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The Art Of Patience

Wallace Shane Giron Dharmasena is an individual with an undying passion for the art of literature and filmmaking. He is the creator of Reflections, a page that focuses on forging thought provoking, heartfelt, and hopeful works of poetry. An author of multiple books, his most notable work being "You, The Beauty & The Madness In Between."

Executive Contributor Wallace Shane Giron Dharmasena

In a day and age where everything is within our reach by the snap of our fingers, waiting is truly a test of sheer will and endurance. In all honesty, it is an aspect that has long been forgotten, taken for granted, and substituted for quickness and ease. It brings forth the question to the minds of many, “Why wait?”. Yet, despite the evolution of the human race, making our daring attempt to make any and everything accessible by the click of a button, there are still some things that you can’t rush. Some things still require an enormous amount of time, which then brings up yet another question to the mind.

a man and a woman sitting in lawn chairs with a dog

Why do we rush?

A question we must ask ourselves, when faced with such pursuits. Funny enough, the answer to that question correlates with time. In an article published on March 2nd 2024, by the New York Times, it is said that the reason most, if not all of us, rush into things without hesitation is the feeling of being too late. That aching thought, that continues to linger in the back of minds. Considering factors such as how we’ve spent our time in the past, and most importantly our age. And so, this fear often leads us to making miniscule or monumentally bad decisions that we inevitably regret. 

Is it worth the wait?

Another question that is worth pondering on, occasionally. Especially when it comes to decisions that are related too, your relationships, career paths, personal growth, and your craft. These things take time, an enormous amount at that. You really have to contemplate, meditate, and even pray on it. For these are decisions, that could greatly impact your life as a whole. They can’t be something that is “half-baked”. It’s going to require you a tone of understanding, empathizing, self-reflection, and patience. But we all know that our time is anything but infinite. Therefore, you yourself must decide on whether it’s worth the long and winding journey that you’re going to have to embark on. It is up to you to decide, whether any of it, if not all of it, is truly worth the wait.

Patience is key

Whether it be life-altering decisions or simple tasks that you carry out on your day to day, patience is always a good trait to have and apply. Therefore, if you’re struggling to be patient, or have that urge to constantly rush things for the sake of getting it done, here are a few practices you can try out that would help:

A show of faith

We can hone our skills and capabilities to utmost perfection, however there is always a tad of room for doubt to creep in. That doubt, of not being adaptable enough, quick enough, or efficient enough to keep up with this ever-changing world of ours. Desperately attempting to be on par or even surpass the skills and outcomes of others at a much quicker pace, just so that we don’t fall behind. But in the end, what does that really get us? Low quality outcomes, or mediocre at best. When we could’ve just been a little more patient with ourselves, and shown a little bit of faith towards ability, to get things done, to grow, to cultivate, and to create, the way we do it best. By giving ourselves a little bit more room to breathe, and taking our own sweet time.

Fall in love with waiting

If you really think about it, there is a certain beauty to waiting. Simply the anticipation that comes with it. The build up of thoughts and emotions throughout time, whilst you indulge yourself in your work and relationships. Putting in that well-needed time and effort. Building it all from the ground up, brick by brick. Seeing the way it changes as the days go by, letting go of control, and letting life grab hold of the steering wheel every once in a while. Directing you in a specific path, that is much more worthwhile and surreal, than you could’ve ever imagined, despite it being accompanied by countless failures, heartaches, and setbacks. For there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a flower bloom, withstanding those stormy days on its natural course of life. Now, if that is worth the wait, then I do not know what is. 

You are never too late

No matter how much time passes by, be it in your 20s, 30s, even 50s, you are never too late. In the words of Philip C. McGraw, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint”. Therefore, whenever you feel like you're falling behind or running out of time, remember that you are on your own path, you are pursuing your own marathon. You are in competition with no one else, but yourself. Therefore, despite the limited amount of time you have, don’t rush it. Be patient with yourself, give yourself the time to do what you need to do, the best way you see fit. For at the end of the day, that it will in turn bring out the best of you, in your relationships and in your work.

Good things take time

It isn’t going to be easy, you are going to feel frustrated, insecure, and doubtful, on whether it will work out. Yes, you’ll have your strides of victories and good times, but you’ll also have an equal if not greater amount of struggles and obstacles to overcome. Whether it be an artistic masterpiece, a soothing and riveting melody, a delicious and nutritious meal, or a loving and fruitful relationship. Things that are deemed worthwhile often take the longest time, and require the greatest amount of patience. However, if you do pull through, and your patience withstands the test of time; then I guarantee that you will be rewarded with blessings that our mortal minds cannot comprehend.

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Wallace Shane Giron Dharmasena, Author

Wallace Shane Giron Dharmasena is an ecstatic, spontaneous, and hopeful mind. Born with a condition known as Hydrocephalus, which has endowed him with difficulty in walking, coordination, balance, and ridicule in terms of his appearance. He aims to spread a message of hope and redemption in a reality plagued with endless amounts downfalls, dread, and misery. A message that encourages people to look inwards and realize the beauty and goodness that lies within every individual.


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