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The Bulletproof Keto Diet – Lose Weight And Reboot Your Metabolism

Written by: Meghan Jarvis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Let me cut straight to the facts; the Keto diet has been the most successful diet for my clients regarding weight loss. Even my best friend has lost 15 kg since COVID, and she has tried everything under the sun.

Here is our short-formed bulletproof Keto Diet guide to lose weight and reboot your metabolism.

How Does Weight Loss Normally Work?

  • Calories in, calories out

  • Eat less calories, burn the same amount of energy

  • Eat the same amount of calories, burn energy at a higher rate

  • Burn the weight loss candle from both ends

The Standard American Diet and Why You Can't Lose Weight

  • Carbohydrates and the problem with insulin

  • If you want to burn more fat, you have to control your insulin levels

The Keto Alternative

  • Ketosis explained: Burn fat instead of sugar for energy

  • Ketoacidosis = excessive ketones in the blood = RARE

  • Ketosis = more common = healthy

Keep This in Mind Before You Start Your Keto Diet

  • Change your lifestyle instead of going on another diet

  • Think long term

  • Believe that the keto lifestyle works

  • Believe that you can do it

  • If other people can do it, you can do it too

Keto Diet Step No.1: Displace, Do Not Replace

  • The most common problem with diets: they seek to replace instead of blending in

  • Add keto items to your diet

  • Focus more on ketogenic meals

Keto Diet Meal Plan Strategies that Work

  • Focus on fatty food that fits your taste

  • Shoot to feel fuller for a longer period of time

  • Eventually, cut out soda

  • Eventually, cut out grain-based snacks

  • Slowly cut out milk-based snacks

Wind Down Carbs

  • By this point, you have gotten used to eating keto foods

  • Your keto wonder food: eggs

  • Your keto wonder fruit: avocado

Turbocharge Your Keto Lifestyle Results with These Following Tweaks

  • Eat only when you're hungry

  • Drink first when you get hunger pangs

  • Eat slowly

  • Look at each of your meals as some sort of event

  • Eat more mindfully

Take Things to the Next Level with This Modification

  • Start to regularize your meal times

  • Eliminate or significantly reduce snacking

  • Eventually, scale down to one or two meals a day

  • Scale down to one meal a day: intermittent fasting

  • If you can, adopt a day-to-day fasting technique

  • You can do it because other people have done it before you

  • Once you change your lifestyle, you are less likely to go back to your old eating habits

  • 2000-Word Lead Magnet Outline

The 5 Most Common Myths that Stopped People from Trying the Keto Diet

Myth No.1: I'm going to die

  • Ketoacidosis is a very rare condition, and it primarily affects people with type 1 diabetes

  • If you're not a type 1 diabetes patient, you have nothing to worry about

Myth No.2: I'm not going to enjoy my food

  • Most of the food that you are already enjoying is very fatty and very salty; you're halfway there

Myth No.3: High-fat foods are universally bad for you

  • Current research begs to differ: it turns out that sugar and a high-carb diet is the reason why people are sick

  • Fat can be very good for you

Myth No.4: It's very hard to stay on a keto diet

  • There are many high-carb, high-starch foods like rice you could easily replace with keto-friendly ingredients

  • Just because you're used to a certain way of eating doesn't mean there is no keto substitute

Myth No.5: I don't have the time to go keto

You don't have to change your schedule; you just have to zero in on your preferred taste profile and find keto ingredients that meet that flavour profile

The Bulletproof Keto Diet Cheat Sheet

Your Goal: Burn More Fat Passively by Eating FAT. How?

Use FAT as your body's fuel instead of SUGAR

The OBJECTIVE: KETOSIS = Burning fat instead of sugar

Step 1: Resolve to Change your lifestyle instead of going on another diet

  • Think long term

  • Believe that the keto lifestyle works

  • Believe that you can do it

  • If other people can do it, you can do it too

Step 2: Displace, Do Not Replace

  • Add keto items to your diet

  • Focus more on ketogenic meals

Step 3: Make the following Meal Plan Choices

  • Focus on fatty food that fits your taste

  • Shoot to feel fuller for a longer period of time

  • Eventually, cut out soda

  • Slowly cut out milk-based snacks Step 4: Wind DownCarbs

  • By this point, you have gotten used to eating keto foods

  • Start to scale down your carb intake dramatically

  • Eat more eggs

  • Eat more avocado

Step 4: Wind Down Carbs

  • By this point, you have gotten used to eating keto foods

  • Start to scale down your carb intake dramatically

  • Eat more eggs

  • Eat more avocado

Step 5: Step up Keto Weight Loss with the Following New Habits

  • Eat only when you're hungry

  • Drink first when you get hunger pangs

  • Eat slowly

  • Look at each of your meals as some sort of event

  • Eat more mindfully

Step 6: Finetune your Keto Diet

  • Start to regularize your meal times

  • Eliminate or significantly reduce snacking

  • Eventually, scale down to one or two meals a day

  • Scale down to one meal a day: intermittent fasting

  • If you can, adopt a day-to-day fasting technique

How Much Weight Should You Expect to Lose on the Keto Diet?

