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The Heart Connection ‒ A Path To Self-Realization

Written by: Melanie Cui, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you ever ask yourself questions such as “Why am I here?” or “What is the purpose of life?” If you desire to connect to the answers to these questions, you will need to change where you look for those answers in your life. Many say that they want to remember, to know what their purpose is, and to find out why they are here. When you are able to receive the truth to your questions, you can then move in alignment with yourself in your life and receive the answers to these questions.

You will only receive the answers to these questions from within yourself. Through the heart, you can gain access to these answers. All the answers to every question you ever had, lie within. The first step is to change your relationship with the ego, mind, and heart. The muscle of the heart is small because we are not used to connecting to it anymore. It is time to open up to your heart and expand that heart muscle.

First, become aware of your physical heart. You need to begin spending time just holding your heart with the palm of your hand and taking a breath. Focus your attention on the sensation of the hand's pressure and warmth on your body and nothing else. Focus only on feeling your hand on your chest. At this very moment, take a deep breath. This action is super powerful. You are with your heart in the present moment.

Understand the power of being in the moment. We spend our lives thinking of what is to come or what has happened in the past. We are seldom in the present moment. All that is truly real is this moment, which is when we choose to consciously be in this moment. This is when we truly connect to our power. We come into an alignment with ourselves. We move out of separation and connect to the clarity of truth. It is the ego mind that takes us away from the experience of the present moment, constantly worrying about the past or the future. The heart opens us up only to this moment, here and now. When we connect to the heart and just breathe, the breath expands our experience of the moment and builds our connection to our heart and internal light.

So how do you begin to build up that connection with the heart? It's easy! Follow these simple steps, practice every day, and you will see that connection growing stronger day by day. To begin, place your hand over your physical heart. Your next step is to bring your awareness to the pressure your hand feels against your chest. The third step is to take a deep breath, open up, and say, "This is my heart". Deeply inhale through the mouth, and exhale slowly. Breathing this way releases energy and opens the heart. A sigh or sound may accompany the out-breath. This is called conscious breathing.

Your heart has been waiting for you for this connection and awakening. Claim your heart with each breath. Your heart needs resurrecting, and now is the time to bring it into self-realization. This can only happen when you CONSCIOUSLY claim your heart. Your heart will begin to transform, and you will also begin to transform. The ego mind has been committed to trying to keep you safe all this time, and now it needs to change. You have been living in survival up to this point. And now it is time to move into living. All TRUE living is made through the heart. There will always be a place and a job for the ego, but its purpose is to assist you in organizing your life, reading tasks, and keeping the third-dimensional world organized. The ego will have to readjust to its new position, and you will have to be loving, patient, and compassionate with the Ego mind while it moves through this transition.

Any time your ego is worrying, afraid of things working out, or being very dramatic and anxious, bring your hand down over your heart. Bring your awareness to where your hand is holding your heart and begin to take deep, slow, conscious breaths. Bring all of your attention to your heart. You will experience a change in the feelings you are having. You will feel calmer and less agitated. There will be a feeling that things will be alright somehow. You may even experience the solution to the problem at hand.

As you begin to connect through the heart, you connect to the unlimited source of universal knowledge and understanding, which is a natural link to the light of the Self. This is a natural part of you that you have always had. Now it is time for you to link to this aspect of yourself and utilize the assistance here for you. As you work more with the heart and develop this alignment to the Self, your guidance and connection to the heart will grow and flourish, and you will live more and more in the moment effortlessly. The heart will become more self-realized. It will begin to do its job the way it was always meant to do. The words “Thy will be done” reflect the truth of this state. Through your heart, you move toward the alignment to the light of the Self. You surrender to your journey and allow the light of the Self to take you where you need to go. With every utterance of "My will be done," you align yourself more and more with the light of Self and anchor yourself in the natural current of that river of light. You step more and more into your creative power and realize that YOU are the one that is in control. You begin to let go and allow yourself to flow with your life and journey.

It is effortless as you move into that natural flow of the current of your light. The heart cells will begin to respond to the words like a flower opening up to the sun. Each cell in your heart will go through a transformational awakening. Physical healing can take place in your heart as this awakening takes place. Just open up to it and let go. Allow it to awaken you, and allow any emotional feelings to flow out. Whatever your experience, remember to breathe and open up to receive this energy within the cells of your heart. You will transform your heart and your life. Remember, this is a step-by-step process. One breath at a time, one moment at a time.


Melanie Cui, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Melanie Cui is the founder of The Divine Ascending Phoenix Academy. She is a Certified Spiritual Coach, Certified Past Life Regression Practitioner, Multiple Reiki Master, Wayshower, mother, activator, and solopreneur. She has a Bachelor’s in Metaphysics and Alternative healing. Melanie coaches and guides the living, the dying, and the dead on how to navigate and accelerate their spiritual awakening.

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