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The Benefits Of Topical & Homeopathic Arnica In First Aid Usage & For Concussions

Written by: Ida Fanelli, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ida Fanelli

Arnica Montana is a perennial flowering herb in the sunflower family whose extract is in gels, creams, tinctures, massage oils, tablet forms, and homeopathic remedies.

Photo of Arnica Montana plants

Topical first aid usages of Arnica


Common topical first aid usages of Arnica include bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis, insect bites, and swelling from broken bones and concussions. More recent studies suggest it may also be helpful in the treatment of burns. 


Homeopathic Arnica


Homeopathic Arnica has even more potent curative properties than Arnica in its herbal form. The specific preparation of the homeopathic remedies process includes dilution and vigorous shaking (known as successions) that concentrate the energy of the substance, thereby increasing its healing powers. Aside from first-aid accident applications applied to unbroken skin in the short-term, Homeopathic Arnica taken internally can also aid in healing concussions, be utilized pre-and post-surgery, reduce swelling, bleeding, pain, and much more. 


Understanding ingredients and their holistic and health benefits is a part of being an aesthetician. As a Certified Holistic Aesthetician and Reflexologist, I first heard about Homeopathic Arnica from Zanqara, a Holistic Vegan skincare line I have faithfully utilized since 1994.


I received homeopathic first aid education and instruction in the dermatician course when studying to be a Holistic Aesthetician from the Zanqara Skin Care Company, whose ingredients in their skincare products included Arnica for helping those with sensitive skin conditions and Rosacea that had all shown positive and wonderful results! The Zanqara training instructed me to use Arnica in any instance of trauma, bruising, swelling and sprains. Little did I know how crucial that information would be in a family crisis. 


A personal testimony

In late December of 2016, my husband had qualified for the Boston Marathon, and while doing a training run, he slipped on a wet, slippery surface and fell, hitting his head on the ground quite hard. The fall rendered him temporarily unconscious, and when he awoke, he was blinded in one eye by a damaged optic nerve from the impact (see Part Two at the end of this article), and the left side of his face was left bleeding, bruised, and swollen. He found his way home alone, 3.5 km in the dark and slumped into the nearest chair. After finishing my last appointment with a client, I was horrified to find him in such a shocking condition. Still, I immediately grabbed some Arnica gel, applied it to the swollen areas on his face, and gave him a homeopathic Arnica Tablet to take internally. Knowing that he needed medical attention because he was also coughing up blood, I took him to the nearest hospital; a CAT Scan thankfully confirmed that the internal bleeding had stopped, but the doctors also believed that he had developed a concussion from his fall. 

They also x-rayed him to discover he had cracked his skull, and a tiny bone pierced his left optical nerve, which caused his blindness. 

His face was still swollen when the hospital released him three days later.  Still, when he returned home, I continued giving him Homeopathic Arnica tablets four times daily until the swelling resolved itself.  Everyone was surprised when, a week later, aside from no further internal swelling, the swelling on his face was also gone.

His doctor recommended physiotherapy treatment, and although my husband was reluctant to seek this kind of treatment at first, he eventually did. After only six sessions, the physiotherapist felt he no longer needed to continue since his physical recovery was fast. The physiotherapist had recommended lots of rest (which wasn’t an issue since my husband felt the need to sleep a lot), a reduction in his exposure to electronics, as well as an avoidance of alcoholic drinks since she stressed that alcohol would destroy the very brain cells that he desperately needed to rebuild. Before he saw the physiotherapist, my husband had had only one drink to celebrate New Year’s Eve that year, which only served to make him feel dizzy and off-balance, which proved her recommendation.


In early January of 2017, only two weeks after the doctors diagnosed my husband’s concussion. A friend notified me about attending an upcoming seminar on how to help concussion sufferers. The speaker had quite a bit of experience with many athletes who had suffered concussions during their careers, and she informed us that the human brain is nearly 60 % fat. As a result, healthy fats stimulate neurogenesis - the growth and development of nervous tissue. She further stated that the remaining 40% of the human brain combines water, protein, carbohydrates and salts and that for concussion sufferers, it was essential to begin a healthy diet with high amounts of healthy fats such as omega-3s, coconut oil, olive oil, salmon, sardines, avocados. She also stressed the importance of including the supplement Astaxanthin, one of the most potent antioxidants found in nature (See Part Two of this article to find out more about Astaxanthin). Aside from the use of Arnica Montana, this information was also vital in terms of the dietary supplementary needs for anyone who had suffered a concussion for maximum results, and it equipped me with more critical knowledge on how to help my husband recover from his concussion.


