Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being is a Creatrix, Classical Homeopath and experienced shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way. She offers in-person and Remote Reiki Treatments, Attunement and Training, Honour Sacred Art Workshops and Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child), and conducts regular Moon Ceremonies in person and online.

Have you heard of Reiki but are wondering who benefits, what it is, and how it can help? Much is written to try and explain Reiki, but it is by its nature experiential, and the experience of each individual is entirely unique.

“The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness” ~ Dr. Mikao Usui (Father of Reiki)
In simple terms, Reiki is a healing energy that always acts to move to the greatest need of the recipient, regardless of what that person believes they need. Reiki practitioners and masters pass through initiation Ceremonies called Attunements. This clears the meridian channels of their body so Reiki can pass through them to the benefit of others.
In the Beyond School of Reiki, to which I belong, we also have our energetic connection to the earth repaired. This means that we offer Reiki as thoroughly earthed and grounded practitioners.
And the truth is, in nearly 15 years of offering Reiki to many and varied clients, it is common for them to have no idea what “Reiki” is and not to actually care! They find me and trust my ability to hold space and offer what they need.
They come from many different walks of life and are just people who have been hurt by life and who are seeking healing. Many of my clients have suffered from broken trust, broken hearts, and broken connection to Spirit.
Examples of those who come to work with me
Those seeking healing for emotional wounding and hurts: These usually stem from deep back into childhood, leaving people with issues around abandonment, betrayal, abuse, rejection and neglect.
Other therapists/healers who are seeking a deeper connection, a progressive way of self-development, and spiritual evolution that facilitates their work with their own clients.
Gifted and sensitive young people who have arrived on our beautiful planet, wondering what on earth they are doing here. I earth and ground them, repair their shields and boundaries, freeing them to work confidently with the special gifts they have for the good of others.
Grief and loss: Much of my work today is about helping those who are going through grief and loss, maybe that is of a person or pet, a relationship, a sense of purpose, direction, creativity, home, or health.
Shock and trauma (including military PTSD): These experiences take people out of the body and can lead to a great sense of disconnection, the freeze/flight response, and panic attacks. Reiki moves to heal the source, gently re-embodies, and brings calm and peace.
Self-belief and self-worth: Often I find myself gently encouraging those who are struggling with issues of self-belief and self-worth, helping them to break generational patterns of wounding.
Limiting mind beliefs: Our beliefs are based on the emotional experiences through which we pass. These colour the way we look at the world and limit our expectations. As Reiki moves to heal the woundedness, perspectives naturally shift, expectations change positively, and new experiences reinforce the shifts.
Physical illness and discomfort: “The body keeps the score.” As emotional wounding heals, so does the body.
Issues around conception, fertility and pregnancy: Especially when there is no obvious physical reason for the inability to create or carry a child. The soul cannot incarnate when there are emotional blocks to its entry.
Abuse and/or addiction, in particular, can shatter the being. This is not “quick fix” work, but I can enable people to leave behind years of hurt and pain through the gentle healing power of listening and touch and by offering a supportive, steady, and progressive way forward.
Some, sadly, have even suffered at the hands of those who erroneously call themselves “healers”. They come so that we may remove the harm they have received and re-find their joy and freedom in life.
Benefits and outcomes in the words of my clients
"Amazed at the result"
"Wonderfully calm"
"At peace"
"Totally safe"
Beginning your healing journey along the golden reiki way
If you would like to know more, book for a Discovery Call and find out about how you can work with Elizabeth both in person and online, just send an email or go to her Honour Being Website.
To receive my beautifully illustrated “5 Step Guide to Wonder Without Overwhelm” please click on the link.
Elizabeth Chanter is recognised as a leader in her chosen field of healing, energy medicine and Golden Way Reiki. Since 2004, she has been assisting others to make transformational changes in their lives, leading to positive, lasting, and sometimes extraordinary results. She is passionate about helping her clients to evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, she combines empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in her field. She believes in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch.