day. It was like the best of all we do and a true showcase of the powerful collaborations, offerings, and individuals who "show up."

The day ended with a surprise guest artist and me sharing a poem titled I Am. Everyone was crying as Suzanne delicately painted my back and imprinted my soul on a canvas. We collectively felt the shift, and I was forever changed by that moment because, for the first time, I could see myself and marvel at what I felt. In that moment, it wasn’t about the work I do—it was about who I am.

We hear that you are also a big advocate for the holistic/wellness community. Talk about the impact you have seen in your work after integrating wellness into the program.

We formed this community with mental health as our main focus, and the pillars of any event or experience we offer are Mindfulness, Movement, and Mingling. We have always collaborated with healers, coaches, and other professionals who share on topics such as plant medicine, human design, meditation, and breathwork.

Integrating wellness into our programming has had a profound impact on Women Making Waves. It has significantly enhanced the overall well-being of our members. By staying consistent with our pillars of Mindfulness, Movement, and Mingling, we have seen remarkable improvements in both mental and physical health. Our members report reduced stress levels, better sleep, and a heightened sense of inner peace.

The impact of integrating wellness into our community has been transformative. It has not only improved individual health and happiness but also strengthened the fabric of our community, creating a nurturing space where women can thrive both personally and collectively.

Tell us what we have to look forward to. What is coming down the pipeline for WMW in 2025 and beyond?

I can’t share it all yet, but we are seeking a permanent home base for WMW to host our retreats and share the space with like-minded communities and leaders. We are also building out a digital space so we can expand our energies and efforts globally. Through our podcast, we have connected with and shared the stories of hundreds of women worldwide, and we want to keep that storytelling alive by offering virtual workshops, resources, and classes so we all can benefit.

Thank you so much for your time today, Tyler! To conclude, would you please share one piece of advice that you would like to share with any female reader in search of mentorship or community at this time?

Don’t hide. Don’t be afraid to connect. Just show up and share. Repeat.

To connect directly with Women Making Waves or for press inquiries, please contact Tyler Skinner here.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Chloe Redmond, Chopra Certified Healer & Intuitive Consulting

Chloe Redmond is a leader in digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and social media management. A chance opportunity to work with Chopra Global (Deepak Chopra’s legacy company) in 2020 that left her with the understanding of how mindfulness and marketing can co-exist. She is dedicated in helping entrepreneurs reach their pure potentiality through intentional and intuitive marketing practices. Her mission: to teach others how to put their authentic self into play what targeting their niche and discovering creative partnerships.

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