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The Best Year-Round Gift – Kindness, Smiles, And Mindfulness

Katarzyna Dorosz is a leader in the field of brain performance, mental performance, and improving memory and quality of work. She is a world-renowned expert for senior and mature individuals who also conducts research on longevity. She is also a lecturer and author of several books.

Executive Contributor Katarzyna Dorosz

Your presence is the best gift you can offer to another person. During this holiday season, be close to your loved ones. Offer them your presence, full attention, and deep spiritual connection. Don’t let anything separate you from them or pollute this precious bond with technology, social media, ringing phones, or television.

Smiling photo of Katarzyna

Pause for a moment and reflect: what message of indifference are we sending to those sitting right in front of us if we are busy with our phones, emails, or text messages?

Technology is undoubtedly a significant barrier to our conscious presence with others, but it’s not the main culprit. The main culprit is our mind.

Our mind is like an alarm clock that we cannot control when it rings or what it tells us. You might be sitting face-to-face with someone, physically just inches away, but consciously far away in another world. When someone truly listens to us and is fully present in the moment, we can feel it. Without a doubt, because we sense it.

Those moments when we are fully present with someone, and it is reciprocated, feel like magic!

Part of me feels sad knowing that around the world, families will sit together in their living rooms, surrounded by loved ones but not truly present. Distracted by their own thoughts, phones, or perhaps new gifts.

To be surrounded by those we love most and to be with them not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually, isn’t that worth more than any gift you’ll receive this year?

Make your presence the gift you offer to others because:

"When you love someone, the best thing you can offer them is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?" – Thich Nhat Hanh (Will Aylward – Little Buddha)

Neuropsychologist Richard Davidson has proven through his research that showing kindness positively impacts brain function. Now is the time to tune in and train your brain.

Physical and spiritual presence are the best gifts we can give to our loved ones this Christmas.

I wish you, my dear ones, a truly Merry Christmas.

Smile not only at those around you but also at yourself.

Many blessings to you all! With love in my heart for everyone.


Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Katarzyna Dorosz, Business Coach

Katarzyna Dorosz is a leader in the field of brain performance, mental performance, and improving memory and quality of work.

She is a world-renowned expert for senior and mature individuals who also conducts research on longevity. She is also a lecturer and author of several books.

Katarzyna works with many prestigious American universities about attaining meaningful longevity in Life and how to maintain brain function.

She also supports women around the world through motivational lectures. Her attitude and stubborn pursuit of purpose show how important changes and progress in life are. She is also the author of the TV Show "The Power of Life".

During lectures, she uses the "Educational kinesiology and Emotional intelligence" and developed her own methods of exercises that provide excellent memory, concentration exercises as well as relaxation, and a set of physical exercises to improve the condition (adjusted to the age and flexibility of the body).

In business training, Katarzyna uses the popular Japanese Kaizen method, i.e. a philosophy based on changing lifestyle ‒ an endless process of improving and improving the quality of the company.

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