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The Healing Power Of Blue Light On Animals, Humans And Balancing Ecosystem – Enhancing Health And Consciousness

Dorit Kozlovski is a researcher of truth and enthusiast in holistic therapies. Her expertise is in higher frequency natural energy healing, hypnosis, pendulum, card readings, art/color therapy, feng shui services, liberating spiritual retreats. Dorit is a CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy & founder of one off sustainable clothing brand Durga.

Executive Contributor Dorit Kozlovski

Welcome to an enlightening collection of articles derived from Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) sessions, where subjects under deep hypnosis have revealed extraordinary connections with the enigmatic Blue Star and its inhabitants, the Helenor. These narratives explore the profound healing, consciousness-raising, and environmental cleansing properties of the blue light that emerge when a connection is established with the Blue Star. Each article offers unique insights into the miraculous transformations and heightened awareness experienced by individuals during their encounters, shedding light on the profound impact this celestial phenomenon has on both personal well-being and the collective consciousness. Dive into these mesmerizing accounts to uncover the mysteries and marvels of the Blue Star's blue light and its potential to elevate humanity and heal our planet.

extremely pure highest spiritual frequency healing light

Interview prayer and intention

To begin our session, we ground ourselves with a short prayer to Elin, calling for golden-white angel light to fill the room with peace and remove excess thoughts. This prayer sets the intention for the session to be for the highest benefit, welcoming only the highest consciousness and purest truths:

"We call in Elin to bring us calm and to ground us with golden-white angel light. Please remove all excess thoughts and make our energy fields very peaceful. Please Elin fill this room with peace. We pray that this session will be for the highest benefit, just to find out the truth and that it will bring the highest benefit to us and the world. We ask to connect only with the highest consciousness beings and frequencies. We remove all preconceptions of any knowledge we may have and enter this with a pure Self so that we are completely unbiased. We just welcome the highest consciousness truth."

QHHT practitioner Dorit: "Is it possible for us to ask questions to speak to Marieke's subconscious? Do I have permission to ask questions?"

Marieke: "Yes."

QHHT practitioner Dorit: "Is it possible for us to speak to the inhabitant of the Blue Star named Helenor? The same Helenor who has a very high level of consciousness and who we connected with through Marieke in the previous hypnosis. Do we have permission to connect with the Blue Star and the inhabitant Helenor to ask questions?"

Helenor through Marieke: "Yes."

Enhancing animal health and consciousness

QHHT practitioner Dorit: "What about animals? When you informed the changes in the structures of the cells of the animals, what does this mean for them? How does the blue light benefit the animals?"

Helenor through Marieke: "The light can benefit all life. The light will make them healthier but mostly helps their energy."

Dorit: "Their energy-body (aura) becomes different?"

Marieke: "The aura - the energy body is also raised in frequency."

Dorit: "Does that make the animal more conscious or how does it raise their frequency?"

Marieke: "Well for example I see a sheep now. I see the blue light in its body working. It is fixing illnesses and making the sheep healthier. I see the energy around the animal and within the animal the energy is magnified. It becomes stronger, it becomes bigger. They become energetically stronger."

Dorit: "Their immune system is getting better?"

Marieke: "In simple terms plants, insects, animals, and human beings are all energy. When they receive the blue light higher frequency energy it will surround them and pass through them. What I'm trying to describe is that the sheep that receives blue light becomes more whole - the one that receives the blue light is stronger. His aura is magnified. Stronger means healthier. Stronger energy means raised consciousness also for the animal and its surroundings. Everything is connected. And they do become more aware of their surroundings."

Big fish in the canal

Human benefits: Brain activation and connection

Dorit: "What about people? How does the blue light affect human beings?"

Marieke: "They first also have to become blue. More from the inside. Filled with blue light."

Dorit: "And what are they filled with now?"

Marieke: "That's different. It depends on the person."

Dorit: "Yes. Everybody has a different energy of course and their level of consciousness. But in general, let's say a human being is infiltrated with that blue light. What happens to the human being when it hasn't been infiltrated before and now it's infiltrated? What are the benefits?"

Marieke: "I see a human being then it's filled with blue light. Filled up, filled up, filled up, filled up."

"And then the light is doing something to the brain. It opens up different brain functions. It activates the brain."

Dorit: "And in what way? What are those different brain functions? What does it activate? What is the benefit of that brain activation?"

Marieke: "To become more connected. 

Connected with the surroundings. 


Connected with the Universe."

Daily practices for optimal benefits

Dorit: "And what is the benefit of doing that every day to have this?"

Marieke: "To increase the blue."

Dorit: "To increase the blue? And we need to increase the blue within us?"

Marieke: "Yes."

Dorit: "Okay. And in ourselves let's say daily when we would do it how long would it be beneficial for humans to meditate connecting with the Blue star and the light?"

Marieke: "Ten minutes."

Dorit: "Okay. Perfect. Thank you."

Marieke: "Your intention must vibrate on the frequency of the blue light, then you will make a strong connection."

Coot and Turtle in Amsterdam canal

The role of the blue light in balancing earth's ecosystem

Addressing the imbalance in earth's ecosystem

Dorit: "Is the current planet Earth's ecosystem out of balance?"

Marieke: "Yes."

Dorit: "And if I may ask how much?"

Marieke: "It's always out of balance and in balance."

Dorit: "How much out of balance is it right now?"

