Written by: Tanya Heasley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In a nutshell, YOU are the hidden secret to success.
Now that we have established the hidden secret is you, there’s no need to carry on reading this article. If, however, you’re curious to uncover your secret and gain clarity, confidence and the ultimate conquest to success, then read the whole of this article and complete the steps below.

Great, you made it this far, that means your curiosity is a hidden strength of yours. But why are you the secret?
Stay with me.
You’re the secret because you have hidden gifts, skills and a lived experience that is currently buried within you. They’re buried because at some point in your life, you were affected by the judgment of others or a circumstantial event, and you’ve unconsciously suppressed your own ability to achieve success.
You might be keeping yourself a secret because you do not want to be exposed to others. Perhaps it’s because you’re afraid of failing.
Perhaps you actually fear success.
Perhaps you’re just fed up with going round in circles trying to achieve something, and now you’re just frustrated with it all and want to give up.
Perhaps you just feel the need to headbutt everyone else who seems to be doing better than you.
Does any of that resonate with you? It did for me, because that’s how I used to feel, until I got really, really angry and used it to positively change myself, and ultimately my life.
In fact, getting angry is also a secret to success. But you’d need to sign up for my Pacifying Anger Course to find out how to use anger to benefit you.
Meanwhile, seeing as you’ve read this far down (I celebrate your curiosity), I’m going to share just four steps that will take you from you being the secret, to you being the success.
Success is the accomplishment of a purpose that requires us to do the following:
Have a MISSION (Why)
Know the VISION (What)
Get into POSITION (How)
See the FRUITION (When)
And the best strategy to fulfill a purpose is to imagine it’s already happened and work backwards from there.
So, let’s start with FRUITION.
First, grab a pen and some paper and give yourself about 30 minutes to achieve the following steps.
Step one: Visualise your success has already come into FRUITION.
• Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, and just for a few minutes, allow your mind to visualize yourself achieving success. Don’t worry if you don’t know what success is for you yet, just imagine that you’ve actually succeeded in your endeavor. Acknowledge yourself receiving success. Tell yourself in your mind, I did it! I have succeeded. Notice any sensations within your body, and allow them to be, even if they’re uncomfortable. You can repeat this step every few days to get you used to that feeling of success.
• Take a mental note of how success will feel when you have achieved it.
• When will your success happen? Just pick a date and write that down.
Step two: POSITION yourself to take action.
• Think about where you are positioning yourself in achieving success. What have you been doing to make success happen? Who do you hang out with, and how do they encourage, support, or diminish you? How have you been showing up to the world lately? How has your current situation affected you?
• In one word, write down what stops you from achieving success?
• Now, write down three actions you could take to overcome this.
Step three: What is your VISION?
Not having a vision of where you’re going in your life, can be like driving a car with your eyes shut, hoping you don’t crash into anything, and praying to gin and tonic that you’ll get somewhere – anywhere, easily, and without killing yourself (or others) along the way.
When I have struggled to focus on what I want, and lack vision for my future, I have felt in the dark within my own life. It’s a bit like discovering that someone else knows the secret to the world’s best cake recipe (oh, I love cake) but won’t share it with you.
Remember, you have the secret hidden within you.
Therefore, to reveal your secret and to gain focus on what to do next, you’ll need to know what success is for you first, and then you’ll have the vision of where to aim.
Write down in just one sentence what you think success is. The following are some examples:
I think success means being rich.
I think success means having a happy marriage.
I think success is being recognized for changing lives.
Now get really specific and write down in one sentence what success is for YOU. The following are specific examples:
Maintaining a six-figure yearly income is a success for me.
Feeling safe, secure, and supported is a happy and successful marriage for me.
Success for me is to positively impact the lives of young people affected by anger.
Whatever you wrote in that sentence - that is your vision.
Step four: Identify your MISSION.
By now, you should have some clarity for what success could be for you and begin to experience how it will feel.
Now, to gain some actionable steps to achieve it, I invite you to start thinking about WHY you want that specific success.
Write down, in one paragraph at first, what you have visualized during the previous steps and then continue writing why you want this specific mission to come into fruition and how this would benefit you. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, just let your thoughts flow out on the paper.
When you feel you’ve written enough, summarise your hidden secret in one sentence and then start telling people.
Once you speak it out, it isn’t a hidden secret anymore.
Plus, remember the date that you wrote down in step one? Well, that’s when it will happen by.
If you want to go deeper, or need a little bit of encouragement, then register your interest to join my next Conquering Your Quest workshop, where we can explore each of these steps more deeply and further strengthen the foundations for getting clarity, gaining confidence, and achieving your life’s conquest.

Tanya Heasley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
As a Positive Anger Coach and Success Mindset Mentor, Tanya Heasley guides her clients to activate their authentic self, cultivate assertive communication, and develop self-confidence so that they can flourish and thrive in all areas of their life. What makes her distinctive and different in this work is her ability to identify and liberate the hidden blockages within her client’s psyche. Her intuitive, empathetic, and direct approach empowers her clients to become the best version of themselves. An award-winning serial entrepreneur, Tanya is also the Director of Tristone Coaching Ltd., a social enterprise with the mission to improve the lives of young people affected by adult anger. With many successes under her belt, Tanya believes that her most outstanding achievement is being a mum to her four children.