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The Best Gift Ever – Wisdom and Self-Care – You Already Have it!

Written by: Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Has this happened to you?

The other morning, I went to look for an important document I left out the night before. It wasn’t there. I felt a sense of panic then began to frantically search everywhere for five minutes. Suddenly, out of the blue, a fresh new thought appears, “Look here!” Guess what? “Look here!” is exactly where the document was found! What a relief! You gotta love it!

Have you ever had that feeling of knowing that a difficult situation beyond your control would work out peacefully and okay?

Did you already know your flight would be delayed before you got to the airport?

Have you ever veered off your regular exit to go home because you had a feeling traffic could be backed up?

Did you ever receive a solution to a problem while in the shower?

Did you have insight into something that was bothering you that totally cleared it up for you?

I am sure you’ve had many experiences like this.

This is your wisdom speaking. Wisdom comes from within. Often arrives out of the blue as a fresh new thought and is accompanied many times by a good feeling.

How does this happen? Well, we humans have a default feature we are born with. It’s called innate wisdom. It’s our internal GPS that guides us through life. It’s always there. Like the blue sky, it’s constant; it never goes away.

So how do you access wisdom? When our mind simmers down from thought storms, which it does, because the mind self-corrects itself, wisdom speaks.

Most people say, “how do I do that?” They look outside for “how-to” strategies to quiet the mind down.

Have you experienced glimpses of overwhelming feelings of peace, joy, happiness, and contentment for no reason at all? Most people I talked to have had this experience. This is exactly what happens when the mind simmers down. We have access to living more in the flow of life regardless of circumstances.

We often have misguided attempts to find clarity, peace, calm, happiness, wisdom, etc. Truth be told, you have all that already. It’s always there; it never goes away. Every human has access to it. The more we look outside for “how-to” is when we are further away from living from our innate gifts.

In fact, you don’t need to do anything. This is the BEST kept secret.

The mind's natural state is clarity. Through clarity, the mind self-corrects, you’ll automatically be brought living more from innate wisdom, innate resilience, and innate well-being.

Recognizing you are in a thought storm minus analyzing or poking the bear is that is needed.

From that place, something new will occur on how to deal and handle a problem or a solution, to something that will arise. A new idea may appear. Whatever it is, you’ll know what to do at that moment.

Wisdom allows people to see beyond their filters of conditioned thinking. Their heart is open, and they see people with more love and understanding. They spend life thriving instead of trying to cope, manage or survive in life. Wisdom brings common sense to those who can hear it.

Amazing, right?

I’ve got so much more, which is why I am bringing to the world in Jan of 2021 The Best Gift Ever Program!

Would you like to hear about the best gift ever?

You might be thinking, “A trip to the Bahamas!” or “A manicure” or “That new designer purse I’ve been eyeing.”

And not that those wouldn’t be nice... but when you go to the Bahamas, get a manicure or show off into that new purse, you’re still who you’ve always been on the inside.

But what if you could get a full upgrade on your inner experience so that every outer experience you have feels newer, richer, and more fulfilling?

People get into trouble because they think their feelings, thoughts, and moods are generated from the people, events, and circumstances outside of them, but what’s really true is that we’re creating it all - and we don’t see it - because we don’t understand - how the mind - actually - works.

However, when you understand how the mind works, you start to create your life consciously minus looking for how to do so with tips, tools, or strategies.

Once you know how something works, you have less on your mind. You don’t have to remember how your car works; you get in and drive. Same thing, when you know how your mind and the nature of thought work, you see it for what it, there’s nothing to do, you know how it works.

And this is exactly the foundation of my new 8-week game-changing course called “The Best Gift Ever” program.

“Wisdom cleans the channels of your mind and brings sanity into your life. You must find it for yourself.” Syd Banks

You're always okay. You always have self-care available to you. It’s only when you think you’re not okay.

Are you ready to start to live all the unlived life in you? I invite you to check out the link here.

Follow me on Facebook for more information!


Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

I’ve been a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve been a yoga teacher with consistently sold-out classes and a professional hypnotherapist, successfully curing some of the biggest fears and phobias people have.

All of this, plus studying with some of the highest level teachers on the planet, has led me to understand human nature that I use to help strengthen professional women, shed their old beliefs, and become the potent, prosperous leaders they’re here to be.

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