Written by: Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
…Where is all this coming from? Wherever I look, I am coming across this powerful word called ‘Healing’. Even stronger ‘Self-Healing’. An overwhelming flow of media courses, platforms and resources which seem to be so suddenly available for all those who feel that there is a need to dig deeper into the ‘Soul’. What has stimulated this incredible increase of offerings in this field? And what are these ‘Healings’ which actually touch us and how will they help us change? Apparently, we all have this feeling that change is needed. Change on the inside and so on the outside. Inseparable, interacting worlds, contributing to our ‘Life’s Purpose’.
The accumulation of Selfish Ego-centred thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, which for sure have contributed to severe inhumane treatments of our brothers and sisters. This vibration of being detached from the ‘Heart’ has placed any recognition of ‘Compassion’ in the shadows, moving us further and further away from our own ‘Reality’. We believing that this Earth life is everything there is and moving us into cruel action, hurting others, at times not even knowing what we do. No wonder that this has caused the Earth to respond; sending us the message that ‘enough is enough’. How much further do we like to go with blaming, separating, isolating, fighting and torturing our own people to show off our ‘Selves’ on the pedestal of fame.
No name, no profession, no position, nor strategy or intellect will ever provide us with the security of our own existence, but rather open us up to the battlefield of survival. When will the human ‘Soul’ finally understand this? We have started to destroy ourselves, our inner ‘Selves’ and so our surroundings; to such an extent that the Earth can no longer bear the evil forces, and has started to communicate its incredible strong vibrations, its honest feelings.
Fires, floods, tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes are the emotions of the Earth, telling us over and over again that ‘enough is enough’. And still so many ‘Souls’ are continuing with their inhumane practices. Absolutely heartbreaking! No wonder a Covid-19 had to break out, to call us up for a hold. It is high time for a breakthrough in Self-Realisation. The Realisation of how ‘ill’ the ‘Self ‘has become, how much the ‘Self ‘is in need of ‘Healing’ to be able to save the Earth.
Healing of the human mind with its negative thoughts, excluding the other. Healing of the human ‘Heart’, being detached and holding up destructive emotions. Healing of human behaviour, being reckless and careless in reacting and being driven by the one and only urge for survival. The need of Healing of the ‘Self’ is an absolute necessity to bring us back to our origins; our origins are nothing other than ‘Ultimate Love’. So yes, no wonder globally we are called up for ‘Healing’. No wonder ‘Healing’ has become an urgent matter. No wonder that we have all been thrown into hibernation and forced to reflect on our own inner world. Knowing that change has to start within, and that the world around us will respond to that change as a reflection of the ‘Self’.
So let us understand this incredible flow of ‘Healing’ opportunities and be very thankful for those Light workers reaching out to us. Each one in their own area contributing to a field of Healing which resonates for a specific group of ‘Souls’. For sure for everyone there is a method one can tune into. So let us understand that the Earth is giving us an incredible opportunity to create awareness around our own ‘Life’s Purpose’. The methods which offer us pathways to become aware of our own inner world of deep thoughts, feelings, and actions. The methods which offer us Realisation of our own boundaries. The methods which ask us to get in touch with the chemistry of our own energy, teaching us to detach from emotional life scenarios and circumstances, and to be able to connect with the ‘Unconditional Love of our Heart’.
The destruction of conventional approaches being unavoidable, space will become available for the new. The solving of Karmic conflicts being unavoidable, our ‘real-Life Purpose’ will become visible. Not an easy task because we all have to face the confrontation between the old, which is known to us, and the new, which is unknown. However, this seems to be though the only direction possible, which is moving us forward towards our inner Freedom and so eventually towards our outer Freedom. A direction which will break down all the facades of Selfishness that have been causing the harmful scenes on Earth. A direction which will channel us into the discovery and maintenance of a more ‘Loving Self’ needed for a more peaceful, joyful, and harmonious Earth.
Who wouldn’t like this to happen? Well then, let’s embrace all the opportunities that will help us grow, to create awareness around this ill ‘Self’. And let’s make it a priority to start the individual Healing process today. We have to heal from the inside out and so the Earth will also heal from the inside out. We will meet each other where our feet connect to the soil, our body unites in the water, our breath merges with the wind and our eyes meet the sun. Let this be a rock-solid decision that we all have to take; which we all are responsible for. No other choice is left other than moving with the flow of the,
‘Earth calling us up for Healing!’
Brisbane, Australia
Frida Joosting, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Frida Joosting is a Life Traveler, lead by curiosity into experiences of seeking depth and truth in Existence. Guidance from many spiritual souls like Krishnamurti, Yogananda, Osho, Eghart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Rumi has enriched her Life and moved her into diverse directions. She is an Artist at heart, living a life of service, using intuition and intention for Creation, and allowing Reality to unfold wherever the river flows. From Dancer, Choreographer and Educator transitioning into Writer, Speaker and Business Facilitator, is the never-ending exciting adventure she brings to her audience. Potential Freedom, her inspirational business in Personal Development Programs and Events, offers like-minded travelers to join her in a unique Work / Life Balance experience. And so she says: Live Life Truly, Fully and in Abundance!