By March 2017, an appointment with my husband’s family physician confirmed how fortunate my husband was to have healed so quickly and so well, and he reminded him that the consequences of the accident could have been far worse. Amazingly, my husband recovered to the extent of returning full-time to his business as a beekeeper (Honey Farmer) — only three months after his accident and concussion diagnosis. Later, I wondered, if I hadn’t utilized the topical and Homeopathic Arnica in the first place, how his recovery would have been, even though he had met his dietary and physical needs.


Upon further study, I discovered that Arnica Montana is the most frequently used homeopathic medicine for concussions. People who receive Arnica at the beginning of a concussion do not have the long-term side effects of a concussion. Its use can even take the place of surgery, which is required to relieve excessive swelling that can cause further harm to the brain and the eyes. It is helpful for any trauma with bruising, swelling, or pain because it is a vasoconstrictor which constricts/narrows the blood vessels and helps to speed up the circulation. It contains many inflammation-fighting plant compounds, such as sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. As such, it’s believed to help with pain management.




In my work, I’ve heard many stories from clients concerning their experiences and the aftermath of a concussion; even some with less traumatic injuries than my husband had and who also received rehabilitation still had worse outcomes. The consequences and long-term effects of their concussions took their livelihoods away for years or longer. 


My husband was fortunate that he didn’t have to worry about any precautions, interactions, and the like associated with Arnica (as listed at the end of this article). I am grateful that he didn’t have any of the long-term side effects that accompany some of those who have had concussions. A year after his accident, he was able to start having the occasional alcoholic drink, and his running coach stated that his balance was also excellent. After qualifying a second time for the Boston Marathon after his concussion in 2018, I am happy to report that he could participate in the 2019 Boston Marathon with a well-clocked time! 


For part two of this article, Click here


Arnica Montana precautions 

Do not apply Arnica to broken skin because the body will absorb it. 

The flower Arnica is a flavour ingredient in beverages, candy, baked goods, and other foods. It can be poisonous when consumed in more significant amounts.


Interactions with medications

Do not use Arnica with blood-thinning and slow-clotting drugs like anticoagulants or antiplatelets because of its ability to prevent clots from forming. Arnica is a photosensitive substance. Pure arnica tincture can be unsafe when taken by mouth. 


Pregnancy & breast-feeding 

Do not take Arnica tincture by mouth or apply it to the skin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as it is considered unsafe.


Allergy to ragweed & related plants

Do not take Arnica if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, and daisies. Check with your healthcare provider before applying Arnica to your skin. Do not take Arnica by mouth.


Stop using Arnica at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery, as it might cause extra bleeding. It is better to use it after surgery to reduce swelling and bruising. Taking the oral form is also helpful after dental work. 

Get some Arnica today. It’s a tremendous first-aid product



Dilute Arnica Montana’s mother’s tincture or it may cause side effects like nausea, rapid heart rate, and bruising or bleeding.

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Ida Fanelli Brainz Magazine

Ida Fanelli, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ida is a certified aesthetician (graduate of Marvel School of Beauty), offering home-based services since 1994. Ida provides various holistic services; she graduated from Zanqara’s Holistica Skin Care’s Dermatician course in 1994, which required her to understand homeopathic remedies. Ida has been a certified reflexologist since 1993 (graduate of D’Arcy Lane Institute). She has also been practicing Healing Energy since 1998 and has added the Ion Cleanse Foot Detox to her therapies. In 2012, Ida became a certified Sharplight Laser (IPL) Technician. She enjoys learning new techniques which can benefit her clients. In 2019, she received certification from the Center for Pain and Stress Research (CPSR.) She can now speed up the healing of scars and help with pain caused by surgical scars to her list of specialties.



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