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The First Step Of Your Spiritual Journey Begins With The You That You Are Not Proud Of

With 13+ years of deeply researching esoteric studies like Hermeticism, Tarot, and Numerology, Jassiri Nassor guides transformative self-discovery journeys. His background in education enhances his ability to help others overcome obstacles and unlock their true potential.

Executive Contributor Jassiri Nassor

You have made a decision to pursue a “spiritual lifestyle.” You have purchased chrystals. You are following your intuition. But, are you willing to be completely obedient to that refined inner voice?

A man stands in the background, illuminated by various hues of light.

You were born with inner assistance

You are reading this article because something caught your attention. Perhaps it was the title, maybe the image but, you listened to that voice in your head and it made you stop at this article. You chose this one over another.

That voice…that guide…has been with you your whole life. Life’s tests have been the gauge for your learning to listen…based on the trouble you have found yourself in for not listening to that voice, which in its immaturity…told you not to listen to your parents as a teen…remember???

Nevertheless, you survived and learned and as you matured, you came to a point of interest that led you to this point. You learned to trust that voice, the inner guide, inner spirit, the piece of the all that exists within you.

So I ask, why would you not trust that voice, to take you along this mystical path?

Unfortunately you are still in a place of comparison

Just like in the material world of salaries, houses, cars, careers, clothes, status, follows, fame, notoriety and infamy, most people still seek... Attention.

The “spiritual” mystical path has no such need or space for such things. One person’s way…has nothing to do with another’s…though it is acceptable to share commonality. Your pathway to inner peace, greater awareness, a deeper understanding of yourself, the role you play, your path and what that has to do with the world around you, is uniquely yours and it is not up for debate or comparison with another.

You may enjoy the points of view of a youtuber, instagrammer, etc. You may find the insights of a specific author stimulating, you may have been raised in a family who valued and studied the spiritual, metaphysical and even the occult, nevertheless…your views, talents, points of view and methods are specific to you.

The problem for many is that they carry the state of mind of the world over to this space.

Your baby steps do not have limitations

For many people…if not all…the path of the spiritual and further…The esoteric…is a seeking of self validation, actualization and confidence. Many people have a yearning to belong to a group but more importantly, there is a need for people to belong to themselves.

You are seeking information that makes you feel secure and that provides you with mental stimulation based on the you that you have never truly had…an authentic self empowerment.

As an adult you are seeking freedom. It is perfectly fine to study any information that captures your attention. By all means for example, study a mixture of tarot, the gnostic bible, kabbalah, the tree of life, Sufism, Buddhism, the Chakras, The 7 laws of tehuti, the yin and yang and even psychology…all at once or over a period of time.

Consider this as a starting place

In my previous article I suggested Numerology. Let me go further into this. 

One of the major components of what is known as the 4 Core Numbers within Numerology is called the Life Path Number. This number gives insight into the overall direction of your life and is found by adding the numerical number that represents the month of your birth + the numerical day of your birth + the year of your birth.

For example May 1,1988 would be calculated 5 + 1 + 1988-Pause the 1988 must be reduced. 1+9+8+8=26 then 2+6=8. Now 5+1+8=14=1+4+5…

The individual born on this day has a 5 Life Path which means that this person instinctively lives or desires to live a life without boundaries on a level that is an absolute must. This person will feel mentally imprisoned if they could not follow their natural curiosity and were stuck following the same routines daily and yearly.

This person could go into unchecked levels of sex, drugs, alcohol, becoming an adrenaline junky and even becoming an a**11le who loves to push people’s buttons…just to see what kind of reaction can be stimulated…ughhh!!!

Being outgoing , adventurous and having the courage to follow your curiosities on an extreme or controlled level, is fine but what about this occurring at a level and a consistency where it cannot be controlled…boundaries are constantly being pushed…perhaps an addiction needing to be fed and what if it is followed by shame?

The person in the mirror sets the foundation

What is meant by this??? The seeking of spirituality is a seeking for freedom.

Freedom is a state of free will; deliverance.

How can you feel a full sense of spiritual bliss if you are still feeling guilty about something you did when you were in your 20s? A bad decision may have you in a place of mental entrapment at this current moment.

There may be someone you need to apologize to. You may have a relative that you have not spoken to in years. You may feel that you have not lived up to the expectations of your parents or of yourself at this point thus you walk around everyday with a chip on your shoulder or an inner feeling that you have failed.

Perhaps you have spent time in jail…perhaps you are going through a divorce…

Perhaps YOU are the 5 Life Path person who has heavily indulged in pleasure and pushed the boundaries of experimentation. 

Only YOU know what it is that you feel ashamed of, guilty of or what type of regret that YOU carry…if any. The spiritual path requires that you forgive yourself, forgive others and look upon yourself in a way that is focused on you becoming a better person who has learned from the past and is new…even at the present moment as YOU continue to change and grow.

You must forgive yourself and be able to see the full potential that stares back at you in the mirror. This type of self forgiveness work has been called shadow work. This moment in your life is also called the dark night of the soul. These processes are essential in order for you to let go of the person that you once were, in order for you to become the new person that you desire to be. The old must go away completely.

In conclusion, there is no end to your self study

This should not alarm you…this should excite you!!! 

Because…there is so much to learn, with each new discovery, you become more of who you were intended to be by birth and less of the automaton…sheep that society loves to suck energy from. 

There is truth in you and comfort in your wholeness which makes you a joy to yourself and a joy to those who deserve to be around you and repellant to those who bring only negativity to you.

The lessons of what it is…that you need…to overcome is specifically outlined for you in of all places…your full name and your birth date. Contact me for more information and to schedule a consultation where you can learn and understand how to utilize the information that can be found in your Life Path Number.

The missing numbers in your name give an indication of the specific challenges that you are facing in life. Only you know if you are aware of these challenges and if so…are managing these challenges well or if they plague you on a regular basis. 

Are you making the proper effort to confront and deal with these issues? 

The first step in your spiritual journey begins with you and that is often the most difficult hurdle to overcome but it is not impossible. Trust that inner voice and allow it to guide you to the right people and the right decisions, you will notice the difference.

Thank you for reading.

Sign up for the free ebook "The Benefits of Numerology"

Copyright 2024 Jassiri Nassor Thought Elevation Ola llc

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Jassiri Nassor, Spiritual Life Coach

Jassiri Nassor, an expert in esoteric studies and spiritual exploration, embarked on a transformative journey over 13 years ago. Through deep dives into Hermeticism, Tarot, Numerology, and more, Nassor gained profound insights into ancient wisdom. With a background in education and a passion for guiding others, Nassor's mission is clear: illuminating paths to personal enlightenment and self-discovery. Explore Nassor's articles to embark on your own transformative journey today.

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