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The Inner Peace Of Accepting And Embracing The Eventual Imminent

ritten by: Zachary Hoffman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We live in a society where people are in constant search of recognition which they think will lead to satisfaction which will then lead to a fulfilling life of importance.

It is a vicious cycle of competing against other people to have your voice heard and have them take your message seriously.

However, if you ask me we all are searching for fulfillment. Most people are looking in all the wrong places and failing to realize the ultimate truth of life. This is the truth that our time is limited and no one knows how much they have left. That being said there are three ways of living when it comes to realizing this truth:

  1. Living safely while in constant fear of the future and imminent death

  2. Living in the moment & future selfishly

  3. Living in the moment & planning for the future selflessly

The first way describes those who are in constant fear of death. They let this fear corrupt their lives in the present moment and instead of experiencing life to its fullest they become preoccupied with avoiding any situation that includes potential risk. I’m sure we all know that this is no way to live life. It is truly sad to see people who have this mentality because while they are doing everything in their power to avoid risk in the end they are essentially risking everything in terms of a fulfilling life. They live in constant fear which in the end is eroding them from within.

The second way on the other hand describes those who are willing to take risks and embrace the fact that life has an expiration date. Nonetheless, they disregard the needs of others and strictly focus on benefiting themselves. While we all certainly have to look out for our own lives first and foremost these people decide that no buddy else matters. They take the mindset that their life is the only one that matters and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that their situation is a comfortable one. Even if this includes making the lives of other people more difficult. These people claim that they do not fear death, however, deep down there is likely a fear of the unknown of what will happen when they are no longer here. In my opinion, this is how most of society works and functions. While very few people would admit this when push comes to shove it is very noticeable within our society if you take the time to observe and listen to people.

And while this way of living may offer initial comfort and enjoyment they will come to a point when most realize that strictly living for yourself is not enough. To achieve true fulfillment, a deeper impact on a cause greater than yourself is a necessity.

This leads me to the third way of living. These are the people who live in the moment, plan for the future, and have a selfless mindset. These people understand that true fulfillment in life starts first and foremost within themselves, however, they have a much deeper desire to influence and positively impact the lives of others. These people are also at peace with the fact that one day they will no longer be on this earth. They do not fear death but rather seek to leave behind a lasting legacy greater than themselves.

In terms of inner peace, it is clear that the first way of living does not offer this in any way shape, or form. The second way of living may provide a luxurious and comfortable life however deep down there is no sense of fulfillment. The third way of living is the one that will provide inner peace and fulfillment. At the end of the day, we as individuals have to live a bit selfishly. There is no doubt that we have to look out for ourselves first and foremost. That being said, we should look out for ourselves with the intent of putting ourselves in the situation to have a deeper impact on the lives of others. That is the biggest difference between methods 2 and 3. People living method 2 look out for themselves strictly to better their own lives while people living method three understand the fact that to help others stay first and foremost have to be stable within themselves and in their own lives. They then use this inner stability to focus their attention on a greater impact rather than simply feeding their egos and agendas.

I guess at the end of the day it all comes down to the questions:

How do you want to be remembered?

What do you believe will happen to you once you leave this earth?

Those who ask themselves these questions are the ones who are destined to find inner peace. Life is so much more than just our comforts, recognition, and accolades. While human nature leads us to put importance on these things at the end of the day these things alone do not lead to inner peace. Inner peace comes from realizing that your life is in the hands of a higher power and that you have a responsibility to help make this world a better place in any way you can. So please take the time to focus on yourself and make that your main priority. That being said, it is with the intent of putting yourself in the position to have a greater impact. An impact that will allow you to accept and embrace the eventual imminent and be at peace with whatever is to come.

Want to learn more from Zac? Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit his website.


Zachary Hoffman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Zac is an Italian/American dual citizen, effective leadership developer, award winning author, and former professional American football player. Originally from a small, rural town in Western Pennsylvania (USA), he has spent his twenties living in 6 different countries while playing and coaching American football. During his time abroad, he developed the SWALeadership concept based on his many thrilling and eye-opening experiences within various leadership roles across cultures.

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