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The Energetics Of Business ‒ What They Teach Don’t Teach You In Business School

Written by: Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I have invested a lot into my business education, both in terms of paying for costly mistakes, business mentors and even for a University MBA degree. I figured that in order to do it the “right way”, I need to learn the ropes of building a profitable business from the ground up, maintaining its success, and expanding to a wider market.

With my years of study, and real-world experience, I was pretty confident that following all the formulas and advice of experienced mentors and measuring the KPIs was the way to go. I have worked blood, sweat, and tears, but in the end, it seemed like some switch just flipped and it all came crashing down. Even though I did what mentors advised me to do, those “surefire” ways to succeed in the industry I chose, I still failed. I must have been doing something wrong, right?

Well, no one in business school nor any of my mentors taught me anything about a very important aspect of running a business, and that is, the Energetics of it all.

As I was trying to process the grief and shock I felt from watching my business fail and my entire investment portfolio used as collateral follow, I realized nothing physical was blocking my success. Instead, there were blockages in my Energetic Field, and that of my business.

And this is something I want to discuss in this article, the mysterious and unseen side of business.

So, here are a few “truths” I have learned from learning about both sides of the spectrum of 3D business and 5D soul alignment.

1. Your Business Has An Energetic Field

If the world is energetic, it means that there is a whole multiverse beyond what your five physical senses can detect.

This may sound really strange to you, because not a lot of spiritual teachers, let alone business mentors, say this but just like a human being with a consciousness, your business has consciousness too. Just like you are multidimensional – which means you exist here within the confines of your physical body but you also have a spirit, a soul, and an Energy Field – so is your business.

A business entity has a consciousness and an Energetic Field, just like any sentient being, exactly because your business entity is just an expression of yourself.

Any business entity starts in the mind, right? You think of some business concept – a restaurant, a coffee shop, an ads agency, whatever it is – and with the help of your physical body and its efforts, this “concept” materialized itself into our 3D reality. You manifested it from mind to matter.

And because this concept was born from your mind, your business entity carries with it figments of your consciousness. It’s just a different (and separate) iteration of you!

Now, what does your business Energy Field have to do with your success? Well, for one, like any person with an Energy Field, your business can also carry energetic blockages which it might have gotten from you or from other aspects.

This means that a part of your business’s success and/or failure has to do with the unseen Energetic Field. You can actually work energetically on your business to “fix” some things and allow a smoother flow of abundance in.

The beauty of working energetically is that this is Quantum Speed, so you can do something energetically on your business today and start seeing results literally straight away. As soon as you identify what issue is blocking your business, and start working on it, the block just melts away and you can keep upgrading and upgrading until there’s a full flow of energy.

2. Your Soul Alignment Affects Business

Another truth that I have discovered is that your alignment with your soul purpose can affect your business.

What is a soul purpose? Before you were even born and incarnated in this body, in this timeline, and in this planet, your soul has taken it upon itself to agree to play a role for the ultimate purpose of helping the Earth expand its consciousness and vibration.

Unfortunately for all of us, we have forgotten about our soul purpose or soul mission the moment we passed through the veil of consciousness and become human flesh, blood, and bones.

This is a part of our journey and our challenge here on Earth – to look deeply inward and re-discover this soul purpose. Many times, when we pursue a path that is not in alignment with our soul purpose, the universe knocks us off our current paths and into the right one.

Before coming into spirituality, I was successfully running my real estate business as well as my online business. From a 3D point of view, all was going well. I had dozens of employees and about 30 subcontractors working for me. And yet, everyday, I was miserable.

I was running around, using all these 3D templates and lessons that were taught to me about how to make my business successful. I was presenting myself a certain way that did not feel authentic to me. In my pursuit of financial freedom, I’ve lost my personal freedom. I’ve lost the freedom to express myself, the freedom to be “the boss,” and instead, I was a slave to my business pursuits.

When all my businesses came crashing down at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s the only time I realized that I was actually chasing ideals, energetic grids and societal templates that were not in alignment with my soul purpose.

Thankfully, by having regular and consistent meditation and mindfulness practice, as well as by awakening to my spiritual gifts I was able to rediscover my soul purpose.

Now I know that my true identity is really to be a Starseed Activator, a Light Worker, and a Galactic Language Channel. By stripping back all the 3D codes that my Energetic Field has carried throughout all these years, I was able to identify what I was meant to do, buried deep under it all.

When your soul is out of alignment from its purpose, it can affect your business because the universe will literally push and shove you to see the right path.

To help you find alignment with your soul purpose, you have to ask yourself, “What would you be doing if nobody had an opinion? What skills do you possess that you enjoy using or playing with?” When you’re able to honestly answer these questions without fear or judgment, that’s when you usually find your soul purpose.

3. Your Business Entity Can Be Your Business Partner

As mentioned before, your business entity has its own consciousness, which means, you can be co-creating with your business and it will understand what you want to achieve.

By channeling your business consciousness, you can be asking it what you want to do or create. What product do you want to produce, or what campaign do you want to launch. Your business entity has its own intelligence, and by tapping into this intelligence you can literally become a co-creator that can help advance the consciousness of the planet.

Along with your business entity’s consciousness, you can create your unique business model that feels most authentic to yourself-expression. Forget about how Elon Musk, Richard Branson or even your business mentor did it. How do you want to do it? In what way can you translate yourself to your business?

When you’re doing something that makes your soul sing, that’s a strong indication that you and your business entity are working well together and in alignment with your soul purpose.

Lastly, try not to get caught up in the outdated patterns of the planet. And what I mean by that is, don’t be scared that you’re doing something that’s completely new or unusual.

In the New Earth, there is no right or wrong way to do things – and I’ve learned this the hard way. You can go to all the best schools and learn from the “masters” of the trade all you want, but in the end, it all boils down to your soul.

What does your soul want to do? What is your soul here for? And are you ready to swerve from the highway and take the rarely-taken road of alignment?

Look inward and dig deep! All the answers are already within you.

See also :

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Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Riya Loveguard is a Quantum Business Strategist bridges the gap between entrepreneurship and spirituality by teaching how to use the energetics of business to establish a successful brand in the physical sphere. Known as The Galactic Linguist, Riya channels multiple Light Languages that carry strong sound frequencies capable of impacting every aspect of your reality. Riya's purpose is to show business people and spiritual practitioners alike that ascension does not have to be at odds with achieving financial success. Riya explains how implementing energy laws into your business is the key to having a fulfilling and impactful life.

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