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The Divine Feminine Awakening and its Future Impact on Business

Written by: Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


In this article, I will explain Divine Feminine energy, look at how it is starting to affect business trends, and share my prediction of its global impact in the future.

First, a little understanding of the energetic characteristics.

The divine feminine and masculine have specific characteristics, in the diagram below, I have listed just a few of them, and it’s important to understand that whatever gender you are, BOTH the feminine and masculine should be embodied equally – it's that embodiment that today we call The Divine Feminine Awakening.

It is also helpful to understand that the further we venture from the center of balance, the greater the distortion we experience within the characteristics.

Here are some examples:

The Current Effects of Divine Feminine

Since the recording of human history, we have been living in the energy of the Divine masculine. Slowly, we discover different aspects of our history by deciphering ancient texts such as the Sumerian tablets and the red Sea Scrolls, which indicate this has not always been the case. How and why the Divine masculine lost its equilibrium and became, the dominant energy is still a mystery.

But this dominating cycle is steadily coming to a close, with the divine feminine slowly awakening and increasing in momentum exponentially within the last century.

Women, especially those who run businesses or are within the corporate world, have had to work harder to get the same recognition as our equal male counterparts. Is it unfair, unjust, and downright sexism? YES, it is, and that’s all about to change with the ever-increasing awakening of the divine feminine.

As we energetically pass into a new phase of higher vibrational energy on the planet, so too humanity will start to reunite themselves with their gods and goddesses of the essence. The light frequencies they will emanate once awakening touches them will illuminate the centuries of oppression, manipulation, and imbalance.

As the divine feminine warrior enters the workplace, knowing their strengths of love, compassion, justice, and truth, they will start to bring balance to decision-making and political regimes. They will have the strength to challenge systems that not only keep people small but have had the whole of humanity enslaved in a hamster wheel matrix.

The divine feminine energy will start to challenge the unfair distribution of wealth globally. It will illuminate centuries of deceit, game plans, hidden agendas, and corruption, which keep the many working for the few.

We already see the positive effects her awakening is having, large numbers of people taking stock of their life, examining their motives, and reviewing their emotional fulfillment versus their bank accounts and material gains. Challenging the perceptions and definitions of success, wealth, and abundance.

Especially in the last two decades, we have seen a massive increase in fair trade businesses excelling, ethical businesses, soul lead businesses—corporations taking emotional intelligence within their workforce seriously.

The Divine feminine is not gendered specific, but the awakening started with women. Those of us (male or female) that have awoken have a responsibility to maintain, reinforce and continue to build the tenuous bridge of balance this awakening is starting to create.

My predictions for future business

Businesses built from a foundation of greed will crumble, whilst those developed to serve positively and ethically will continue to grow and excel. As the divine feminine starts to flourish, there will be no option but for the divine masculine to take steps towards its center, thus incorporating the divine feminine and creating a natural balance.

We will see a disappearance of the perception of scarcity and thus lose the need for greed. This, in turn, will eradicate the need to hustle or compete for business. Businesses will attract clients from a place of best service rather than clever sales pitches.

Removing the hustle will also free time for greater creativity and innovation, adding greater value and opportunities for all. As the human consciousness rises, businesses will increasingly become more service/ intellectual based rather than product-based. Thus we will see a decrease in materialism, and in turn, less planetary destruction.

In conclusion, the awakening of the divine feminine has nothing to do with a battle of the sexes and everything to do with the survival of humanity and that of our amazing planet.

Want to learn more from Claire? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.


Claire Atyeo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Claire Atyeo is a Female Empowerment Coach & Shamanic Practitioner whose motivation is to inspire and guide women to create realistic, actionable solutions to life’s problems and challenges.

Claire supports women globally to reacquaint themselves with their true essence, realign and rebalance their energies to become unstoppable in their passions, goals, and life desires. As a Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Shamanic practitioner, EFT, Inner child, and Ho’oponopono practitioner, she has many tools to help.

Spiritually based, she may be, but gentle persistence is a strength, a power, and a much-underestimated force. She believes that once women step into their goddess self, un-apologetically on mass, the world will once again restore to balance. In her desire to reach out and affect greater positive change, she opened Athena Academy in 2020.

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