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The Importance Of Developing A Personal Leadership Philosophy

Written by: Ben Warnes, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Having a personal leadership philosophy is essential, not only because it can help you lead more effectively but because having a personal philosophy can make you happier. In this article, we'll explore the importance of developing a Personal Leadership Philosophy and discuss the different factors that go into it.

What is a Personal Leadership Philosophy?

A personal leadership philosophy is the foundation of your success as a leader. The guiding principle helps you make decisions, take action, and achieve goals. It starts with understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and you can tailor your philosophy to suit specific situations.

Why is it important to have a Personal Leadership Philosophy?

Leadership is complex and challenging. But it can be made easier and more effective with the right personal philosophy. It helps you connect with others, set goals, and stay motivated. It’s possible to improve your interpersonal abilities, judgment, and decision-making, by having a personal leadership philosophy.

What are the core elements of a Personal Leadership Philosophy?

It's a set of core values, goals, standards, principles, and practices deeply rooted in your personality. They should guide your actions and be expressed in everything you do. By following it, you can lead with impact and take your team to new heights. Leadership is not an easy job. Being a great leader takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and personal growth. But the rewards are worth it.

How to create a Personal Leadership Philosophy?

Leadership isn't a position, it's a mindset.

To get started, take the time to consider these questions: What Are Your Core Values?

An excellent way to start with leadership is by understanding your core values. These are the things that motivate you and inspire others to follow you. They should be strong enough to withstand any challenge but also flexible enough so that they can change as needed. Leaders need to live by their principles – no matter what the situation may be. This will help them make smart decisions and stay true to themselves, even in difficult times. This makes followers feel safe letting go of personal reservations not to disrupt team morale or performance goals. As a leader, it's important to know your own values and share them publicly, too – especially if you want people around you to understand how you lead and why it matters to you personally. By doing so, everyone can develop a personal leadership philosophy based on these core values.

What Are Your Most Deeply Rooted Beliefs?

You need to know a few things to lead an organisation or achieve personal success effectively. Your deeply-rooted beliefs form the foundation of your actions and behaviours, so it's essential to identify them and live by them consistently. By doing this, you instil trust in others ‒ they know that if they stay true to themselves, then following you is also a surefire way of achieving long-term success. Furthermore, build a philosophy that will inspire people around you ‒ transmitting positive vibes creates good karma and attracts opportunities into your life.

What Are the Metrics by Which You Measure Success?

To know if an effort has been successful, there needs to be a way to measure it. This entails establishing goals for yourself and then tracking your progress over time. It is also important to have a clear vision of what you want your business to achieve in the long term ‒ and then put in the hard work necessary to make that happen. Reflecting on past successes and failures can help you learn from both experiences to move forward with renewed vigour.

What Are Your Greatest Strengths?

Developing a personal leadership philosophy isn't easy ‒ crafting the right words that reflect your true thoughts takes time, effort, and practice. Being honest with yourself is essential, allowing others into your innermost self. This way, you can make sound decisions in difficult situations while staying true to yourself. Take some time today to develop a personal leadership philosophy reflecting your strengths and weaknesses as an individual.

If you lack the time or cannot find the starting point to develop your personal leadership philosophy, consider contacting a qualified life coach. Their knowledge and experience could be invaluable in helping you create the best version for maximum success.

How do you stay motivated while leading a team or business unit when things get tough?

You need emotional intelligence to stay motivated and effectively lead a team or business unit. Emotional intelligence means understanding yourself (your emotions, motives and values) and your team members individually. A personal leadership philosophy is the foundation of your success as a leader. This philosophy helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set realistic goals, and develop strategies to achieve them. In addition, you must stay flexible to keep up with changes. A personal leadership philosophy is never static ‒ it constantly evolves to reflect the ever-changing trends and challenges of the business world.


A personal leadership philosophy is an essential part of any leader's toolkit. It helps you to set goals, prioritise your objectives, and stay motivated throughout your journey. By working through the points raised in this article, you can develop a personal philosophy to help you achieve your goals. Start building yours today.

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Ben Warnes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ben Warnes is a Transformational Leadership and Life Coach. He employs his signature LMA Coaching Framework with his clients to help them understand where they are and partners with them on their journey to where they want to be.

He has an MBA in Leadership and Management and is a certified ICF and EMCC Transformational Coach. An advocate of Flow, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology he is dedicated to helping others find their Meaningfulness. He is the founder of the Listening Mindset Action (LMA) Framework, developing it to coach remarkable people to achieve incredible goals. He believes no goal is too small and no dream is too big.

Having started his first business at the age of 14, he has worked for blue chip companies and started multiple successful businesses in London and New York. He still runs Westongate a successful high-end property development company in Surrey England. Ben knows from experience the path to success is littered with obstacles and believes the obstacle often is the way.

He is currently working “Find your meaningfulness,” a framework for maximising potential life satisfaction and fulfilment.



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