Make no mistake; the keto diet works just as most other diets on the market work. Think about it. If people did not lose weight after they bought a diet book and carried out its tips and tricks, that book would soon be out of print.

The great thing about the global market for weight-loss products (and all the other markets, for that matter) is that it has a self-adjusting and self-policing internal mechanism. This is called "supply and demand." If a particular product doesn't do what it claims to do, few people will buy it. The word will get out, and people will stop buying that product.

This is why I could say with full conviction that most weight-loss books out there work. Most of those programs do deliver.

The problem is there are two timelines involved. You can't just focus on the first timeline. I am, of course, talking about short-term weight loss. Sure, you go on a diet, and within the first three weeks, you lose quite a bit of weight. Awesome! The problem is, can you sustain it, so you keep the weight off for life?

Sadly, when the conversation turns in that direction, most people fail with most diets. There I said it! The reason is simple. Many of us start to fight ourselves when we try to change ourselves. We're used to doing things a certain way. We have certain food habits just as we develop certain life habits. We are the products of our habits. There's no need to deny this because it's true.

We can make all sorts of excuses. We can come up with all kinds of seemingly reasonable-sounding justifications, but at the end of the day, we are the products of our habits.

The great thing about the keto diet is that it enables us to embrace these habits that we usually feel we should apologize for. If you like fatty foods, then you, like most other people, would probably be talking about feeling guilty that you eat certain things.

You might even try to sweep it under the rug. You might even try to distract people in discussions, but the truth is, you're entitled to that. That's part of your flavour preferences. That's part of who you are.

The keto diet enables you to embrace that within a certain framework. As long as you stick within this framework, your love for fatty food or food that makes you feel guilty will help you lose weight.

Short-Term Weight Loss versus Long-Term Weight Loss

I can say with complete conviction that you can lose quite a significant amount of weight in the short term with the keto diet. Don't be surprised if you lose ten, fifteen, or even thirty pounds or more. If you pair your new keto diet with a moderate-exercise program, expect even more weight loss.

What excites me about this diet is not the short-term weight loss. Let's be honest with ourselves here. Most other diets can deliver on this. As I mentioned, most other diets won't be on the market if they cannot deliver some initial short-term weight loss.

The keto diet is no exception to this. On the other hand, what makes it exceptional is its ability to deliver sustainable weight loss. In other words, you lose weight and keep the pounds off. This makes it exciting, and on this count, I cannot give you a range of how much weight you could lose. It all boils down to whether you can commit to sustainable weight loss using the keto diet.

If you're ready to commit and if you have decided to go on the keto diet, click here to download a bulletproof keto diet plan.

This plan enables you to fully prepare to maximize your chances of success with the keto diet. Please understand that, just like any other diet, if you go into the keto diet completely unprepared, chances are you will fail.

Again, we're not talking about short-term weight loss. We're not talking about the few pounds you lose in the first few weeks. We're talking about the pounds coming back as you stumble and fall later. That's when the whole diet becomes unsustainable.

Thankfully, using our framework, you will get a bulletproof way of losing weight and keeping it off. You have to get into the keto diet the right way, and this framework enables you to do that.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Meghan Jarvis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

A former World Class BMX bicycle racer, Meghan came to Australia to play professional basketball and stayed as a lead lecturer at the Australian Institute of Fitness. Meghan's passion for fitness and entrepreneurialism led her to found WellCorp Health and Wellness and Buzvil, a global health and fitness app. She most recently appeared as an actor and stunt woman in the new Blockbuster 'Elvis', the Portable Door, Aqua Man and has been a 'Ninja' on Channel Nine's Australian Ninja Warrior. She is also the head of Total Gym Fitness Equipment Australia, Suspension Training and Altitude Training International Master Coach, making her an authority on peak performance and an international speaker. Her experiences as an athlete, educational portfolio (Masters of Education and Coaching Science, Kinesiologist, Sports Scientist), entrepreneurial ventures, and enthusiastic character have shaped her as a formidable leader in health and fitness. She believes strongly in the importance of redefining and bridging the gap between physical and mental health. Meghan has guided many people to achieve complete personal breakthroughs and phenomenal mind, body, and business growth.

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