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The Asking Pledge – Ask And It Will Be Given To You Pressed Down Shaken Together, Shall Men Give Unto You

Brenda K. Johnson is a multi-focused retired U.S. Army Officer and businesswoman who has lived and worked internationally in both beautiful and dangerous locations. Brenda grew up in a single-parent home with a business-owning mother. She has volunteered with many veterans and prison reform organizations and currently is a board member for Keystone College in Pennsylvania.

Executive Contributor Brenda K. Johnson

Can I please have five minutes of your time to hear me out? I am Brenda K. Johnson, a retired U.S. Army Major with over twenty-three years of service and two adult military children. My daughter is a Navy veteran with over eight years of military service and a Master’s Degree in Social Work and was inducted into the Honor Society at Marywood University. My son has had thirteen combat missions with the Air Force and is still on active duty with over fourteen years of military service. He also completed his Bachelor of Science degree in counterintelligence while on active duty, graduating with honors Summa Cum Laude. We are all volunteers with various organizations. In addition, I sit on the Board of Keystone College as a Trustee and am also the former Vice President of Lackawanna County NAACP. And I volunteer at the American Legion as the Sergeant-At-Arms. As you can tell, helping people is an important part of my life.

photo of Brenda K. Johnson

I am also a number one best-selling author of my collaboration with other powerful people with the

book Institutive Living, A Practical Guide for Women Who Want to Know Themselves. You can find me at Brainz Magazine’ where I am a Senior Level Executive Contributor writing articles on various topics.

Prison reform volunteer

Being an activist in prison reform and while visiting the prisons, I became overwhelmingly astonished at the number of prisoners who had turned to writing as a means to express their remorse for the communities they left scarred by these actions as well as the hardship they heaped upon their own families (often poor and fatherless) leaving many heartbroken and unsure of how to help them. They have also expressed their hopes and dreams for the future and the world in these writings.

These men and women write with voices that are rarely heard except in courtrooms and therapy sessions tucked away in unfamiliar prison warehouses. The land of forgotten men and women. Upon reading a lot of their writings, I have concluded that there is a lot that goes on in the making of the ‘incarcerated.’ And if the world could read their stories this may help to change the views of those behind bars. It is your change of view that may give them a shot at redemption. One of my goals is to raise funding for several of these well-written books from some of these men and women to get their books, poems, and other phenomenal writings published, giving them a chance at writing for a living as opposed to crime. I was talking to one man in particular whose book is completed and, in my opinion, would sell or could even be turned into a movie, he said, “I learned something from Jackie Robinson. My abilities are only limited by the lack of opportunity of those who think less of me.” He was asking for a chance and once given one that is why we know his name in history today. An investment in humanity and an opportunity for redemption to prove one's self-worth is all these individuals ask.

Afghanistan interpreter’s story

My Afghanistan interpreter and his family need help too. They missed the flight to leave Afghanistan in 2021 and have been running for their lives ever since. All the Afghans who helped Americans are now in mortal danger. When I lived in Kabul, Afghanistan Addullah was the first person that I met and he became my driver, interpreter, general contractor, and bodyguard. I am also raising the funds to get them to a safe country. There are eight people in their family and visas, airfare, and housing to get started is needed. Abdullah has many talents and we have an opportunity for him to start a business in America with the capital to get them relocated.

While in Afghanistan I started a businesswomen’s mentorship program. I was pleasantly surprised at the focus and endurance of these gifted women. Using their hands and imagination to create amazingly unique items that they sold to help their families live. Now under Taliban rule, women are no longer able to work, attend school or college. I also worked with the American University of Afghanistan with powerful, smart intelligent female students who can no longer attend school. Being a Trustee at Keystone College in Pennsylvania, they have agreed to accept twenty-five female students into the university which would include room and board. We only need the resources to get them here for the opportunity to continue their education. I was interviewed three times by the Scranton Times Newspaper about my Afghanistan interpreter’s plight.

Raising funds

I was instrumental in raising funds for my interpreter in Afghanistan to help him and his family escape from Afghanistan with his family before being forced to return to obtain visas.

Missionary work in Uganda

While living in Uganda I purchased land in the village of Ntungamo. There were many orphans there whose parents had died of aids. We opened an orphanage to ensure they had education, housing, food, and clothing. Most had nothing and begged for a living. We need to build a real building for the orphanage school and dormitories for housing. We also need to dig a well for clean water. The kids are carrying huge five-gallon containers on their shoulders up the mountain for water. They have no electricity either. Solar panels would be wonderful and the most cost-efficient method that would also provide a method to connect to the internet.

'It is written, “Ask and you will receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you.” I am asking of those with a heart to give and of those with the resources to bless others. The budget has already been created for your review. Please help me to help others who have no place else to obtain the funds. I thank you in advance for reading this story and giving to save lives.

While in the military as an officer I managed a fifty-million-dollar budget. I have created a budget for the expenditures that I am asking for. My heart is open and I know the right people will see this article and provide the funds needed to help others to live. Fundraiser link and here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Brenda K. Johnson, Powerful Women's Business Coach

BRENDA K. JOHNSON is a multi-focused retired U.S. Army Officer and businesswoman who has lived and worked internationally in both beautiful and dangerous locations. Brenda grew up in a single-parent home with a business-owning mother. She has volunteered with many veterans and prison reform organizations and currently is a board member for Keystone College in Pennsylvania. Coaching basketball for girls led to establishing a women’s basketball team for a College in Doha, Qatar. Brenda is a writer and motivational speaker.

Brenda K. Johnson is using her years of experience as a military training officer and business owner to write and share her professional heartfelt experiences as a co-author in Intuitive Living. Her chapter entitled “S + S = Success” elevates women leaders, providing them with the tools to achieve their ambitions. As the founder of the Powerful Women Business Academy, Brenda coaches and mentors women empowering women to live their business dreams and contribute to the world by assisting others.

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