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The Bridge Between 2022 And 2023

Written by: Rita Briffa, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


These are the best days to finish off the year wiser and smarter. What 3 things are you releasing from 2022?

New Year 2023 replace 2022 on the sea beach

I am happy to let go of:

  1. My busyness means keeping myself always doing and thinking deeply.

  2. My over-caring for others which takes so much of the energy that leaves me stretched out and burnt out. And this is often interpreted as controlling them.

  3. My ‘’sense of duty’’ comes from my childhood programming that I should and I must do certain things.

Once I let go and bless the lessons I got from these mindsets; I am now able to:

  1. Focus on my vision

  2. Mindfully working to be more grounded

  3. Making time by working less and adding play.

Which 3 things are you letting go?

Which 3 things are you adopting?

Your vision will create your thoughts. Your thoughts will create action. Action will manifest.

Then focus on your vision, love yourself more and have faith to receive what you ask for.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Rita Briffa, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rita Briffa has more than 20 years of experience in energy healing, herbal remedies, aromatherapy and Encaustic art therapy. In her mid-30s she met Reiki and her life has changed completely. Her encounter with Reiki changed her life from a perspective of a sick child to a wise assertive woman full of health and vitality. She published her book ''My way to Success through healing self-love.'' She gives programmes in Success Self Love coaching both at her Wellbeing Consultancy Centre and online. She gives physical and distances healing with Reiki, Reflexology, Bach flower remedies and Encaustic art therapy. Her passion is helping people to love themselves and sharing this abundant love with others.

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