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The Impact Of Acknowledgment – How It Can Change Lives

Written by: Azadeh Aslanzadeh Azari, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Did you know, by acknowledging yourself, you heal in new deeper level, and develop higher emotional intelligence too at same time?

In my last article, I wrote about 4 basic steps about how to heal, if you have not read it yet you can find it on my profile page.

The first step was learning to acknowledge yourself.

The thing is, many don't understand the importance of acknowledgment, I did the same thing too before, I didn't take it seriously in the beginning, and thought for myself it would be easy to start with it and be mindful about it.

The thing is our brain loves to have something to complain about if we let it, love to have something to point out. Our brain loves to keep us safe, and everything outside our comfort zone, can make our brain activity to explode if we let it. Even tho our brain's job is to keep us safe, it doesn't mean we have to listen to all the noise our brain has to deliver us.

We can’t shut our brains down by ignoring all the things our brains tell us. We can’t make our brains stop to protect us. Don't get me wrong tho, the danger is real. Our brains job is to keep us safe from danger. We can learn how to manage our brains to work with us instead of against us.

Here acknowledgment comes in.

Do you listen to your brain when it's trying to convince you how stupid you are for making a mistake? Or do you need to lose some weight? Or why did you do that or say that to someone else? What do you actually do when your brain tries to convince you how hard it is to complete a task? Or even healing may not be for you, even forgiveness is not for you?

Maybe even make up a fake scenario that hasn’t happened. You are the one who listens to yourself more than anyone in this world will ever do! How you talk to yourself, is how you will accept others' talk and treat you too.

Starting to acknowledge the journey, also means to be completely honest about your self-talk, what you tolerate, about how to feel about yourself and what to tell yourself. Acknowledging the journey is about to understand your feelings are valid, its okay to not be okay, without you have to label yourself for anything else then human in process.

More you practice to give yourself space to be and feel, the easier it will be for you to heal. The more you acknowledge yourself by understanding, loving and caring, the more you learn to develop higher emotional intelligence, So win-win. Instead of being mad or dwell on your mistakes and wrongdoings, see it as life journey where you are the director of your movie and you decide where you want to be and feel! Instead of betting yourself up for not feeling happy, you sit with your feelings, and accept how you feel, without labelling yourself for anything.

Yes, we all have bad days, and the biggest key is never ever listen to your mind when you're too tired. Taking care of your self-talk, be mindful with how you treat yourself. When you start to treat yourself with care, love, respect and understanding, you start to heal on new deeper level too. Everything starts with you, and within!

When you start acknowledging and validating yourself, you start levelling up in so many new ways, your mindset, your healing, your emotional intelligence and your vibration. The first step towards acknowledgment is to stop comparing yourself and your journey to others. Just focus on and bettering yourself. Make your life better place for you. When you have filled up your cup, you will share your extra with others without emptying yourself completely.

You are heartily welcome to contact me if you want to heal on a deeper level.


Azadeh Aslanzadeh Azari, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Azadeh Supervisor and Healer offers an inspiring and unique approach to healing. For over 10 years, she has dedicated her expertise to supporting and empowering women who have been traumatized in their lives. With her distinctive combination of compassionate listening, mindset coaching and empowering tools she helps women on their path to release trauma, build resilience and reclaim their life. Her vision is to help mothers heal from trauma wounds so that they can raise empowered children – creating happier homes for generations to come. Utilizing her personalized approach for every woman, Azadeh provides a safe space for healing where personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation are all possible.

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