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The Disillusionment Of Arriving

Written by: Nicole M. Augustine, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What do you believe is foundational to who you are? Many people go through life thinking that there is an arrival. That one day, they will get to a specific destination, and everything will be perfect. They'll finally be happy and content. We spend our time pining after the future while neglecting the gift of now. Often in that neglect, we overlook the opportunities to accomplish the simple action step of moving one step forward.

Live in this moment, written on road sign near the mountain.

The truth is, there is no arrival. Growth and change are naturally occur forces in the world. Think about it; we are continually expanding, growing, and changing. Each day you age. Time forces you forward, and thus there can be no definitive "end" to the growth process save the experience of death. And that is okay! In fact, it's more than OK ‒ it's exciting! It means that anything is possible and that our potential is limitless. No matter where you stand right now, if it happens to be a place that you are unsatisfied with, YOU CAN CHANGE. It is through this shift in perspective that I have found my greatest joy. I now understand that I am growing, learning, and evolving each day and in a constant state of being. So why not apply direction to the growth and change process by creating a plan using your words to script one's life?

Instead of waiting for an elusive arrival of a future brighter day, why not focus on the present moment and what you can do to make your dreams a reality? I have found this shift begins by scripting your life with positive affirmations written in the present tense. I already know some of you will read these words and know exactly what I'm talking about. Some of you will read these words and roll your eyes. Heck, I would have done the same thing just a few years ago and thought: "Here we go, with the positive thinking..."

I'm a person of experience and practicality. So in the Fall of 2019, after learning more about monitoring my thoughts and the power of affirmations, I began my own experiment to intentionally change how I was thinking about my life in general. I started listening to positive affirmations multiple times of day, journaling about the life I wanted to live. I've maintained this new personal practice for the last two years and I can say without a shadow of a doubt:

It works!

If you want something different from what you currently experiencing it starts by changing your inner dialogue. The voice in your head matters. Take some time to take an inventory of the tone of voice in your mind. How do you speak about your life? How do you talk to yourself when you make a mistake? What language do you use when things are going great?

If we want to change our lives, it starts with how we see and talk to ourselves. When we change our inner dialogue, everything else follows. So what are some things you can do today to start changing your internal dialogue for the better?

  • Listen to positive affirmations or create your own and listen to them multiple times per day

  • Journal about the life you want live and write it as if it's already existing. For example, you might write, I am so happy and grateful now that I love the work I do. Write your statement in the present tense.

  • Find a mantra that resonates with you and repeat it often throughout the day. Once you focus on creating a positive outlook in life, you will notice how much default negativity is around you every day.

  • Surround yourself with people who support your dreams and cheer you on. Mind work is hard work. You want people in your life who will encourage and help you along the way.

  • Be gentle with yourself ‒ remember we are all growing and learning each day. Any mistakes or disappointments along the way should be seen as opportunities for redirection and stepping stones towards an alternative path.

Life is a one-way journey into the future. Be mindful of our thoughts and you'll craft a future that you truly enjoy. The life you want is waiting for you. All you have to do is create it with your words. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Nicole M. Augustine, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nicole M. Augustine is a social entrepreneur, public health professional, and social justice advocate. She was born in Inglewood, CA, in the early 80s during the decade in America known for the "crack epidemic ." This was her first experience with social injustice, racial inequality, and the roots of trauma that plague many people. Her tale is one of resilience and opportunity, as her grandmother relocated the family to moved Edmond, OK, in the early 90s. After experiencing the stark contrast of both living environments, she became intrigued by the core reasons for differences in community outcomes. Nicole found herself studying sociology and public health and was drawn to understanding the root causes of health disparities. She received her B.A. in Sociology from Cornell University and her Master of Public Health from The George Washington University School of Public Health. Throughout her career in public health, she has focused her work on understanding health disparities and social inequality. Her personal life mission is to drive community and societal change while creating generational shifts in community wellness outcomes.

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