Marieke: "It's fairly out of balance."

Dorit: "I can rephrase the question, is that okay?"

Marieke: "Yes."

Dorit: "How balanced is the Earth’s ecosystem? If you put it on a scale of 0 to 100 if zero is completely not balanced and 100 is fully balanced how balanced is the ecosystem?"

Marieke: "It's a hard question. The Earth’s ecosystem is in and out of balance all the time. When it becomes out of balance it gets back into balance. If you mean the proportion that is out of balance that's about 30%."

Dorit: "In this current Earth?"

Marieke: "Yes. I see more or less a quarter or so."

Solutions for ecosystem restoration

Dorit: "What are the reasons for this imbalance in Earth’s ecosystem?"

Marieke: "Toxins and industrial toxins."

Dorit: "Industrial toxins. Do these industrial toxins have anything to do with the rising CO2 levels?"

Marieke: "I see an image of a lot of smoke from the factories. That smoke adds to that 30% which makes it harder to get back into balance. The natural cleaning is happening. It's just that there’s still a part that needs cleaning."

Dorit: "The plants and the water get infiltrated with these industrial toxins? How is it possible to clean them? Are there other solutions than this blue light?"

Marieke: "More plants."

Dorit: "Some scientists say that some of the plants and trees cannot hold the toxin levels anymore and they can’t synthesize any more excess toxins. Is this true?"

Marieke: "Well it's just piled up work again. It's just to take in and then they filter. If there are a lot of toxins then it just takes longer for them to filter out. There are more toxins in the air or contained in the tree before it gets filtered. It does do the job."

Dorit: "Would the blue light decrease these toxins in the plants?"

Marieke: "Yes. The blue light is beneficial for everything for the health for them. The answer is yes."

The role of consciousness and love

Dorit: "What helps to balance the Earth's ecosystem besides the blue light? What could help balance the Earth's ecosystem from your perspective Helenor?"

Marieke: "Love. Raising the state of consciousness. When you love yourself you don't need so much stuff. You love your surroundings you love the Earth. It's very simple. Maybe people expect this miracle a machine or something. Maybe it's too easy for them to hear and they expect the answer to be more complicated. But from our perspective that's the answer."

turtle and trash in Amsterdam

Example: transformation in the amsterdam canal

Dorit: "What happened to the Amstel River after Dorit infiltrated it with blue light?"

Marieke: "I see a canal now and then there's the spot where you did it. That's the color blue."

Dorit: "You mean the canal where I did it next to my home? Or do you mean where I did it near the Amstel River?"

Marieke: "I just see one canal."

Dorit: "Alright, you see a canal."

Marieke: "I see there's a canal. There's you sitting there. There’s a particular spot of blue where you're sitting. Yes. That's blue."

Dorit: "I infiltrated that spot with blue light?"

Marieke: "Yes. It's blue now."

Dorit: "Wonderful. Is that one of the reasons that the turtles appeared near that spot where I was sitting and beaming the blue light into the canal?"

Marieke: "Yes. They like the blue light. They now like hanging out there. That's why they came there."

Dorit: "Has the blue light affected the activity of the turtles and Coots who now seem to live in harmony together sharing a little pallet floating on the canal?"

Marieke: "Yes. It has affected them in this way that they can actually share the pallet together."

Dorit: "Meaning it has uplifted the consciousness of these usually quite attacking Coots to be bearing the turtles?"

Marieke: "Yes. And vice versa. The turtles to bear with the Coots."


The QHHT sessions highlight the critical role of the blue light in addressing the imbalance in Earth's ecosystem. Through purification, increased plant growth, and raised consciousness, the blue light offers a path toward restoring ecological balance and promoting a healthier planet. Embracing love and higher consciousness is key to achieving this transformation, urging humanity to adopt more mindful and sustainable practices.

Furthermore, the healing power of blue light extends beyond environmental purification, offering profound benefits for both animals and humans. By raising energy frequencies, enhancing health, and promoting connectivity, the blue light from the Blue Star has the potential to transform individual lives and collective consciousness.

For a reminder on how to connect with Angel Elin, read this article.

For a reminder on how to set an intention, connect and visualize the blue light, read the article.

Experience the Trans formative power of QHHT

When you are ready to heal, release limiting beliefs, transform your life, and possibly connect with higher aspects of yourself and higher consciousness beings like Helenor, book a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session with Dorit and unlock profound healing and insights.

Book your session today and embark on a transformative journey to higher consciousness. Choose between a comprehensive Quantum Healing Hypnosis Online Session or a Short Online Hypnosis Session to fit your needs.

Schedule your QHHT session with Dorit and unlock the infinite potential within you. QHHT can guide you toward a state of holistic well-being and self-discovery.

Follow Dorit on her Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn or visit her website for more info!

Read more from Dorit Kozlovski


Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer

Dorit Kozlovski's mission is to discover the truth. She is committed to guide others on a journey of curios Self discovery, healing and reconnecting with their purest Selves. Currently Dorit is a CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy, Reiki Master Teacher and Cosmoenergy healer. Besides natural higher frequency energy channeling, she is dedicated in holistic well-being therapies like quantum healing hypnosis technique, yin yoga, meditation practices.

She loves receiving Higher Self guidance through pendulum and excited to share readings/healing through intuitive tools like Tarot, divination cards, crystals.



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