Written by: Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Overcoming the "victim trap" cycle is the start of making that day come. Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of negativity, where every effort to move forward seems futile? That's the 'victim trap' – a place I know all too well. My journey through life's toughest challenges, including domestic violence, substance abuse, and the complexities of parenting six children, some with ADHD and schizophrenia, led me into this trap. But more importantly, it showed me the way out.

The stark reality of the "victim trap"
The 'victim trap' is deceptively subtle yet incredibly powerful. It manifests in six traits that stealthily undermine our potential:
Blame game players: Those who find fault in everything but themselves.
Wheel spinners: Individuals stuck in situations, making no progress.
Blues singers: People focused on problems, ignoring possible solutions.
Dodgeball pros: Those adept at shifting responsibility and never owning up.
Soap opera stars: Individuals living in a constant state of unnecessary drama.
Pity parade leaders: Those engulfed in self-pity, missing chances for self-improvement.
It deepens through three progressive stages:
Feeling drained: Every day is a relentless battle against negativity.
Silent sufferers: Existing in a muted state, devoid of passion and joy.
Chaos makers: Unwittingly spreading unrest, often unaware of their actions ripple effects.
My breakthrough
Navigating these stages wasn't easy. My turning point came with the realization that living in the 'victim trap' was a choice, not a destiny. This led me to create the Victim Trap Diagnostic Tool as a lifeline for others. I use this tool bi-weekly to stay sharp and aware. For instance, one statement, "I sometimes jump to conclusions without reflecting on the whole situation," revealed a pattern in me born out of a survival mode. There’s no time for reflection in moments of crisis – it's fight or flight. This behaviour, deeply ingrained in me, often spilled over into my professional environment. However, applying the 90-second rule helped me pause in non-crisis situations, allowing me to make more grounded, objective, and collaborative choices instead of unilateral decisions that alienated those around me.
The victim trap diagnostic tool: Your guide forward
This tool is a direct route to self-awareness and change. It demands brutal honesty and benefits from diverse perspectives. It's not just about identifying where you are; it’s about plotting a course to where you want to be. The insights you gain are a roadmap to practical, meaningful changes – changes that can redefine how you live, work, and connect with others.
Embracing change: A path to authenticity
True authenticity emerges from confronting our struggles and choosing to rise above them. It’s about seeing diversity in others as an opportunity, not a threat. Overcoming the 'victim trap' is about altering your responses, perceptions, and the impact these have on your life and the lives of others.
A bold, courageous step forward
As 2024 unfolds, don't just be a spectator in your own life. Use the Victim Trap Diagnostic Tool to begin your transformation. It’s a click away: Victim Trap Diagnostic Tool.
Ready to dive deeper, empower your teams, or bring this vital message to your company event? Connect with me. Let's explore these concepts together and transform your environment: Book a Session with ILV.
Conclusion: The time is now
Waiting for the perfect moment to act is a trap. The 'victim trap' is subtle and pervasive, and every day within its grasp is a day not fully lived. This year, seize the opportunity to act. Don't wait for ideal conditions; they are a myth. Use what you have now and start today. Choose to be the driver of your life, not just a survivor of circumstances. Let's step into freedom and become our best selves.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, a certified reinvention practitioner and transformative thought leader, scales people to be ready to transform, perform, and lead with simplicity. Embodying the philosophy of "Real Talk, Bold Walk: No Bull, Just Guts = Impact Multiplier," she excels in driving meaningful change in corporate and contact center environments. As a survivor of domestic abuse, Isabelle proudly raises six children, including five with ADHD and one navigating BPD, schizophrenia, and ODD. Her academic and real-life experiences have shaped her as a natural, resilient change maker. Her mission: less impress, more involved, creating lasting impacts.