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The Five Areas To Work On To Transform Into The Best Version Of Yourself

Written by: Karen Jaroudi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We are multilayered, and to change, we must work on a multilayered approach. We can’t work on one area of who we are and not consider the rest if we are to have a complete, balanced, and long-lasting change. Balance comes not from dividing our time equally among the distinct roles we play but from defining and becoming who we are in every area of our life.

From knowing who we are at our CORE, to understanding our SELF-concept, to defining how to express our STYLE, to choosing the SPACE we want to surround ourselves in, and finally, to the vision and OUTLOOK we see towards the future, these are the five components of who we are. We should consider and reflect upon each one authentically so we can become our true selves. It’s not a quick and effortless process, but once it’s complete, the reward is a long-lasting transformation toward a more focused self.

Being focused and centered will bring you the strength to always choose what’s right for you. So, let’s go deeper into each of the five layers of transformation:

1. Core:

This is where you need to commit the most time. You must set aside the time to reflect and be honest with yourself. Discover the inner you! Be true to yourself and start with a list of your values. Values are the starting point of any actions you'll take in the future. If you know your values, you'll learn how to choose among the different situations you face. Values will also help you define the boundaries you want in your life, the standards you accept to live by, and the priorities that will shape your goals. So, take your time and be honest with yourself. Think of moments when you were most proud of your actions, most fulfilled, and had the most inner peace, then ask yourself, what was I doing, what were my actions, what did I stand for, and why did I feel this way? This type of self-reflection will give you the answers to what you value.

2. Self:

A healthy and well-defined self-concept is essential. After you discover your values, you need to empower yourself; to do that, you must learn to act the way you define yourself. There should be no conflict between your actions and your self-concept. You must work on self-confidence and keep a positive self-image. Self-confidence comes from building self-awareness; It’s a process worth pursuing. Remember that no one is like you, and no one will ever be you. You are the only one who should define who you are and act accordingly. Nothing else matters. This type of self-confidence will help you get resiliency that will help in keeping you focused and walking towards achieving your goals with nothing stopping you along the way. Take time to define who you want to be, visualize that person in different situations, and act accordingly daily.

3. Style:

When you look great from the outside, you'll also feel fabulous from the inside. Looking great from the outside is not just about beauty and vanity. It's about creating habits that will enforce a positive self-image about yourself. It's a quick and easy way to connect positively between your body and self-image. You can achieve that by learning to create the style personality that expresses your creativity and taking care of your body, this beautiful outside layer of your being. It's essential to find the items that suit your body shape. There's no right or wrong body shape; you must learn to choose what works best for you to get your own shape’s full potential. Then think about the colors that suit you most, think about each color, and ask yourself, how do I feel when I wear this color? Color plays a crucial role in our mood and how it reflects on our faces. Take your time and test different colors until you find your "wow" colors.

4. Space:

Our environment affects us emotionally, so it's important to create a space around us that reflects who we are and will bring us this serenity and peace from the inside. Define your style and design the surrounding that reflects your personality. Whether you like a maximalist space, a minimalist space, or something in between, try to keep your space a place that defines you. Find inspiration that speaks to you and implement it in your home. Prepare a mood board that reflects what you want to surround yourself with; Think about the colors that attract you, the type of lighting, the shape of the objects, and the artwork. Take your time with this creative process, and you’ll be rewarded by creating your unique, authentic style statement to live by it.

5. Outlook:

Now that you know who you are and your "WHY," by knowing your values, you can create a vision for yourself for the future and make a list of goals. Write your “HOW” for your goals, and think about how you will achieve those goals. We should live in the moment but plan for the future. Goals are ways to keep us hopeful. Even when we achieve one, we should set another one. It’s not just about achieving them, as much as taking the journey and the steps that give us the fulfillment that we are on the right path.

We don’t have to work on everything all at once; take it step by step and focus on one area at a time. The most important part of this journey is to love ourselves while reflecting on who we are and want to become. Remember, self-love is different from being selfish. Self-love will help us learn to love others. Love yourself and take this journey of transformation.

Follow Refine By Design on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and visit my website for more info!


Karen Jaroudi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karen Jaroudi, A Style and Life Coach has combined the skills that can help people learn how to transform their style, their space, and their outlook on life, all by intent, all by design. Ever since she’s completed her design education, she realized that space is only one aspect that can make a difference in someone’s life. So, she explored every layer of change and obtained her Style Coaching™, Life Coaching and NLP certification. She’s the owner of Refine By Design, a transformation hub. She believes that our style and homes are an extension of who we are and should stem from our inner values. Her goal is to help people align the two and give them the right tools to make an in-depth change.

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