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The Dhanoa Sisters Reintroducing Soft Skills And Community Spirit Back Into The Corporate World

The Dhanoa sisters, founders of ublossom.weblossom bring energy, positivity and first-hand experience of helping Entrepreneurs and Corporate Executives. They enhance the leaders current expertise and further develop their growth, harmony and productivity within the work environment. They focus on turning around challenges usually featured in employee satisfaction survey results, such as feeling undervalued, lack of purpose and poor communication to highlight a few. The Dhanoa sisters guide leaders through their dynamic experience and knowledge in order to create a healthy balance in life which then empowers them and their team to succeed.

Hi sisters! Please Introduce yourself!


I am an experienced certified Jay Shetty Realisation and Fulfilment Life Coach. I guide my clients to realise their life passions and the purpose they truly desire. Empowering them to live life to their full potential and to become unstoppable. I love to see people radiate and flourish when they’re achieving their goals.

I absolutely love travelling and have visited many countries around the world. I am super passionate about meeting new people, learning about cultures, different languages, food and have a genuine interest in people. One of my goals is to visit almost every country in the world to help communities along my journey by sharing knowledge and supporting others. I have taken my experiences from travelling and find it effortless connecting with people from across the world and integrating well within the different cultures and communities. I have also lived in Thailand for a year teaching English to primary school children. During the same period, I volunteered to teach English to Buddhist monks, which was such an honour and an unforgettable experience.

For me, family and friends are the most important aspect of my life, especially spending time with my niece. I feel so grateful for all the experiences and memories I have had so far. My favourite time of the day is sunrise!


I am an ambitious lady who embarked on becoming a full-time entrepreneur in 2020 after leaving the corporate world. One of my biggest passions is to support and encourage others along their journey with positivity, guidance, and instilling self-belief to help them realise their strengths and focus on the opportunities ahead of them.

My most important role in life is being a mother to my beautiful daughter, who I raised independently from pregnancy. Being an inspiration to her drives me everyday to want to continue to achieve more and help others to grow and challenge the concept of ‘just settling’ when something doesn’t feel right.

From having firsthand experience of being in an abusive relationship both mentally and physically, I wished to give back and help others not to take the same path as me, when triggers begin to appear in a toxic relationship. In aid of raising awareness on Domestic and Mental Abuse I published a poetry book on Amazon ‘Forgive Forgotten Sooooo’. I feel honored that my book has opened many opportunities for me to be invited as a Guest Speaker on many podcasts internationally.

To unwind and have some me time, I really enjoy being at one with nature. My daughter and I love going for long country walks and discussing our future and how we are going to accomplish our aspirations.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

Our company name is ublossom.weblossom. We are in the ‘well-being’ space for individuals and businesses. We believe ‘often what you can’t measure is more important than what you can measure’.

Whilst the business has two key strands, ‘well-being’ for individuals and businesses, both are underpinned by a measured, soft and flexible approach and everyone is unique!

By keeping it simple enables our clients to apply our fundamentals into their life effectively and see results in all areas of their life. We encourage a positive mindset and outlook in life.

We offer the following Services to our Clients:

Keynote Speakers at Events

Bespoke Workshops – in person and online

ublossom Programme

ublossom.weblossom Programme

Life Coaching

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

Driven and aspiring Individuals

Entrepreneurs and Corporate Executives

Small to Medium business owners

Why do your clients come to you and what do they ask for support with?

Each of your clients situations are personal and can have a number of reasons to why they wish to work closely with ublossom.weblossom. If we were selecting a few of the common topics of discussion, here are a few listed below.

Self-limiting beliefs

Feeling stuck


Low self-worth

Difficulty saying no



What results have your clients achieved?

Our clients have reported the following results after working with us during a short period of time;

Better relationships with spouses and employees

More clarity

Priorities aligned

Reduced stress

Improved self-awareness

Can be themselves and transparent

Understanding emotions better

More confidence in business

Feeling content

Better focus

What would you like to achieve for your business in the future?

To become recognised internationally for changing/disrupting the workplace as a force for good, for CEOs and employees to work collaboratively, increase happiness, enjoyment, productivity and energy.

We would love to hear that our tools, techniques, and alternative methods have really helped in bringing employees and the CEOs together. That the work environment is more harmonious, productive, vibrant, and profitable as a result.

We are cross sector and non-bias to industries and want to share just how our approaches can conquer and result in more productivity and over wellbeing at work.

What is your work inspired by?

Our work is inspired by our previous experience in the corporate world and how we would like for it to improve and bring forward our alternative solutions. It’s inspired by some great leaders we have had, and some that we believe would have been even greater had they made the time to develop their soft skills.

We have experience in the Employee Recognition sector for some amazing companies and is an area that we feel we can make a difference in by supporting what we believe to be the missing gap in corporate world.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

To bring soft skills into the corporate environment. To encourage companies to show more support, care, empathy kindness to their teams. To support employees and corporate executives with their personal goals and visions. We feel this level of connection would improve retention rates and create a sense of community and belonging.

This feeling of belonging is even more so important now Post Pandemic, where everyone has had the chance to re-evaluate their lives, needs and wants. We want to support corporate executives with the integration of working from home and still feeling a part of the team.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.


2014 was a pivotal year for me, it was the year I used 2 of my 9 cat lives. I thought I was ambitious and driven before my growth in this particular year. Little did I know the strength that was yet to come and how grateful I would be for life. When death stares you in the face twice in one year and decides to give you two chances, you embrace it and run. I took a moment to reflect, plan and take major action, especially after you have had a taster of what no more looks like. So, I stood tall and only kept those in my life that were kind, loving and supportive of my future vision.

I enrolled myself in on a part time BSc (Hons) Construction Management degree to educate myself in a subject I love. I left the retail industry after 17 years and said goodbye to a good managerial role. I started back at the bottom in my 30’s in the Construction Sector and have no regrets. I then gained several years of Project Management experience in the Construction/Aviation Sector and had the privilege working alongside MACE, BBG, T&T and JACOBS.

I shared this today in the hope to inspire and encourage others that ‘change’ or ‘action’ does not have to be because of an extreme or near-death experience. I wish I had taken control of my life much earlier; I wish I had invested in myself and my vision more seriously in my 20s.

For more info, follow them on Facebook, Instagram and visit their website!

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