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The Business Tool For Quantum Leaps In Your Results – It’s Not What You Think!

Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Intuition is a remarkable thing! Steve Jobs once famously said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." He was right. Follow your soul – your highest self - it does indeed know the way.

Why is it so important? It's simple. When we don't trust ourselves and question our choices, we don't make the right ones. But when we pay attention, our intuition draws us in the right direction. Learning to trust the guidance it offers is crucial to moving forward with 100% confidence we're on the right path.

So how do we become more open to hearing what it has to say; to allowing our inner wisdom to flow with ease? The good news is that we all instinctively know where to begin. We start by:

  • Asking empowering questions

  • Listening to the softer voice of our Higher Self

  • Learning to notice what we are drawn to, and any internal messages that bubble up

  • Taking action on the guidance we have received

Our inner knowing communicates with us in numerous subtle ways and we must be alert to its gentle nudges. The more we are attuned to listening to these, and the wisdom of our Higher Self, the more we learn to trust ourselves, and the easier it becomes to follow our inner guidance.

But here's where it can get tricky. Sometimes what our intuition is trying to tell us may be muted by the noise of ego and competition; by fear and anxiety. Thoughts like, "I'm just imagining this" or "this is my mind working overtime," can hamper its ability to speak clearly. It stops us taking the appropriate action, which, in turn, limits our expansion. So, what can we do to gain the intuitive clarity we seek?

I work with multi six-figure coaches, business leaders and entrepreneurs, across the globe, who are required to make important decisions – sometimes in a split second – that impact their future. I can say with certainty that intuition, and working with Higher Consciousnesses, is a defining characteristic of their success. Doing so puts you on a path that feels completely aligned to what you seek to achieve; where you're able to use your unique gifts to serve others, whilst creating an abundant life for yourself. Everything feels effortless.

It’s a journey I’ve travelled myself, and one we now teach clients to follow.

The Akashic Records

How is connecting to Higher Consciousnesses different to connecting to our intuition?

A few years ago, I was working through a business plateau, and having made hefty investments to up-level my business, felt huge pressure to "make it work". Instead of allowing growth to flow, I was immersed in proving the path I'd chosen to follow at that time, was the right one. I was in my head, and my ego was leading the resistance, drowning out what my intuition was trying to tell me.

The energy techniques I used weren't working quickly enough and I allowed frustration to bubble up in my day-to-day activity. I felt out of alignment.

By stepping back, focusing more on my intuitive thinking and listening to its promptings, I realised I was connecting more with higher levels of consciousness – and I found myself drawn to learn about the Akashic Records. I discovered that working within them allowed me to connect directly with Ascended Light Masters and Teachers. I was able to dive deeper, in a far more intentional and interactive way, as and when I wanted, to receive guidance directly and clearly.

Since then, I haven't looked back. Creating my business vision, with the Akashic Records, was truly a game-changer. I learned to fully trust myself and align my different levels of consciousness, generating better results than I'd ever imagined, with more speed – anytime I desired.

What are these mysterious Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records, or the Akashic Library, is a history of every thought, word, and action of all living beings throughout time; it's a source of information for every soul's journey. When you access the Records, you open yourself up to the Universe's divine wisdom and support. The knowledge is infinite – you can tap into an energetic archive of all souls throughout time, including past, present and future possibilities. They contain all the spiritual assistance we could ever need in this lifetime – and all lifetimes.

When it comes to learning how we access our Akashic Records, everyone is different, as they exist on a soul level of consciousness, a higher dimension, referred to as the Akasha. Many report encountering guides, angels and other light beings. Some outline experiences of the Records through channelling, or dreams. For others, they see an online spiritual Google, or a huge library, filled with books of information.

By tapping into our records, we are able to access this source of unconditional love, truth and wisdom, which guides us to our next level, from the highest frequency available. It's the fastest way to gain knowledge, clarity and direction, to make the right decisions, right now, to reach goals more quickly. Unlike relying on intuition alone, which can sometimes lack clarity, we receive incisive information directly, as and when we want, when working within the Akashic Records.

The result is a deepening of our spiritual connection; a surge in self-trust, belief and confidence. Allowing our higher self to lead the way, ensures soul-aligned business decisions, easy and speedy growth and multi-figure abundance. To put it succinctly, working in the Records amplifies results, and also acts to fine-tune our intuition.

Don't just take my word for it. It works! As my clients have discovered:

"Working with Louisa and in the Akashic Records has seen my income triple! I've learned to trust myself, trust the universe, trust divine guidance and know, with certainty, I'm on the right path. I now recognise how to be open and willing to receive; to have faith that what's happening is for my best and highest good. What's interesting about working like this is realising it's not an intellectual thing. It's certainly an energetic experience, but it's also a heart-led experience."

The Helix Method

Building your intuition doesn’t need to stop there. Last year when working in the Akashic Records I was guided to create a new energy alignment and manifesting modality.

We call this method, The HELIX Method® and it’s this, coupled with the Akashic Records, that’s the “secret elixir” behind my clients’ manifold successes. It’s an energetic modality combination that fully awakens our intuition, so co-creating all we desire has never been easier.

The HELIX Method® combines the magical lineage of the Goddess Isis’s mystery school with Western energy psychology and manifesting methods. It empowers people to master the art of reality creation, so they can live at their highest potential across all areas of life.

The techniques we use within The HELIX Method® produce rapid transformation. Any trauma or subconscious blocks are dissolved in a nanosecond, so bringing us to perfect energetic alignment with all levels of our consciousness. This makes manifestations not just possible, but absolutely inevitable. It’s an intuitive methodology that once learned, can be used across all areas of life, for life.

I love seeing clients living life to their fullest potential; becoming deeply connected to their higher self-wisdom and tapping into higher levels of consciousness, so feeling more fulfilled than ever before.

Another client, who previously worked in the corporate world for nearly 20 years, explains:

“I liken it to energy kinesiology, but on speed. And it really is! I’d been working with energy for a while – and loved the results I was getting – but this seemed to be a different frequency, a different depth of understanding. I was able to clear beliefs and hidden thought patterns so quickly, and at a deeper level; ones I hadn't been able to find using just energy kinesiology. It feels very different, it feels very expansive. I no longer get stuck in all the ego resistance that gets stirred up when I move to the next level, because I know I am working in harmony with my higher self, to manifest my goals. And the best news is that I’m now able to use these methods to help my own clients achieve similar results.”

Becoming more connected to our inner guidance system and growing in an aligned, deeply intuitive way, creates exponential results. The good news is that these outcomes are our birthright; it’s something we all have the potential to unlock – if only we take the time to listen and allow our intuition to guide us towards our most exciting future.

If you are looking to breakthrough your next income ceiling, with the help of your intuition, and by tapping into a higher level of consciousness, I would love to gift you a FREE Abundance Codes Activation in the Akashic Records, simply click HERE. Or, if you’d like to find out more about how to speedily and effortlessly wave goodbye to the subconscious blocks in your nervous system and transform limiting patterns and blockages, without spending hours doing inner work, then I’d love to hear from you –

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website! Read more from Louisa!


Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is genuinely possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.

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