Written by: Jo Jackson, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
The curiosity surrounding consciousness is not new to the current awakening we reside amongst. For centuries unanswered questions have driven countless people to inquire about the implications of the unknown on the way that we live our lives and our success.
Great minds such as the Roman Caesar Marcus Aurelias, who is renowned for living a Stoic lifestyle, and quotes such as:
“Our life is what our thoughts make it.”
Tapped into the collective consideration that we are powerful beyond belief if only we control our mind.
Like all subsequent philosophers, neuroscientists, and yogis: Caesar knew the power that we may possess and intentionally embodied it daily with rituals and humility.
This foundation of exploration has wielded great power in the leap towards understanding human potential. For, is it not the power of the mind that both enables and disables the mastering of the potential that we as human beings are gifted?
Through the historical archives, one can find countless evidence of the pursuit of mastery from harnessing the focus of the mind.
Perhaps none so evident as the explosion of the acceptance of the Flow State. An indication of an undisputable point where the impossible becomes possible. We hear of gravity-defying feats in this century almost as often as we walk our dog. Nowadays, nothing is out of bounds.
The race to understand and harness flow state has fuelled the endless enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and neuroscientists alike for decades. This gamechanger completely turns everything on its head. This optimal state of consciousness derived when in Flow means that all bets are off, laser focus is at a peak, motivation levels soar, and productivity is at least 10X.
Suddenly everything is possible.
If only we could bottle it, right? The world population would line up to purchase this wonder drug to live that better life, chase that dream, have that success.
Though this alone would be useless, most people do not subsume the precursor discipline to enable any flow state other than those which they simply fall into. Flow can be achieved by anyone; however, it can be replicated by a few purely due to the conscious preparation that is required.
The control environment for flow sees various triggers (22 in total) where neurologically it drives Dopamine and Norepinephrine (pleasure chemicals) and lowers cognitive load (the day-to-day rubbish that we pay attention to for no benefit). Attention and focus are key triggers for this neurological wonderment where awe uplifts the human state of consciousness into embracing the “more” as our collective new normal. The Pre-Frontal Cortex shuts down and with it, so does judgment and ego, which are infamous inhibitors of potential.
Steve Kotler of the Flow Genome Project articulates another potent flow trigger – the Challenge/ Skill Ratio.
“If the challenge is too great, fear swamps the system. If the challenge is too easy, we stop paying attention. Flow appears near the emotional midpoint between boredom and anxiety, in what scientists call the flow channel — the spot where the task is hard enough to make us stretch but not hard enough to make us snap.”
The simple truth attests that we have everything that we need. Like the sexiest Ferrari, our wild machine of neurobiology needs fine-tuning where we too can perform at our true potential. The mechanisms of the Flow State are not limited but exuberant in the availability of resources within every human brain. Our role in the unraveling of the “I'm” possible is to remain available to consider the release of constraints based on what we personally consider to be plausible and instead think broader than our experiences. Factoring in not only what we know, but that which we do not, and coupling it with a healthy dose of conscious choices that lead us to our true destination where we finally concede that as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has said in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience:
“Control of consciousness determines the quality of life.”
Consciousness is the key to the Flow State and becoming Smarter, Faster & Stronger.
Jo Jackson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jo Jackson has turned adversity into a new thriving chapter in her life. After becoming a single parent, she directed herself into being the sole provider for her two children, vowing that "They will have everything that I promised them."
However, in 2018 that all changed when Jo was rushed to hospital in an attempt to save her life. Burned out but determined, she turned it all around after being released and subsequently created her 2mm Shift solution, which teaches professionals globally how to use their X factor to Master Their Potential.