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The Business Success Power Lifestyle Formula – The One SOP You Forgot

Written by: Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


You know SOPs are a game-changer for a growing, successful business but have you ever created one for the outcome of success and abundance you desire overall? This is more than a business plan. It’s about curating a power lifestyle that ensures your business vision becomes a reality.

businesspeople cheering with business project successful in meeting room office backgroound

People crave success, but when faced with the necessary inner work to rewire the mindset that got them to where they are, they get lazy and look for a simple solution.

So many people are marketing the simple solution to success. It’s easy to chase those shiny objects until your bank account is empty and you max out your credit cards. Then things start to change, and panic sets in.

Maybe one more mastermind, you think. Maybe this time it will work.

There is a simple solution: Think and feel only about what you desire and live that life now.

I said simple, not easy. But even this belief is yours to choose. What if it were easy?

When you create a successful lifestyle for yourself (I like to call this my power lifestyle), you formulate a collection of habits, thoughts, beliefs, rituals, and disciplines that create what you desire. These things set the stage in your body-mind and your environment that attract what you envision. Those habits are made of the same energy. This is how you live that dream life now.

An SOP for Success

Let’s write an SOP for success, a step-by-step guide to achieving your vision. It’s different than a business plan. The foundation of power habits, energy, and intention is the fertile soil, sun, and water for that business plan.

You know SOPs are a game-changer for a growing successful business but have you ever created one for the outcome of success and abundance you desire overall?

Just like an SOP that instructs your virtual assistant, step by step, exactly how to complete a task (like your podcast, graphics, or scheduling), what if we’ve been missing the most important SOP for ourselves and our business?

The power lifestyle SOP maps out how to go about daily life for maximum results, love, money, joy, happiness, health, etc.

There’s one important thing about power lifestyles (and SOPs, for that matter); as you evolve, so do the instructions. SOPs need updating!

Life and business change from moment to moment. The flow of new information, including your own desires, is fast and furious. The short story is: You change; What you want changes; What works changes. Keeping your power lifestyle empowering means you’re open to learning, growing, and updating your SOPs. You become a keen observer of how you feel and what you want and implement the tweaks necessary to get there.

What is a power lifestyle?

Back to the inner work and the shiny objects for a moment.

Part of a power lifestyle is knowing you’re on a self-development journey. Every entrepreneur is on that journey, whether they acknowledge it or not.

This means to get to the easy solution (think and feel only about what you desire, and live that life now), you’ll have to move through the wounds, traumas, bad experiences, blocks, and resistance that keep you seemingly stuck or not moving forward like you think you should be.

Ready to learn something that could change everything? Learn more about why you think, believe, and do what you do. Embrace healing and transformation.

Here are ten ways to do that and begin to create a lifestyle you desire that makes every dream come true.

Your Power Lifestyle SOP

Grab your notebook and pen and move through the questions below to begin curating your ultimate power lifestyle.

What is the current story you live? Journal about your circumstances and observe what moves through. Give yourself five minutes to write out the story of your life.

What do you desire? As simple as this question sounds, it’s a deeper layer I’m suggesting you explore. What lights you up? What do you love? What moves you into action with crazy enthusiasm? This is not what your parents, teachers, friends, mentors, or coaches suggest but what you feel at a soul level. Take a bit of time to sort that out in your journal.

How do you want to feel? Again, simple question, but important to take this to another level. We want things because we think they'll help us feel a certain way. What are the desired feelings underneath your desires? Having enough money in my bank account to generously take care of myself and everyone I love and serve helps me feel free, generous, and excited. The feelings of freedom, generosity, and excitement are all feelings I can reach for now, no matter how much money is flowing.

How do you keep your mind straight? If you put all the negative thoughts you have in a day on one side of a scale, and the positive ones on the other, which side would dip? Are you catching the self-sabotaging BS running through your mind regularly? What are you doing about it? Can you flip your switch to something more helpful? Do you?

How do you keep your body functioning at maximum levels? How’s the sacred vessel you live every day from doing? Are you healthy? Are you fit? Are you flexible? Are you strong? How are your stress levels? Your blood pressure and cholesterol? Do you eat great, nourishing food? How are your energy levels? Nothing great happens from a body that is not optimally functioning. Saying this is a first priority feels like a tired-out reminder, but how is that going for you?

How’s your connection to your purpose? If you’re not feeling connected to life, you won’t feel motivated or inspired. Explore what turns you on. What do you love? What are you grateful for? How do you love to feel? Write it all down. What are you doing daily to maintain your connection? What rituals are you putting in place to feel those feelings? I use journaling and music almost every day.

Does the environment you live in make you happy? I did a tour of my home and office, room by room, with a notepad and wrote down lists of what needed to be repaired or replaced, what I wanted to get rid of, and what I wanted to decorate with. I started with the rooms I spent the most time in (bedroom, office, and kitchen) and started creating spaces I love being in.

The spaces you live and work in should help you feel those desired feelings. I used paint colors, rugs, art, furniture, and organizational tools to make each room feel like a sanctuary. Try a tour of your spaces and start noticing what you love and what annoys you or makes you feel bad. Start with small shifts and build from there.

Do the people in your inner circle help you feel awesome?

The other thing most of us do during the day is relate with others. Depending on your situation, that could mean all sorts of things. Take note of your relationships and the inner circle of people in your life. Who makes you feel awesome? Who does not? Begin with awareness and choose more time with the people who help you feel amazing.

Is your lifestyle in alignment with what you say you want?

Integrity (to your own vision) is essential. You say you want things and want to feel certain ways, but are you choosing thoughts, beliefs, habits, actions, and people that get you there? Or are you stuck in old, unhelpful, unhealthy habits? What small change can you make today to live the way you desire? The gap between where we want to be and where we are now getting much smaller when you realize you can choose to feel love, gratitude, and joy right now.

Do you have time to dream?

The busier you get, the less time you have to dream, which will stop things up. That time to connect to your soul helps keep the flow going. Energy flows, or not. Have you kept yourself so busy that you have no time left to daydream, relax, breathe, think, and bask in the joy of life? Adding more of this kind of time to your power lifestyle may just catapult everything in the direction of your dreams!

Now, go through your answers and craft your power lifestyle SOP. What does your morning look like? Afternoon? Evening? The times in between? What thoughts, mantras, affirmations, and thought pivots do you default to now? What are you saying out loud? Who are you with? What self-care routines do you follow? How do your days, months, and years look? Plan it step by step and review it daily until it becomes how you live. When you fall off the wagon (it takes some time to develop new habits), pick back up as quickly as possible without berating yourself and carry on.

My question now is: Did you skim through these steps, or did you take them on and write pages of notes? How often do you skim the massive amounts of info on the internet but then scroll to the next thing that feels easier instead of doing the work? The breakthrough happens when you do the work. Even working on the one question above that gave you the biggest feeling of resistance will shift something for you.

When I look at something and think, oh, I’ve done that before, that’s how I know to slow down and pay attention. Part of life mastery isn’t recognizing what you already know—it’s discovering what you don’t know. It’s about adopting a learner’s or beginner’s mindset, no matter what stage you think you’re at.

What are your habitual limiting beliefs and behaviors? Find and shift those, and you’ll have the key to creating a powerful lifestyle that changes everything.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube or visit my website for more info!


Laura Di Franco, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, an award-winning publisher for holistic health and wellness professionals. She has 30 years of expertise in holistic physical therapy, 14 years of training in the martial arts, and her company has published over 50 Amazon bestselling books. She's a spoken-word poet, lover of dark chocolate, and has a contagious passion for helping you share brave words that build your business.

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