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The Global Spiritual Awakening Phenomenon – You’re Not Imagining It, People Really Are ‘Waking Up’

Sophia Persephone is a spiritual teacher, writer, and painter. She coaches people from all over the world through their spiritual awakenings and is the author of ‘How to Get Through the Dark Night of the Soul’. She is a channel for the Council of Light and Source and shares their teachings on her blog and social pages.

Executive Contributor Sophia Persephone Ambrose

Under our noses, something remarkable is happening. People everywhere are ‘waking up.’ It's not a phenomenon reserved for the esoteric or the spiritually inclined. It's a journey being experienced by millions from all walks of life. In the United States alone, I estimate a staggering 13 million individuals, about 3% to 4 % of the population are in the throes of a profound spiritual awakening. And it's not limited to the States; it’s a global phenomenon. How do I know? Simple. I asked.

Woman hands praying for blessing from God on sunset background

For my entire adult life, I was an atheist materialist who was convinced that when you died, you died. I believed there was nothing but 3D physics defining our universe, and that life on Earth was a one in a gazillion chance outcome of random events.

And then I had a spiritual awakening.

To be precise, I had my spiritual epiphany. An experience so deep and profound that it felt more real than anything which had happened in my life to date. An experience during which I met my soul. An experience which convinced me we live in a created universe. An experience which changed the course of my life forever.

Later in my awakening, I discovered that I am Sophia, one of the twelve founding members of the Council of Light. I've incarnated in this lifetime to help the planet awaken en masse. Since my epiphany, I’ve received hundreds of ‘downloads’ from the Council, explaining how spiritual awakening and the wider universe really work. (I publish this information on my blog and YouTube channel.)

But…this raised a challenge. I knew what I was being told by my team, and I knew what I was going through, personally, as my awakening unfolded. But I didn’t have evidence that it was the same for everyone. And in my line of work, you learn very quickly not to trust a ‘universe of one’. I always was, and still am, essentially ‘data-driven.’

So, I launched two online surveys.

One was a quantitative survey, designed to get a fix on what percentage of the population considered themselves to be going through a spiritual awakening. With over 1,000 respondents, I’d say it’s pretty robust. This is where I validated what my team had already told me that between 3% and 4% of the US population are in the spiritual awakening process. (They’ve also told me that, within 3 years, this number will be at least 10%.)

The second was a qualitative survey, capturing the experience of awakeners and looking for commonalities. This survey is still running and currently has well over a thousand respondents, from all over the World. (If you’re going through a spiritual awakening, you can take the survey here.)

This in-depth questionnaire is throwing up some fascinating findings, which seem to confirm that the spiritual awakening phenomenon we’re seeing globally right now, is a real thing, happening to real people.

For a start, the trajectory of awakening is highly consistent. Almost everyone goes through the same ‘stages’, even though the finer details of their subjective experience might be different.

Also, the majority of awakeners (54%) tell me they either weren’t at all spiritual, or were only a little bit spiritual, prior to their awakenings. Only 18% describe themselves as having been ‘very spiritual’ before their epiphany. I work with a lot of early awakeners in my spiritual awakening coaching practice, and I can confirm that most of them are completely new to this ‘woo-woo’ lark, as was I.

Similarly, over a quarter of awakeners (28%) don’t know anyone else going through the process. 42% only know 1 or 2 others. That’s a staggering 70% who are awakening pretty much solo. So, while the current global spiritual awakening is most definitely a mass phenomenon, for people going through it, it feels like an individual process.

All of this seems to discount some kind of mass hysteria and support the idea that we really are at the dawn of the age of enlightenment. What follows can only be beneficial for our beautiful planet and all who inhabit it. It might not always feel like it, but we live in a time of hope. As Nikola Tesla so eloquently put it, “Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.”

If you’re awakening, you can take the survey here or find out more about spiritual awakening coaching from Sophia here.


Sophia Persephone Ambrose, Spiritual Teacher, Writer, and Painter

Sophia Persephone was a leader in big business before her spiritual awakening led her down a very different path. Now, she splits her time between painting, writing, and helping other people through their awakenings. She is a channel for the Council of Light and Source Energy, receiving teachings daily which she shares on her social pages. She is the author of popular blog and the book ‘How to Get Through the Dark Night of the Soul’. Her new book, ‘Awakening Earth’ comes out in June 2024. Her mission is to help every awakener on the planet unlock their true soul potential and, in doing so, transform our planet.

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